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��14�5�35 <br /> c�venants, conditions and agre�m�nts to be �rformed and abser�ed b the �ther <br /> p y party thereta, <br /> heretofore or hereafter ent�red �nto (colle�t�ve�y, the "Leases"�, wh�ther b�f�re or after the fi1�n <br /> . . , g <br /> by or aga�nst Debtor of any petiti�n for reli�f under the Bankruptcy �ode and aIl ri ht, t�t�e and <br /> . . � <br /> inter�st of Debtor, 1ts successors and ass�gns ther�in anci thereunder, includ�ng, without <br /> l�m�tat�on, cash ar securit�es deposited thereunder to se�ure the performan�e by the lessees of <br /> their ob�igations thereunder and a11 rents, add�tional rents, revenues, issues and profits ineludin <br /> . � � <br /> a�l oi� and gas or other mineral royalt�es and bonus�s} from the Land and th� Improvements and <br /> � <br /> from any After Acquired Leasehold Property that is operated by I]ebtor through its operations on <br /> the Land� tivhether paid or accruing before �r after the fi�ing by or against Debtor �f any pet�tion <br /> for re�ief under th� Bankruptcy �ode (�olle�tive�y, the "RentS"� and all proce�ds fr�m the sale or <br /> other d�sposit�on af the Leases and th�right to receive and apply the Rents ta the payment of the <br /> Debt; <br /> h� AI� av�ards or payments, �nc�uding interest thereon, which may h�r�tafore <br /> and hereafter be mad� with respect to the Pr�perty, whether fr�m the exercise �f the right �f <br /> eminent domain �including, but not l�m�ted to, any transf�r rnade in �ieu of or �n anticipation of <br /> the exercis� �f the right�, or for a ehange of grade, or f�r any �ther inj ury to or de�r�ase in the <br /> valu� of th� Pr�perty; <br /> �} A11 proceeds xn respect �f the Praperty und�r any insuran�e po��cies <br /> covering the Pr�perty, includ�ng, without limitat�on, th� right to receive and apply the pro�eeds <br /> �f any �nsuran�e,j udgments, or settlements made in lieu there�f, f�r damage to the Praperty; <br /> j} All refunds, rebates or credits �n connection W�th reduct�or� �n real estate <br /> taxes and assessments charg�d aga�nst the Praperty as a result �f tax certiorari �r any <br /> appllcatians or pr�eeedings f�r reduetion; <br /> k� AlI pro�eeds of the �onversion, �oluntary or invo�untary, of any �f the <br /> f�r�going �ncluding, without Iim�tation, proc�eds of �nsurance and condemnati�n awards, �nto <br /> �ash ar liquidatian c�a�ms; <br /> �} The right, in the name ar�d an behalf of I]�bt�r, to appear in and defend <br /> any action or proceed�ng brou�ht with r�spect ta the Property and to commence any a�tion �r <br /> proceeding to protect the interest of Se�ur�d Party in the Property; <br /> m} All agreem�nts, contracts, certif cates, instru.ments, franchises, permits, <br /> ��censes, plans, specificatians and other doeuments, noW ar hereafter entered into, and a11 rights <br /> there�n and thereto, respecting or pertair�ing to the us�, occupat�on, construct��n, management�r <br /> �peration �f the Land and any part thereof and any Improv�ments or respeeting or pertaining to <br /> any business or activity c�nducted �n the Land and any part ther�af and all right� tit�e and <br /> interest of Debtor th�rein and thereu�.der, including, without limita.tion, the r�ght, upon the <br /> happenin� of any defau�t hereunder, to rece�ve and c��lect any sums payable to Debtar <br /> thereunder; <br /> n� AI� tradenames, trademarks, ser�r�cemarks, ��gos, eopyrights, goodw�Il, <br /> books ar�d records and alI other genera� intar�gibles relating to or used in cor�ecti�n with the <br />