<br /> attachments, �omponents, parts, equ�pment and accessories insta.11ed thereon or affixed thereto
<br /> (ca�lect�vely, the "Equipment"�; �rovided, hov�ever, Equipment shal� not in�lude i an
<br /> . �. _ � � Y
<br /> praperty belong�ng to tenants under leases ex�ept t� the extent that Debt�r shall ha�� an ri ht or
<br /> Y �
<br /> interest therein; or t�i� U-Hau� trucks, trai�ers and other U-Hau1 rental � ui ment n�t owned b
<br /> Debtor;
<br /> qp y
<br /> e} All Equ�pment now owned, or the ownership of whieh is hereafter
<br /> acqu�red, by Debtor which is so related t� t�e Land and Improv�ments forming part of the
<br /> Prop�rty that it is deemed fixtur�s or rea� property under the law of the par�icu�ar stat� in whi�h
<br /> the Equipment �s �ocat�d, including, w�thout �irnitat��n, a.II buiiding or constructian mater�als
<br /> int�nded for constru�tion, r�construction, alteration ar repair of or installation an th� Prape ,
<br /> . . , r�'
<br /> �onstru�tlon equ�pment, appliances, ma�h�nery, plant equ�pment, f it�ngs, apparatuses, fixtures
<br /> and other items n�w ar hereafter attached to, insta�l�d in or used in �onn�ction vvith �t�mporarily
<br /> �r permanent�y] ar�.y of the Improvements or the Land, including, but nat lim�ted to, engines,
<br /> devic�s for the operation of pumps, pipes, plurnbing, cleaning, call and spr�nkl�r systems, fire
<br /> extinguishing apparatuses and equipment, heating, �ent��ating, lau.ndry, incinerat�ng, electr�cal,
<br /> a�r condit�oning and air coo��ng equipment and systems, gas and e�ectri� machinery,
<br /> appurtenances and equ�pment, pollut�on control equipment, se�ur�ty systems, disp�sals,
<br /> dishv�rashers, refr�gerators and ranges, recreational equipment and faci��ties of a11 kinds, and
<br /> water, gas, electrical, starm and sanita.ry sewer faci�zties, utility l�nes and equ�pment �wh�ther
<br /> ovvned indrvidua��y or j ointly With others, and, �f�wned j ointly, to the extent of Debtor's �nterest
<br /> therein� and a�� other uti�ities whether or not situated in easements, a11 water taenl�s, water supply,
<br /> water p�wer sites, fuel stations, fuel tanks, fuel supply, and all other structures, together with all
<br /> ac�ess�ons, appurtenan�es, additions, repiac�ments, betterments and substitutions for any of the
<br /> for�going and the proceeds th�reof ���llecti�e�y, the "Fixtures"�. Notw�thstanding the
<br /> for�go�ng, "Fixtures" sha�l not in�lude any praperty which tenants are entitled to remave
<br /> pursuant to leases except to the extent that Debt�r sha1�have any right or interest therein;
<br /> f� All furniture, furnishings, objeets of art, machinery, goods, tools, supplies,
<br /> appl�ances, genera� intang�bles, contract rights, accounts, accounts receivable, franch�ses,
<br /> l�censes, c�rtificates and p�rmits, and a1I other personal property of any kind or character
<br /> whatso�ver as d�fned in and subject to the provisions af the Uniform �ommercial Code, other
<br /> than Fixtures, which are n�w or hereafter owned by I]ebtar and which are �acated within or
<br /> abaut the Land and the Improv�m�nts, together with all accessories, replacements and
<br /> 5L1�75tl.tlltlari5 theret� or th�refor and the proc�eds thereof (�ollectively, the "Per�vnal
<br /> Property"}, and th� right, t�tle and interest of Debtor in and to any of the Personal Property
<br /> whxeh may be subj ect to any se�urity interests, as defined in the Uniform �ommercial �ode, as
<br /> adopted and enacted by the state or sta.tes where any of the Property �s locat�d �the "Uniform
<br /> �ommercial �ad�"}, superior �n lien to th� �ien �f th� Security Instrument and a�1 praceeds and
<br /> products af the abav�;
<br /> g} A�l leases, subleases or subsubleas�s, Iettings, �icenses, canc�ssions or
<br /> �ther agreements �whether wr�.tten or oral� pursuant to which any Persan is granted a possessory
<br /> �nterest in, or right to use or �ccupy all or any port�on of the Land ar�d the Improvem�nts, and
<br /> every modxficat�on, amendm�nt or other agreement relating to such l�ases, sub�eas�s,
<br /> subsubleases, or other agreements entered into �n connect�on with such leases, subleases,
<br /> subsul�leases, or ather agreements and every guarara.tee af the perf�rmance a.rid observance of the
<br />