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��14�5�55 <br /> In�pec�ion. Lender or i�ts agent may make reasonab�e entr�es upan and inspec�i�ns of�he Prop�r�y. Lender shall <br /> give Borrower no��ce a�the��me af�r prxor to an inspection speczfyitxg reasonable cause for�he u�spec�ion. <br /> Condemnat�on. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, d�re�t or cansequent�a�, in�onn�c��nn vv��h any <br /> condemnation or o�her tak�ng of any par�of�he Properry, ar f�r con�eyance in lieu of c�ndemriatzon, ar�hereby <br /> asszgned and shall be pa�d�o Lender. <br /> �n �he even� of a�o�al �ak�ng of�he Praper�y, �he proceeds sha�� be app��ed�o �he sums secured by th�s Secur�ty <br /> Inst�rumen�, v�h�ther �r no� �hen due, v���h any excess pa�d ta B�rrower. �n �he event of a pa.r��a� �ak�ng of the <br /> Property ita whxch the fair marl�e�value of the Pr�per�y immediately before�he taking �s equal�o or grea��r than <br /> the amount of the sums s�cured by this Security Instrumen� immediately befare the taking, un��ss Barrawer and <br /> Lend�r o�herwzse agree in wr�txng,the sums se�ured by th�s S�curx�y�ns�rumen�shall be reduced;by�he amount af <br /> �he praceeds mu��iplied by�he follow�ng frac�ion: �a��he�atal amoun�of the sums secured zmm���ate�y before�he <br /> takzng, divzd�d by �b� �he fa�x marke� �a�ue af the Proper�y immedzate�y befare �he �akzng. Any ba�ance shall be <br /> pazd to Borro�ver. �n the e��nt of a partia� �aking of�he Praperty in which �he fa�r market va�u� flf�h� Properry <br /> immedia�el�before �he �ak�ng xs �ess than �he amaun� of the sums secured �mmed�ate�y befor� �he taking, unless <br /> Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in wri�ing or un�ess App�icab�e Law o�hervwise provides, ��e proc�eds sha�l <br /> he applzed to the sums secured by this Security�nstrument whe�her or n�t�he sums are then due. :; <br /> �f the Properry zs abandoned by Borrav�er, ar zf, after no�zce by Lender to Barrower�hat the coridemnor offers�� <br /> make an award�r settle a claim for damages, B�rrower fails��respand�o L�nder v�i�hin the mir�imum numb�r�f <br /> days es�a�lished by App��cable Law after the date�he no�xce is given,L�nder is au�horiz�d�a co�l�ect and apply�he <br /> praceeds, a� �ts opt��ny either to r�s�orat�on or repair of�he Fr�per�y ar to the sums secured:by this Securxty <br /> Znstrumen�,wh��her or no��hen due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrov�er otherwise agree in vvr��ing, any appl�cation of praceeds�o principa� sha�I nat ex�end <br /> or pastp�ne the due da�e of the payments due under the Contract or�hange�he amoun�of such pa�ments. <br /> Borrawer Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Wai�er. Extension af �he ��me far paymen� ar <br /> mod�f cat�on of amor�izatzon flf�he sums secured by thxs Security rnstrument granted by Lender to Borrower flr <br /> any successar �n xn�eres� af Borrovver sha1l no� apera�e �o re�ease the I�abili�y of the orig�al Borraw�r or <br /> B�rr�v�er's su�c�ssors in interesti. L�nder shall nat be required to cammenc�proceedings agains�`any successar in <br /> in�er�s�ar refuse to ex�end��.me for paymen�or oxherwise modify amor��za�ion of the sums secured by this S�curity <br /> �nstrument by reas�n af any d�mand made by the or�ginal Borrower or Borrower's success�rs in interest. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender �n exercising any r�gh� vr remedy sha�� no�be a waiv�r of or preclude �h� exercise of any <br /> right ar remedy. <br /> Successors and Ass�gns Bound; Jo�nt and Se�era� L�ab�lity; Accammodatian S�gners. T�e covenants and <br /> agreements of�hzs Security �nstrumen�shall bind and benef��he successors and ass�gns �f Lend�r and Borrower, <br /> subj�c� �o �he pro��sxons o� sec��on ��t1ed Transfer of the Property or a Benef�cfal Intere�t �n Barrower. <br /> B�rrawer's c��enants and agreements sha��be j oint and sev�ra�. Any person who co-signs thzs Security�nstrumen� <br /> bu� has no personal lia�ility under th� Can�rac� �"Accommoda�ion 5igner"�: �a� is co-s�gn�ng this Secur�ty <br /> znstrumen� anly �o mor�gage, gran� and convey tiha� A�commoda�ian Signer`s �nteres� in the Pr�perty under �he <br /> �erms of �he Security �nstrument; ��} is nat persona��y �bligated to pay �he sums secured :by �his Secur�� <br /> �nstrument; and��} agrees that Lender and any o�her Borrawer may agree�o extend, mod�fy, f�rbear or make any <br /> accamm�da��ons wi�h regard to the��rms of this Securi�y�nstrumen�or the�antrac�vvithou�tha�;Accammoda�ian <br /> Signer's�ansen�. <br /> Loan Gharges. �f the laan secured by �h�s Securi�y �nstrumen� is subject �o a law which setis maximum l�an <br /> charges, and that�av�r zs f nally zn�erpre�ed so�ha�the interes��r��her Iaan charges c�I�e��ed or�a be c�llected in <br /> connection wi�h the �oan exceed the perm�tted ��m��s, �hen: �a} any such �oan charge shall b� reduced by the <br /> amount necessary�a reduce�he charge���he p�rmitted Iimits and(b} any sums a�r�ady colle�te�frvm Borrower <br /> wh�ch exceed�d permitted �imits w��l be r�funded ta Borrower. Lender may choose �o mak� �his refund by <br /> redu�ing�h� princzpa� �vved under the �ontra�� �r by makxng a d�rect paymen��a Borrower. �f�a refund reduces <br /> prxnc�pal,�he r�duc�ion w���be treated as a par�tia�prepaymen�under�he Con�ract. <br /> Notices. Any notice to Borrflwer pr�vxded for �n �his Security Instrument shall �e gz�en by d��� i� or b� <br /> mai�ing it b�first class ma�l unless A�plicab��Law requ�res use�f an��her method. The notxce s�a1l be d�.rected t� <br /> the Proper�y Address or any other address Barrower designates by no�xce�o Lender. Borrower�.grees to prov�de <br /> Lender vvx�h B�rr��ver's mos� curren�maiizng addressy as it may change from time-to-t�me, Any;n��ice to Lender <br /> sha��be given by f rs�class mail��Lender{s address s�ated herein�r any o�her address Lender designa�es by not�ce <br /> to Borrower. Any not�ce pr�v�ded far�n this Securxty Instrument shal�be deemed�o have�een g�ven to Borrower <br /> or Lender v�hen gi�en as prov�ded in this paragraph. <br /> Go�ern�ng Law; Se�verabi��ty.This Securi�y Ins�rumen�sha�I be governed by federa�lav�and�h�IavWs of the s�a�e <br /> of Nebraska. �n �he even� �hat any provis�an or �lause of this Securi�y �nstrument or �he Cflntr�.ct confl�c�s vv��h <br /> App���able La�, such conflict sha�� no� affect other provisions of�his Securxty rnstrum�nt or th� Cflntra�� vvhich <br /> can be given effec�wxthflu�th�confl�cting pro�is�on.To this end�he pro�zsians af th�s Secur�ty�ns�rumen�and�he <br /> �ontrac�ar�declared�o be s�vera�le. <br /> Borrower's Copy.B�rro�ver sha��be given one copy of this Secur���nstirument. <br /> Transfer�f the Praperty or a Ben����al Interest in Borrower. �f alI or any par�af�he Prope�ty or any in�erest <br /> � in it is so�d or transferred �or �f a benef cial �nteres� in Borrower �s sa�d or transferred and �arrower is na� a <br /> natura� person� wi�hour Lender's prior writt�n consen�, Lender may, a� ��s option, require immed�ate paymen� in <br /> C�2004-Z013 Compliance Systems,Inc.9F�6-898d-2413L2.4.721 <br /> Cansumer Real Esta#e-Security Instniment DL�Q3b Pa�e 3 af 5 vv�vw.compiian� <br />