<br /> operat�on of the Property, but exe�ud�ng any tradenames, trad�marks, serv�cemarks, Iogos,
<br /> c�pyrights, g�od,wi��, books and records and other general �nta.ng�bles owned hy U-Haul;
<br /> o� Al� reserves, escrov�rs and dep�sit accnunts mainta.ined by I]ebt�r �vith
<br /> respect to the Property, includ�ng, without ��mitati�n, the Bl�cked Account and the �ash
<br /> Management Account, togeth�r vv�th all depos�ts or wire transfers mad� to su�h accounts, al�
<br /> cash, �hecks, drafts, certificat�s, securities, in�estment property, financial assets, instruments and
<br /> other property held therein from time to trme and a�� prace�ds, products, C�1S�'1�]Lit1�I1S ar
<br /> divid�nds or substitut��ns thereon and there�f;
<br /> p} AI� ��tter-�f-�r�dit rights {whether or not the l�tter of credit is e�idenced
<br /> by a wr�ting} I�ebt�r n�w has �r hereafter acqu�ires relating t� the properties, rights, tit�es and
<br /> interests referred t�here�n;
<br /> q� A11 commereia� tort c�a�ms Debtor naw has or hereafter acquir�s re�ating
<br /> to the pr�pert�es, rights, tities and interests referred ta herein; .
<br /> r� A�� rights, b�nefits, pr��ileges, and interests of D�btor in that �ertain
<br /> aperating �ease descrihed in the Se�urxty Instrument and incorporated h�re�n by referen�e
<br /> (the "�perating Lease"} and a�� modifi�at�ons, extensinns, renewals, and
<br /> replacern�nts there�f, and al� deposits, �redits, o�t�ons, pr�v��eg�s, and r�ghts of Debtor as t�nant
<br /> under the �perating Lease, together with a�l of the �asements, rights, przvi�eges, franchis�s,
<br /> tenements, her�ditaments and appurtenan�es n�w or hereafter thereunt� be�ong�ng or in any way
<br /> apperta�ning thereto, and alI af the estate, right, title, �nterest, e�a�m and demand vvhats�e�er of
<br /> Debt�r therein or thereto, either at Iaw or �n equ�ty, in possess�on or in expectancy, n�w or
<br /> hereafter a�quired;
<br /> s� A�� rights, title and inter�st of Debtor arising from the op�ration of the
<br /> Property in and to a�l payments for goods or pr��erty sald or lea.sed or for services r�ndered,
<br /> whether �r not yet �arned by perfarmance, and not evidenced by an �n�trument or chattel paper
<br /> (hereinafter ref�rred to as "Accounts Re�ei�able"}, includ�ng, without ��miting the generality of
<br /> the faregoing, ��] a1i accounts, �ontract r�ghts, bo�k d�bts, and notes arising from the operation of
<br /> a se�f-storage facil�ty on the Property ar aris�ng from the sale, �ease or e�change of gaods or
<br /> other property andlor th� performance of services, �nc�ud�ng, without ��mitation, the rental of U-
<br /> Hau� equipment and the retail sale of m�v�ng supp��es and�ther appurtenant and related business
<br /> gaod or prop�rty, �ii� Debtor's right ta payment from any consumer cred�ticharge card
<br /> argan�zat�an or entity �such as, or s�milar ta, the organizations or entities which spansor and
<br /> administer the American Express �ard, t.�ie V�sa �ard or th� Mastercard), �ii�] Debtar's rights in,
<br /> to and under a11 purchase orders for goods, serv�ces ar�ther property, �iv} I�ebtor's rights to any
<br /> gaods, servic�s ar ather praperty represented by any of the foregoir�g, �v� mon�es due to or to
<br /> become due to Debtar under all contracts for the sa�e, lease or exchange �f goods or oth�r
<br /> property andlor the performance of s�rvices including the right to payment of any interest or
<br /> finance charges in respect ther�to �wheth�r or not yet earned by perfarmanc� on the part of
<br /> I]ebtor) and �vi� al� collatera� security and guaranties of any kxnd g�ven by any persan or entity
<br /> with respect to any of the foreg�ing. Accounts Receivable shall include those notiv existing or
<br /> hereafter created, substitutions therefore, pr�ceeds (vvhether cash or non-cash, movab�e, or
<br />