<br /> �EEa �F T�usT
<br /> ��or�t�r�u�d} ���� �
<br /> Carr�p�iance With �nvir�nr��ntal Laws. Tru$tor represent�and warrants to L�nder#I�at: �'I y �urir�g the pgr��d of
<br /> Trusta�s av�rnership�f#I�e Pr�Rerty,thera has b�en Ro use,gen�rat��n, manufact�re,st�r��e,treatment,dispos�l,
<br /> refease �r thr�ater��d releas�o�any Ha�zard�us Substance by any p�r�an an, under, abaut�r�tam the Properf�;
<br /> ��} Trustor has n�kn�wled�e af� or reas�n to bel�e�e that there has been, �x�ept as preai�usfy disclosed to and
<br /> acknowledged b�r Len�er in ►nrrit�ng, ��� any areach or �rialatian �f any Envir�nmantal Laws, ��� �ny use,
<br /> g�n�rat�on, manufact�re� s#arag�, tr�atment, disR�sal� rete�se ar threatenad r�tease��any Hazardous Substance
<br /> on, und$r� abaut �r from the Prop�rty by �ny priar awners �r a�cu�ants of the Praperty, ot ��� any actuaf or
<br /> threatened lit�gati�n ar�laims �f�r��kind b�an}�p�rson rel�ting ta su�h matters; and �3� Ex��pt as preW�ously
<br /> d�sclo��d t�ar�d ac�€n�wledg��by L�nder�n�rriting, �a} r�elth�r Trustar nor any t�r�ant, c�ntra�tar,agent�r other
<br /> authariz�d user vf the Prop�rty shail use,g�nerate, manufa�tur�f store,tr�at,dis�os��f�r r�l��se eny Hazar�ous
<br /> Substance�n,un�er,ahout or from tha Pr�perty;an� �b} an�such a�tivity shall b�c�nducted in campliance vuith
<br /> ail app�icable �edsral, stat�, and lacal laws, r�gu�ataons and ardin�n�es, inclu�ing withaut limitati�n afl
<br /> Envrronmental La►n�s. Trustor �uthariz�s L�nder and �ts agents t� ent�r up�n #he Pr�perty t� make su�h
<br /> inspe�ttons and tests� at Trustor's expsnse, as Lender msy d�em �ppropriate t� ds#�rmine �rrzp��an�e af the
<br /> Praperty w�th this �ection �f ti�� De�d of Trust. Any in��ect�ans or f$sts mad� by L�nder sh�fl be f�r Lender"s
<br /> purp�s�s ortly�nd sha�l r�at be�onstru�d t�create ar�y respons�b�lCty or lia����ty�n th��art af Lender to Trustor or
<br /> to an}�ath�r person. The r�pr�sentat�ons and warcantias contained herein are b��ed�n Trusta�s due diligence in
<br /> invesUg2�tfRg the Pr�p�rt�f�r H$z�rdous Substar�ces. Tn,star h�re�y �1� releas�s an�waive$any future cia�rns
<br /> aga�nst Lender for in�emni#y or�antributi�n �n the eVen#Trus#ar becames liable far cleanup ar ather casts under
<br /> any such law�; and ��� agrees#o�n�emnify,de��nd,ar�d hold harrr�less L�nder a��inst any ar�d a11�laims,losses,
<br /> liabilities, damages,penalt��s, and expenses wh�ch Lend$r may dirgctiy or lnd�rgctly sustain�r suffer resuCtin�from
<br /> a br��ch af this sect��n�f the Deed �f Trust�r as a�vnsequen�e of any use� gen�r�tion, mar�ufa�ture, starage,
<br /> dispasal,retease�r#hre�t�n�d reteas�ocGurring�rior tv Trusto�s o�►r�ership or interest in ths Pnoperty,whether or
<br /> not#he �eme was ar shauld har�e been kRarn►n ta Trust�r. The prouis�ons of this �e�t�on �f the Qeed �f Trust,
<br /> �r�c�ud�ng the ob��gatian to ind�mnify and de�end��hall sur►r�ve the payment ot th�Inde�tedness ar�d the satisfaction
<br /> and recon�eyan�e of#he�ien�f this De�d of Trusx ar�d sha��not b�affected by Lend��s a�qu�sition�f any�nterest
<br /> in the Property,whether h}�far�closure or otherwise.
<br /> Nuisance, 1�fas#e. Trust�r sha11 nat cause, �anduct ar pe�m�t any nu�sar�c.e nar eommit, perm�t, �r suffer any
<br /> stripp�ng of or was#e �n ar t�#he Prc��rty or any parti�n�f the Pr�perty. Without limitiRg th�g�nerality of the
<br /> fore�oin�,Tnustor will not r�move, or grant to any�th�r party the right#o rem��e,any#�mber, mine�ls�inc�uding
<br /> oi�and�asy,c�a[, clay,s�oria,sQi��gravex�r rack�radu�#s withau#Lsr�d�r"s prior w�it#en c�nsent.
<br /> Remo�►a�o��mpr�v�rt��nts. Trus#ar s1�a11 nat d�rr�olish or rem�ve an�Impr�v�m�nts from the Real PrQperty wi#haut
<br /> Lender"s pr�or�►ritten�ns�nt. As a�Qndit�or�to th�rernoval of any Irr�proverr��nts, Lsn��r ma�require Trus#or t�
<br /> rnake arrang�trients s�ti�f��t�r�► ta L�nder to replace su�h lmar�vements with lrrtpravem�nts �f at ��ast equal
<br /> ►�al�,te.
<br /> Lsrtder's Rlght to Enter. L�nder an� LeRders agents and representaf�v�s rnay�nter u��n th� Rea[property at atl
<br /> re�san�bl� tirnes to at#end ta Lend�r's interests and to inspec# the Rea� Prapsrty far p��rp�ses af Trustor's
<br /> vomplianre with tha t�rms and c�R�itians af this D�d�f Trust.
<br /> ��mplianc� with ��verrtmenta! Ra�ulr�mer�ts. Trustar sha�! prornptly �ompiy vrrith a11 laws, ordinance�� and
<br /> regufations, n�w�r hereafter�n effect, �f al� gv�ernmental au#horities �pp���abls t�the us�ar o�cuaaRcy of the
<br /> Property. Trustor may c�ontest in ga��faith any such law,ordinance,or r�gulat�on and withha��l corr�pli$n�e during
<br /> any�rac��d�t�g, inc�uding apprapria#e appeals, so �or�g as Trustar has nat�fet� LeRder in wr�ting prior ta dair�g�o
<br /> and so lang�s�in L�ndsr"s sole opin�an�L�nder's interests in the Pr�perty are not��apardized. Len�er rnay req�ire
<br /> Trust�r#4 post ad�quat�securlty ar a sur�#��andR reas�r�ab!}�satisfa�tory tv Lend�r,#o pr�#s�f Lend�r"s interest.
<br /> Duty t� Prat��t. Trustar agr��s n��ther to abandon ar leave unatt�nded th� Pr�p�rty. Trustar shaCl d� afl�ther
<br /> acts, �n�d��t�an to th�se a�ts set f�rth above in this s�ct�an,which fi om ths�haracter and use of the�raperty are
<br /> reasanably ne�essary to protec#aRd pr�serve ths Property.
<br /> DUE�N SALE-��NSEMT BY LENDER. Lender rr�ay,at Ler�der's optian,declare�rnmsd�ate�y due and payabl�a�l sums
<br /> ssrured by this aeed�f Trust�p�n tha sata or trans�ar,w�thQut Lertder's pr�or written�onser�t'af a�1�r any part af the
<br /> Real Rroper�y� or any interest�n the Real Property, A"sale�r fransf�r"rneans the�anveyan��of Re�l Property ar any
<br /> ri�ht, tit�e or �nterest fn the Real Property; whether legal, �eneficial 4r equ[ta�ble; wheth�r �atuntary �r inva�untar�r;
<br /> wheth�r �Y �utright sa��, �e��, installm$nt sare cantract, land contr�ct, Gontract f�r de�d, leas$hald int�re�t w�th a
<br /> ferm greater than three�3��year�, l��s�-opt��n�vn#ract, or by sa�e, assignrrienti or tr�n�fer af an�ber��fr�i�1 �nterest in
<br /> or to any la��trust h�«�ng tit��ta the Real Pro�ert�, �r��any other rr�ethod of�an�eyance�f ar� lnt�re�t�n tha Real
<br /> Prap�rty. �lawsver� #his aptian shall not be ex�r�is�d by Lender �f su�h exerc[se is �rahib�t�d by f�deral !aw �r b�
<br /> Nebras�a lar�►r.
<br /> T�ES�#ND LlENS. Th� fo[lawing pro�ris�ons relating t�the taxes and �Iens 4n the Rrop�rty are p��#��th�s a�ed of
<br /> Tn�st:
<br /> Payment. Tru�tar shall pay whan due�and in all events prior t�deC�n�uen�y�a[1 taxes,s�e�Ra!taxes,assessrrients,
<br /> charges (inc�uding water and sevrr�r��fRes�nd im�osibions�evled against ar an aacounf af the Prap�rky,an�sha[1
<br /> pay when due a!�ciaims far wark d�n��n o�ior servir�s rendered�r mat�ria! furnished ta tl�e Rr�pert�►. Trustor
<br /> shail rnainta�n the Praperty fce��f ail ilens havirtg priarity��er or�qual ta the interest�f Lendec under th�s De�d af
<br /> Trust, ex�spt far ths Ilen of tax�s ar�d ass�ssments not due, ex�ept f�r the Ex�sting [ndebtsdr�ess rsferred to
<br /> ���aw,aRd except as otherwise�r�vided�n this Deed of TruSt.
<br /> R�ght to��ntes#. Trust�r rrEay withh�ld payrnent o�any tax,assessment, �r�laim in conn�cti�n with��vad fa�th
<br /> dispt�t�aver the�bl�gati�n#�p�y,s�lang�s Lende�'s interest in the Pr�perky is not je�par�izgd. If a lien ari��s or
<br /> is f�ed as a result of nonpaym�nt� Trustor shall with�n fi�teen �'i 5}�a�s �fter the lien a�risas or, if a l�en �s filed,
<br /> within fi�#een �15�d�ys aft�r Trustor has n�tice of the filing, secure the discharge �f the lien* or if requested by
<br /> Lgnder,deposit wi#h Lender�sh Qr 2�suffi�i�nt�orpvrats sur�ty band ar other s��u�ity satisfactory to Lender in an
<br /> amoUnt sufficient ta dischar�e tha��en plus any casts�nd attomeys'f�es, �r ather charges that c�uld accrue as a
<br /> �es�1t af a forec�osUre�r saE�u�n�s�r fhe��en. �n�ny cantest.Trustor sha[1�ef�nd i�self and Lender end shall sa�isfy
<br /> any adv�rse�udgm�nt heTar+e�nfor�emant against the Property. Trust�r sha�[name L�nder as an�dd�ti�nal flb��g�e
<br /> und�r any sUret�band fumish�d in#he G�nt�st praceedin�s.
<br /> Evidenc$a#Paym�n�. Trustor sh�ll up�n demand furnish#o L$nder satisfact�ry evidance�f payment of the taxes
<br /> ar a�ssess�ents�nd shall�uth�rize the appr�priate gaverinmenta�aff cEal ta deEiver t�Lender�t any#�m� a writt�n
<br /> �taterr�ent af th�t�x�s and assessments aga�nst the Praperty.
<br /> Noti�e of C�n�truction. Trust�r shal� notify Lender at I�ast f�fteen {1����y��efore a�ny wark f s cornmenc�d, any
<br /> ser�ic�s a��f�rRish�d,�r any materials are supp3led to the Prapert�� if an�►meGhaRiG'�I�$n, mater�almen's iien�ar
<br /> ather fien�U1d be assert�d on a�count�f the wark, serv��s' �r rnateri$Is. Trus#ar will upon r�ques#af Lender
<br /> �um�sh to Lend�r a�wanc� assurartces satlsfactory ta Lend�r tha# Trustor can and w�ll pay #h$ co�� of such
<br /> �mpror�ement�.
<br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE�NSURANCE, The faltow�ng pro�isians re�ating t�in�uring th�Rr�pertjr ar�a part�f this DeBd of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> I�Ila�nter�aRce �f�nsur�nce. Trustar shali procure aRd mainta�n po��c��s of fre insuran�e vrrith �tar�dard extended
<br />