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��14�5�55 <br /> Appl�ca�Ie Law, As used in th�s Securit� Instrument, the term "Appl�ca��e Law" shall mean all contro���ng <br /> app��cable federa�, state and loca� statu�es, regulati�ns, ardinances and administra�ive ru�es and orders ��ha�have <br /> the eff�c�of�aw)as we�l as a�l appli�able fna1,non-appea�able judicial op�n�ons. <br /> Charge�; Liens. Borrower sha�� pay aIl taxes, assessmen�s, charges, fines and imp�sx�ions at�r�butab�e to �he <br /> Praper�y v�rhich may attain prior��over�his Secur�ty rnstrument, and �easehal�payments nr groux�.d r�n�s, xf any. <br /> A��he reques�of Lender,Borrovv�r sha��pramp�Iy furnish�o L�nd�r receipts e�idencing�he paym�nts. <br /> Barrovver sha�� promptly discharge any Iien u�hi�h has priority over this Securi�y�ns�rumen�un�ess Barrower: �a� <br /> agrees in writ�ng t� the paymen� of�he obliga�ion s�cured by the lien in a manner acceptabl� �o Lender; �b� <br /> con�es�s xn good fai�h the �zen by, or defends aga�.x�s� �nforcement of the �zen i.n, �ega� praceed�ngs which �n the <br /> Lender's opin�on operate �a pre��n� the enforcer��n� of the �ien; or �c� secures from �he hflld�r af the l�en an <br /> agreement sa�isfac�ory to Lender subordina�ing�the �ien to th�s S�curity Ins��. �f Lender de��rmines that any <br /> part of the Properry is sub�ec��o a lien which may atta�n pri�ri�y over t�is Security Instrument, Lender may g�ve <br /> Barrower a no�i�e �den�ifying�he lien. Borrower sha�� sa�isfy the Iien or�ak� one or more of the act�ons se� for�h <br /> abo�e wi�hin ��days of the g��ing af na���e. <br /> Hazard ar Praper�y Insurance. Borrower shall k�ep the impravemen�s now�x�s�ing�r hereafter erecte�.on the <br /> Property insured against loss by f re,hazards �ncluded wi�hin the�erm"ex�ended c�verag�" and an�other hazards, <br /> inc�uding floflds or floodxng, f�r wh��h Lender r�quir�s �nsuranc�. Thxs insuranc� sha�� �e maintai.ned in the <br /> amoun�s a.nd for the periods that Lender requ�res. The insurar�ce carr�er prov�ding the insurance shal�be ch�sen by <br /> Borrower subject �o Lender's approval wh�ch sha.�1 not be unreasonab�y vvi�hhe�d. If Borrower �a�Is �� main�ain <br /> �ov�rage des�ribed abo�e, Lender may, a� Lender's �p��on, ob�ain c�v�rage to protec� Lezad�r's rights �n the <br /> Property�n accordan�e wi�h sect�on titied Protectian of Lender's R�gh�s in the]Property. <br /> All �nsurance pol�c�es and renewa�s sha�1 be accep�able ta Lender and shal� �nclude a s�andard rxxar�gage c�ause. <br /> Lender shall ha�e�he r�gh��a ho�d�he po�icies and rene�ua�s. If Lender requ�res, Barrow�r shal�prompt�y gi�e to <br /> Lender al�reCe�pts of paid premiums and renewal notices. �n the event of loss, Borrov�er shall gi�e promp�no�ice <br /> to�he znsurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof�f loss if not made pr��y by Sarrovc�er. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrow�r otherwise agr�e �n v�riting, insurance proceeds shall be app��ed �a restoration or <br /> repa�r af�he Pr�per�y damaged, if, i.n Lender's sole d�scret�on, �he restoration �r repa�r is ecan�m��ally feasib�e <br /> and Lender's security �s na� �essened. If, �n Lender's sale discre�ion, th� restoration or repair �s not e�onomica��y <br /> feasible or Lender's security wauld be�essen�d,the�nsurance proceeds shail be app�ied�o the sum.s secured by this <br /> Security �nstrument, whether or not then due, wi�h any ex�ess paxd ta Bflrrawer. �f Borrower abandans �h� <br /> Property, or does nn�ans�ver�i�hin the number of days prescribed by A�p�ica�le Law as se�for�h in a notice fram <br /> Lender to Borrflvver that the insurance carri�r has offer�d t� se�tle a claim, then Lender ma� colle���he insurance <br /> proceeds. Lend�r may use �he pr��eeds to repair ar res�ore the Property ar ta pay sums s�cur�d�y th�s Securi�y <br /> �nstrum�n�,whether or�o��ien due. The perrad�f�ime far Borrow�r to ans��r as set fflrth in�he notice wi�l begxn <br /> v�hen the no��ce is grven. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borr�wer o�herv�ise agree in writing, any applrca�ion of proceeds�o princ�pai shall nat ex�end <br /> or postpone the due dat� af�h�paymen�s due under the �ontract or change the amoun�of the pa�men�s. Zf under <br /> the sec�ion tit��d Accelera�ian; R�medies, �he Praper�y is acqu�red by Lender, B�rrov�er's right�o any insurance <br /> p4��cies and pro�eeds resul�ing from damag� �o the Praperty prior�o the a�quisiti�n sha�� pass to L�nder �� �he <br /> extent of�he sums secur�d by�h.zs Security Instrument imm�diat�Iy prror�a the acqu�si�ion. <br /> Preser�atifln, 1V�aintenance and Protectivn of �he Property; Borrower's Loan App�ica���n; Leaseholds. <br /> B�rrower sha��n��destroy, damage or impa�r�he Properry, a1�ow�he Proper�y to �eter�orate, �r�ommit vvaste on <br /> the Property.Barrovver shall be in defaul�if any forfex�ure a�tian or proc�ed�ng,whether civil or crim�na�, is begun <br /> tha� in Lender's good faith judgmen� could resu�t in farf���ure of�he Proper�y or �therwise m.ate�•ia�iy �mpair the <br /> Iien crea�ed by �his Se�ur�ty �nstrument or Lender's security xnteres�. Borrower may cur� suc� a �efau�� and <br /> reinstate, a� pro��ded in se�t�on tit�ed Borrovv��r's Right to ReinState, by causing the ac��on or�aroceeding�o be <br /> d�sm�ssed with a ru��rzg�hat, in Lender's g�ad faith determ�nation,precludes f�rfeiture af the Borr��ver's in�erest in <br /> the Praperry ar other ma�er�a� impazrmen� �f�he �ie�. crea�ed �y �his Security Instrumen� or Lender's secur�ty <br /> interest.Borraw�r sha�I also be in d�fault if Borrovver,during�he loan appl��ation pr�cess,gave mater�a�iy fals�or <br /> inaccura�e informa�zon or statements to Lender �or fa��ed �o pravide L�nder �vith any mat�rial informat�on� in <br /> cannec�ian with�he loan evxdenc�d by the �ontra�t. If this Secur�ty�ns�rum�n� �s on a �easeho�d, Borr�w�r shall <br /> camply�ith alX the prflvisians�f�he �ease. �f Barr�w�r acquires fee�i��e�o the Property,the l�asehald and�he fee <br /> ����e shai�nflt merge un��ss Lender agr�es to�he merger in wr�ti.�ag. <br /> Protection of Lender's R�ghts �n the Property. If Borrower fax�s to perform �h� �ovenants and agreements <br /> contained�n th�s Securrty Instrumen�, or there is a�egal proceeding tha�may significantly affect L�nder's righ�s �n <br /> �he Pr�perty �such as a proc�eding zn bar�rupt�y, proba�te, for c�ndem�atian �r forfeiture or�o �nfarce laws or <br /> regu�a�ions}, then Lender may do and pa.y for whatever is necessary �o pro��c� �he value of�h� Proper�y and <br /> Lender's rights in the Properry. Lend�r's a�t�ans may rnc�ude payzng any sums secured�y a lien which has pr��rzty <br /> over�h�s Security�nstrument, appear�ng�n cour�,paying reasonable attorneys'fees and enter�ng on the Pr�perty�a <br /> make repairs.Al�h�ugh Lender may�ake a��ian und�r this sect�on,Lend�r does nat have�o do so. <br /> Any amounts dis�ursed by Lender under �h�s sec�xon sha�l b�come addx�iana� debt of BorraWer secured by this <br /> Secur��y �ns#rumen�. Unless Borrflvver and Lender agree to o�her �erms of paymen�, these am�un�s sha�X bear <br /> interes� from �he date of disbursemen� a� the same rate assessed an ad�anc�s under the �ontrac� and sha�l be <br /> payable,w�th interes�,upon notice from Lend�r�o Borrower reques�ing paymen�. <br /> ���44-2413 C�mpliance Systems,In�.9F3b-8986-2413L2.�.7Z 1 <br /> �onsumer Rea�Estate-Sec�€rity�nstrument DL2�36 Page 2 of 5 <br />