<br /> �h} Leases and Reri�s. A�� leases, subleases or subsub�eases, �ett�ngs, I�cense�,
<br /> �oncessions �r �ther agreem�nts [v�hether �vvr�tter� or ora�} purs�ant tfl v�rhich any Persvn is
<br /> granted a possessory xnt�r�st in, or right ta �se or accupy al� o�• any port�on of the Land and t�e
<br /> Improvements, and every mad�f�cat�on, amendm�nt or other agreemer�t relating to such �eases,
<br /> sub�eases, subsubleases, �r oth�r agr��ments enter��. into in Gonne�t�on with su�h leases,
<br /> sub�eases, su�sub�eases, ar other agreements a�d e�ery guara.�tee af the performance and
<br /> observanc� of the cover�arits, c�nd���ons and agr�emen.ts to be p�rform.�d and obser�ed by the
<br /> �th�r part}r theret�, heretaf�re ar h�reafter enter�d �nta �c�l�ectively, the "Leases"�, whether
<br /> befor� or after the fi�xng by �r aga�nst �rantor of any pet�t�on f�r �e�ief under the Bankruptc�
<br /> �ode and a11 right, tit�e and�nterest of�rantor, its sucC�ssors and ass�gns therein and thereunder,
<br /> �n��uding, u�ithaut ��rn�ta��on, �as� �r securities depos�t�d thereunder to secure the performance
<br /> by the lessees of their ob��gat�ons thereunder and a�� rents, additionai rents, re�enues, issues and
<br /> pr�f�ts (inc�ud�ng a�l a�� and gas ar �ther m�nera� raya�t�es and bonuses� fram the La.nd a�.d �he
<br /> Improvem�nts �and fram any After Acqu�red Leasehold Proper�� that is aperated by Borrower
<br /> through �ts aperatxons or� the Land} �hether pa�d ar a�cruing b�fore or after the f��ing by �r
<br /> aga�nst Gra.r�tor �f any petitian for re�xef under the Bankruptcy �ode �co��ect�v��y, the "Rents"}
<br /> and a�� proce�ds fr�m th� sa�e or other dispos�ti�r� of the Leases and the rxght to r�c�ive and
<br /> app�y the Rents to the pa�m�nt af the D�bt;
<br /> ��� �ondemnation Awards. Al� avvards ar pa�m�nts, including interest
<br /> thereo�, which may heret�fore and hereafter be rnad� with respect to the Proper�y, whether from
<br /> th� exer��se of th� right of em�nent doma�n �in�luding, but r�ot limit�d t�, any transfer made �n
<br /> lieu of ar in anticipation of the �xer�is� of th� r�ght�, or far a change of grad�, or far any other
<br /> injury to or decrease�n the�alue of the Pr�perty;
<br /> �} Insurance Praceeds. A�1 proc�eds in respe�t �f the Pr��erty under any
<br /> insuranc� pa�icies �over�ng the �roperty, includ�ng, w�th�u� ��m�tation, the r�ght to receive anc�
<br /> apply the pr�ceeds of any in�urance,judgments, ar sett�ements made in �i�u th��•eof, fax darnage
<br /> to the Pr�perty;
<br /> �k} Tax �ertiarari. A�� refunds, rebates ar credits in c�nnectian w�th
<br /> reduct��n in rea� estate taxes and ass�ssments �harged against the Praperty as a r�su�t �f tax
<br /> certi�rarx ar any app�icat�o�s or proceedings far reduct�on;
<br /> � ��� Conversion. A.�� proceeds �f the c�nv�rsx�n, vo�untary or in�aluntary, of
<br /> any of the f�r�gaing �ncluding, without ��mitatran, proceeds of insuranc� and cor�demnati�n
<br /> awards, intfl eash or Ixqu�dation claims;
<br /> �m} R� hts. The r�ght, in the name and �� �eha�f o��rantor, ta appear in an�.
<br /> defen� any a�t�on or proce�ding br�ught wit� respect t� the Property and t� cammence any
<br /> acti�n�r pr�c�eding to pr�tect the �nterest of Lend�r in th� Propert�;
<br /> �n} A reements. Al� agreements, �antracts, certifi�ates, �nstruments,
<br /> franchises, ��rmits, ��censes, p�ans, spec�fi�ati�ns and ath�r doGuments, naw or hereafter ent�red
<br /> inta, and aI� r�ghts therein ax�d th�re�a, resp�cting or perta�n�ng to the use, acCu�ation,
<br /> canstru�tion, management �r aperation af the �and and any �ar� therea�'and any Improvem�nts
<br /> 5
<br /> ��o�4s3sg�3
<br />