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��14�5731 <br /> aE�Q �F -r�usT <br /> ���I7tinu�d� Page � <br /> casts and expenses of opera#�on an�vallect[an attarne�►s'fees,to any indebtsdness secured by this Deed <br /> af Trust, aIl �n such or�er as Lender may detarmine. The �n#er�ng u�an an� taking possesslon of th� <br /> Praperty, the c��le�t�on �f such rents� �ssues ar�d prafits, and the app��c�t�an thereo#shall n�t cur� ar <br /> waive any defau[t ar n�t��e�f d�fault under#his Deed af Trust or�nvalidate any ac�d�ne [n response ta <br /> such�efault or�ursuant ta such not�ce of d�fault;ar�d�natwlth�tanding the cont�nuar�ce fn passess�on of <br /> the Proparty ar the �opection, r�ce�pt and a��l�catian of rents, issues or profits, Trustee ar Le�der shal! <br /> be enti#!ed tv ex$r�ise ev�ry r�ght prov���d for�n the Cred�t��reernent or the Relate� Qa�um�nts �r by <br /> iaw upfln the o��urren��af any event of default,�nc�ud�ng the rfght to�xsrcise the pawer of sal�; <br /> �b} Corrzrrt�r�ce�n ac#ion to foreclase this Deed af Trust as a mart�age,appa�nt a receiver ar specificafl�r <br /> enforce any af th�c�ven�nts her�af;aRd <br /> �c� D�Civer to Trus#ee a writt�n dec�a�ation af dsfault and demarnd for sale arrd a writ#en naf��af d�fault <br /> and e���tion to cause Trus#o�s interest in the Pr�perty tv bg s�id�which n�t�ce Trustee shail cause t�b� <br /> duly ffed far rec�and in the appr�priate offic�s af the Go�nty in which the Rroparty�s�aGated;and <br /> �d� W�th respect ta a1�ar any part�f the Personat Pr�perty, L�r�der sha�l have all the r�ghts and rern�d�es <br /> af a secured party under th�Nebraska Un�form�ornm�rcfa!CQde. <br /> Farec��sure hy Power of 5a�e. [f Len�er elects to far�close by axerc�se of the P�wer of SaRe h�rein canta�ned. <br /> Lend�r shall notify Trus#ee and �hal�depos�t w�th Trustee this Deed�f Trus#$Rd th��redit Agreemen#an� <br /> such rec�ipts aRd e�iden�e of expenditures made and secured by th�s Qeed of Trus#as Trust��rr�ay reg�ire. <br /> �a� Upan receipt�f such noti�e irom L�R�er�Trustee shatl caus$to be r�corded�puh�i�hed�n�delivere� <br /> ta Trustor such iVotice of Default an� Nat�ce of Sa�e as then requ�r�d by iaw and by this Deed of Trust. <br /> Trust�e shail, withaut aernand on Trustor, after such t�me as ma�► th�n be requ�r�d �y faw and after <br /> recardat�on of such Nat��e af Def�u�#and aftsr Noti�a af Sale having been g�Wen as re�u�rsd hy law, se[I <br /> the Pr�perty at the t�rne and plac� o#sale flxed by it in su�h N�ti�e af Sale, ��ther as a whal�, or �n <br /> separat��ats Qr parcefs�r�tems as Trust�e sha[1 deern expedient,and �n such ar�er as it may d�tennine, <br /> at pub��c auctl�n#a the highest b�d��r far cash �n I��vful money af the United States payab�e at the time <br /> �f sa�e. Trustee sha1� deliWer to such purchaser or purchas�rs therea��ts good and suf�i�ier�t d�ed �r <br /> de�ds conveying the pro�erty so said, but with�ut any c�venant or�rarranty, �xpr�ss or imp�ied. Tl�e <br /> r$citals in such de��of any matt�rs or facts shafl be coRc�usi�e proof of the truthfu�n�ss trt�reo�. Any <br /> person�in�luding withaut�imi#at�an Tn.�star,Trustee�or Lender,may purchase at such�a�e. <br /> �b� As may be permitted by �aw* af�er de�u�ting all �asts, fees and ex�enses af Trus�e� ar�d af this <br /> Trust,includin�costs af e�ider�ce o�titl$�n connect�ar�with sa�e,Trust��shaCi apply th�pr�ce�ds�f s�ls <br /> ta payment af �ij a�l sums expended ur��er the t�rms �f this Deed af Trust ar�Rder the terms �f the <br /> Credit Agreament r�ot then tepa�d, �ncsuding but r��t I�mft�d ta a�crued �nt�rast and [ate char+ge�� ��i� alz <br /> ather sums then sscured hereby,�nd (iii�the�err�a�nder,if ar��, ta the��rscn ar per�ons��gaAy�ntitl�� <br /> theret�. <br /> �c� Trus�ee may in th$manner provided�y law pastp�n�sale af aC1 ot any portian of th�Prop�rt�r. <br /> R��ned�es I��t Exclushrs. Trus��e and L�nder, ar�d �ach of them� shap be entitl�d tv enfar�e p�yrnent and <br /> perF�rmar�ce of any�ndebtedness�r ob�igations securet��y this Dee�af end to exercise a�l r�ghts ar�d pow8r� <br /> under this D�d of Trust, under the Cr�d�t Agreement, under any�f th� R�lated Do�u�rnents, ar ur�der any�ther <br /> agrsement ar any laws now �r her�after� in far�e; r�otwith�t�r�d�ng, s�me or a11 �� s�ch ind�btednsss aRd <br /> 8b�igations se�ured by this��ed af Trust may now�r hereaft�r be othenrvise secured.vwhether by mortgage,d�ed <br /> af trust� p�edge,1ien, assignrrtent ar atherwise. hla�th�r th�avGep�Rce af this Dee�of Trust r�or its�nforesmer�t, <br /> wheth�r by� �ur�a�tion ar pur�uant ta th� pawer of sale �r�ther powers cantained in this Deed�f Trust* sh��! <br /> pr$�u�ice vr in any manner aff�ct Trustee's ar Lender's rcght t�r�ealize �pon Qr en�arce any ather secur�ty now or <br /> her�a�#er he[d by Trustee flr Lend�r, it beir�g agreed that Trustee an�Lender,and each af thsm,sha11 be ent�tl�d to <br /> enfarce this Deed of Trust and an�r othar securit� naw ar h�reaftar held by Lender�r Trust�e �n su�h order�nd <br /> manner as they ar either of tham may in th��r absofut� d�scretian ��termine. hla remady c�nferrQd upon ar <br /> reseraed ta Trustee or Lender, �s �ntended ta be excluslv� af any �ther r�m�dy in this Deed ��Tru�t vr by !aw <br /> pr�vided Qr perm�tted� but each sh�ll �e cumula�tive and shail be in additl�n ta �very� ath�r rem�dy giv�n in this <br /> Deed of Trust or now or hereaft$r�xistir�g at 1aw or in equ�ty ar�y statut�. Errer�parnrer�r rem�dy gi►►en b�the <br /> Cr�dit Agr��m�nt or �ny �f the Relat�d D�cuments to Trust�e a� Ler�der ar to which e[ther of th�m may be <br /> athen�vis� entitled, may b� exer�ised� cancurrently ar indeper�dentiy, fr�m t�m�to tim� �t�d as often as ma�r be <br /> de�m�d expedient b� Trust���r Lender' and either of thern may ��[ts�e lr�cans�st�nt r�medi�s. Nathing �n thi� <br /> Deed Qf Trust�hat! be construed as pr�hi�it�ng Ler�der fram s�ek�ng a�lsficisncy���grr��nt aga�nst the Trustor to <br /> th e extent s u�h a�cti�n is pe rm�tted�ay!�w. <br /> Ele�t�or� of Remed�es. All of Ler��e�'s rights and rerr�ed�es wv[II �e cum�fativ� �nd r►�ay be �xsrcis�d a1�n� or <br /> t�g�ther. if Ler���r dac�d�s t�spend money�r ta perform any� of Trustar's ob[i�ations un�er#his Dsed Qf Trust, <br /> after Tr�stQ�s failure to do sa*tF�a���c��ian b�Lender w[1l not affe��L�n�er's r�ght to ��clar�Tru�tor�n default <br /> �nd t�ex�rcis�Lende�s remedl�s. <br /> Reau�st f�r Nattce. Trustar, on behal��f Trust�r ar�d L�nder,har�by req���ts tl��t a copy�f$ny Notl�e o�Default <br /> and a copy af any NBtice o#SaEe under this De��of Trust be ma�Ee�ta th�m at the addr�ssas set farth�n the first <br /> paragraph of thi�Deed vf Trust. <br /> AttQrr�eys' Fsas; Expenses. If Ler�der institUtes arry suit or a�tion to enforc� any af the t�rms of th�s D�sd �f <br /> Trust, Len�er shall be$ntitled ta recovar such sum as the c�urt may adju�ge raas�r�able as attorne�s'f$es�t trlal <br /> and upon any app�al. V1lheth�r �r not any c�urt ��tian is inv��v�d, and ta the ex#ent n�# prohibited by I�w, a!I <br /> reasonsble expenses L�nder in�urs that in Lender"s opini�n �re r�a�essary� at any tirr�e for th� prot�ct6an af i#s <br /> interest ar the�nfor�ement of its rights shall becorn�a part�f t�e lnde�tedness p�ya�ie�n��mand ar�d shaEl bear <br /> interest �t the Credit Agreemant rate fram the date of th� exp�r�diture until repa�d. E�cpenses cQv�red b� this <br /> paragraph includ�,�►ith�ut iinzitati�n, hower�er subje�t t�an�limits un��r appl�cable law, Len�er's attomeys'fees <br /> an� LeRd�r's tegal ex�ens�s, vrrh�ther ar nat there is a Isv�rsu�t, inc�ud[ng attorr�e��' f��s and �xpens�s fQr <br /> bankruptG}�pro���dings�in�luding efforts to modif�ar vacate an�autarrRatEc stay or �nju�nct�an�, aPpeaEs, and any <br /> anticipated past judgm�nt col��ction sen�lces� the cQst a� s�arching re�or�s, obta�n�n� titi� r�p�rts {�nc�ud�n� <br /> fQrecl�sure reparts�, surv�yars'reparts,and appraisel f�es, title Insuranc�,and f�as f�t�#he Trustee, tQ the ex#�nt <br /> permi#te�b��ppl�cable laur�. Trust�r afso wi[I pay any caurt costs,in a�dition ta all atl�er sums pr���d��by law. <br /> Ri+�hts af Truste�. Trustee shall haUe a�l�f the risht��nd d�ties of L�r�der as s�t��rth in this sect��n. <br /> P�V�FERS AND�BLIGATi�N� QF TRUSTEE. The followin� pr�visl�ns relating t�th$por�►ers�n�obl�ga#��ns of Trust$e <br /> �re par#of thi�Deed�f Trust: <br /> P�wers o�Trustee. In ad�it�an ta all powers af Trust�e aris�ng a�s a ma#te�of faw,Trusta�sh�ll h�ve the pow�r t� <br /> take the�oli��rving actiflns vr�ith re$pect to th�Pr���rty up�n#he writt�n r�quest of L$nder and Trustor: �a}�aln�n <br /> prepar�r�g and fifin� a map vr plat ��the R�al Rr�p�rty, �nclu�dlr�g the ��d�cation of stree#s �r other r[ghts to #he <br /> publiG; �b� �oln �n granting any easemsnt ar cre�t�ng any� restrlctian on the R��l Pro�ert�; ��rd �Gy join �n $ny <br /> subordina#ion or other agreement affec#ing this�]ae�of Trust or th��nterest af L�r�d�r und��this De�d�f Trust. <br /> Tr�ste�. Trust��shali meet�I� qua�if�c�tlans rsquir�d for Trust$� �nd�r appl�cable law. tn ad�litian ta the ri�ht� <br />