<br /> ARE� 7, LL�, a Delaware limited liability company, and
<br /> UHIL 7,LLC, a Delaware limited liability c�mpany,
<br /> eol�ectively,as Debt�r
<br /> and
<br /> �VELLS FARG� BANK, NATI�NAL ASS��IATI�N, as Secured Party
<br /> A11 of I��btor's r�ght, titl�, and interest, whether now owned�r hereafter a��uired, in and
<br /> to the f�llowing praperty to the e�tent th�y constitut� f xtures (the "Pr�perty"� 1o�ated upor�or
<br /> used�n connection with the real pro�erty des�ribed on Exhibit A attached to th�s Schedule A�the
<br /> �`Land"�:
<br /> a} Al� add�ti�nal lands, esta.t�s and development rights hereafter acquired by
<br /> Debtor for use in �onnection vvith the Land and the deve�oprnent of the Land and a�� additional
<br /> �ands and estates therein wh�ch may� from time t� time, by supplemental m�rtgag� nr othervvise
<br /> be expressly made subj�ct to the lien of the Deed �f Trust, Ass�gnment of Leases and Rents and
<br /> Security Agre�ment dated as �f August 2�, 2�14 (the "Se�urity Instrument"} regardless of
<br /> ownersh�p thereof;
<br /> b) The bu��dings, structures, fi�tures, additi�ns, enlargements, extensions,
<br /> m�difications, repairs, rep�acements and improvements now or hereafter erected or lacated on
<br /> the Land, but exc�uding any f�xtures �wned by U-Haul International, Inc., a Ne�ada carp�ration
<br /> �"tT-�Haul"} (collective�y,the "Improvements"�;
<br /> c} All easements, r�ghts-�f-way or use, r�ghts, str�ps and gores of land,
<br /> .
<br /> streets, ways, a eys, passages, sewer rights, water, water courses, water rights and p�wers, air
<br /> rights and developm�nt rights, and a11 estates, rights, tit�es, interests, pr�vi�eges, I�berties,
<br /> servitudes, tenements, her�ditaments and appurtenances of ar�.y nature whatsoever, �n any vvay
<br /> no�v or h�reafter be�ar�ging, relating �r p�rtaining to the Larid and the Improvements and the
<br /> reversion and revers�ons, remainder and remainders, and al� �and �y�ng �n the bed of any street,
<br /> road or avenue, opened or propos�d, in front of ar adj�ining the Land, to the eent�r line thereaf
<br /> and al� the estates, rights, titles, interests, davver and r�ghts of doWer, curtesy and rights of
<br /> curt�sy, prop�rty,possession, claim and d�mand whatsoever, both at la�v and in�quity, of Debtor
<br /> of, �n and to the Land and the Impr��ements and every part and parcel thereof, with the
<br /> appurtenances thereto;
<br /> d} A11 "gaods" and "equipment," as such terms are def�ned in Arti��e 9 of the
<br /> Un�form �omm�rcial �ode �as hereinaft�r d�fined�, now owned or hereafter acquir�d by I]ebtor,
<br /> which are us�d at or in �onnection with the Impro�ements or the Land or is l�cated thereon or
<br /> th�r��n (�ncluding, but not lim�ted ta, aI� machinery, equipmer�t, fi�rriishings, and electronic data-
<br /> processing and oth�r off�ce equipment naw owned or hereafter acquired by I]ebtar and any and
<br /> a�1 additions, substxtutions and repla�ements �f any of the foregoing�, together w�th aII
<br />