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��14�5�55 <br /> full of a�� sums secured by this Secur�ty �nstrument. However, �his op��on sha�� no� be exer��s�d by Lerider Yf <br /> �xer��se�s proh�bited by fed�ral�aw as of�he date�f�h�s Secur�ty�ns�rument. <br /> �1f Lender exercises �his op�ion, Lender shall give B�rrower notice af accelera�iQn. The notice shail prn�id� a <br /> per�od of no� �ess than the minimum number of days es�abl�shed�y Appl�cable La� from the da�e �he no��ce is <br /> �eli�er�d or mailed �vithin whi�h Barrovver must pay a�1 sums secured by this Security Znstrument. �f Sarrower <br /> fails ta pay �hese sums prior to the expiration of�his period, Lender may invoke any remed�es permit�ed b� this <br /> Secur�ty Ins�rument vv�thout further noti��ar demand o�Barrov�er. <br /> Borrower's Right �o Reinstate. If Borrovv�r meets certa�n cflnditions, B�rrower shal� ha�ve t�� righ� to have <br /> enforcemen� of�his Security Instrument discontinued a� any t�me priar�o �he earlier of: �a� 5 days �or such o�her <br /> perx�d as Applicable Law may specify for reinstatemen��bef�re sa�e flf the Pr�perry pursuant��any power of sale <br /> containe� in this Secur�� �nstrumen�; or �b� en�ry of a �udgment enfor�ing th�s Securrty �n�trument. Th�se <br /> conditiflns are �hat Borrawer: �a} pays Lender al� sums which then w�uld be due under th�s Se�ur��y rnstrument <br /> and�he Contrac�as�f nfl accelera�ion had occurred;�b��ures any d�fault�f any other ca��nants or agreements;��� <br /> pays a�l expenses incurred in enfarcing this Secur�ty Instrument, inc�udzng,bu�not��m��ed�o,reasonable attorneys' <br /> fees�o th� extent perm�t�ed by �aw; and�d}t�.kes such ac�xon as Lender may reasonably require to assure�hat�h� <br /> �ien �f th�s Securi�y�nstrumen�, Lender's rights �n the Property and Borrower's ob�iga��on�fl pay�he sums se�ured <br /> by th�s Securi�y Znstrument sha�� c�ntinue un�hang�d. Up�n reins�at�m�nt by Borrower, thzs Se��rity �ns�rumen� <br /> and�he ob�igat�ons se�ured hereby shall remain fully effective as �f no a�celeration had o�curre�. However, th�s <br /> righ��o reins�a�e sha1T no�appTy in�he case flf acceleration under�he sec�ian titled Transfer af th�Praperty or a <br /> Beneficiai Intere5t in B�rravv�r. <br /> Hazardou�Sub�tances. Borrower shall nat cause ar permit the presenc�,use, d�sposa�, storage, �r release of any <br /> Hazardous Substances�n�r in�he Prflp�rty.Borrovver shall not do,n�r a�l�w anyone else to do,any�hing affect7ng <br /> �he Property tha� is in ��ola���n of any En�iranm�r��al Law. The preced�ng �vsro sen�ences shal� no� app�y t� �he <br /> pres�nce,use, or st�rage an the Proper�y of sma��quant��ies af Hazard�us Substances�ha�are gene.rally recogni�ed <br /> to be apprapr�ate�o n�rma�residen�zal uses and ta maintenance of the Propert�y. <br /> Borrower sha��promptly gi�e Len�er writ�en no�ice of any�n�estiga��an,�laim, demand, lawsui�or o�her a�ti�n by <br /> any ga�ern.mental ar regulatory agen�y �r pri�a�e par�y �n�olving the Properry and any Ha2ardous Subs�an�e or <br /> Environmental Law of which Barrovver has ac�ual kno��edg�, rf �orrov�er learns, flr �s na��f ed by any <br /> g��ernmen�al or regulatory authori�y,tha�any remova�ar other remediation�f any�3azardous Su�stance affec�ing <br /> �he Property �s necessary, Borr�wer shall promptiy �ake a�l necessar� remed�al actions in accordance w��h <br /> Environmen�a�LaW. <br /> As used�n�hzs paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are those subs�ances defined as toxic or hazardous substances <br /> by En�ironrn�n�al Law and th� fo��owing substances: gaso�ine, kerosex�e, o�her flammab�e or �toxic p��r�l�um <br /> products, toxic pes�ic�des a�d herbi�ides, volati�e salvents, �nateria�s c�n�aining as�estas or fflrmaldehyde, and <br /> radzoactive mat�r�als.As used in�h�s paragraph, "Env�r�nmentai Law"m�ans fe�eral�avvs and law�s of�he s�ate of <br /> Nebraska�ha�rela�e ta hea�th,safety�r en��ranmental prote�tion. <br /> Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shali gi�e not�ce to I3orrower prior to acce�erati4n follow�ng Borrflwer's <br /> breach of any covenan#ar agreement in this Se�urity Ins�rumen�or�h�Contract under whi�h a�ceiera�ion <br /> �s perrn�tt�d (bu� n�t priar to acceleration under�he sect��n tit�ed T�ansfer �f the Proper�y or a Benef�cial <br /> Interest in Bvrrower, unless Appl�cab�e Law provides atherw�se�. The not�ce sha�l specify: �a� the defauit; <br /> �b} the action requirQd �o �ure the default; ��� a dat�, not less �han the rr�in�mum nwmber of days <br /> es�abli5hed �y App�i�able Law frvm th�date�he no�ic�is g��en to�orrower, by wh�ch the�efau�t must be <br /> cured; and td� �hat failure to �ure the def�u�t �n or bef�re �he da�e spe�xfied in the no��c� may result in <br /> ac�eleratian of �he sums secured by thi� Se�ur��y Instr�ment an� sale of �he Praperty. To the ex�tent <br /> p�rm�tted by Iavv, �he no�i�e sha�l further infvrm Bflrr�w�r vf the right ta rein5tate after a�celeratxon and <br /> the r�ght�v bring a cour�act�on tfl as5ert the non�exis�ence of a default or any other defense�f Borrower to <br /> accelerat�on and sale. If the default is not cured vn �r before �he d�te specified in the natice, Lender at ��s <br /> �pt�on may requ�re immed�a�e pay�nent ir� full of a�l sums sQ�ured b� �h�s Secur�ty Instr�ment without <br /> fur�her demand and may in�oke �he p�vver of�ale and any other r�med�es permit�ed by A�plicab�e Law. <br /> To the extent permitted by law, Lender �ha�� be ent�t�ed to �ol�e�t all exp�nse� �ncurred i� pursuing the <br /> remed�es provided in th�s S��t�on, includxng, but not Zimit�d to, reasonab�e attorney5' fees and �ost�of ti�le <br /> eviden�e, <br /> If�he p�wer of sale is �nvoked,Trus�ee �ha�I rec�rd a natice af default �n each c�un�y in wh�ch any part of <br /> the Property is lacat�d and shal�ma�l copies of�uch notice in the manner pr�scribed by Ap�Ii�abie Law to <br /> Borrower and to the oth�r persons prescribed by Applicable Law. After the ��me required by AppI�cabie <br /> Law, Trustee shall gi�e pub�i� notice of Sale t� th� persons and in the manner pres�ribed by App�i�able <br /> Law. Trustee,w�thout demand fln Borrower, sh�il sel��he Property at public auc�ion to the highest bidder <br /> at the time and place and under the�err�s designated in thQ notice of 5ale in�ne or mare par�els and�n any <br /> order Tru�te� determxnes. Trustee m�y pos�pone sale of a�l flr ��y parcel of �he Prap�rty by public <br /> announcement a�the t�me and pla�e of any pre�iou�Iy sch�du�ed sal�. I.►ender ar it5 designee may purehase <br /> the Praperty at�ny sa�e, <br /> Upon r�ceipt of paymen� of the pr�ce bid, 'I'rus�ee shal� del�ver to the purcha5er Trustee's deed con�eying <br /> �he Property. The recitaxs in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie e��dence af�he truth of the statem�nts <br /> rnade there�n. Trus�ee shai� apply the pr�ceed� vf the sa�e �n th� foi�owing ord�r: �a} t� aI� cos�s and <br /> expenses of exercis�ng the po�ver of 5ale, and the salQ, �ncluding the paymen� of the Trustee�5 fees actually <br /> Q 2044-2413 Compfiance Systems,Inc.9�96-898d-2Q13L2.Q.7Z1 <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Security Tnstrument DLZD36 Pa�e 4 Qf 5 w�n� <br />