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��14�5�34 <br /> and e�ectr�n�� data-processing and other off�ce equipment naw vwned or her�aft�r ac u�red b <br /> . , q �' <br /> Grant�r and an�r and a�l add�t�ons, subst�tutions ar�d �ep�acexnents of any �f the f�re oin <br /> . g �)� <br /> togeth�r w�th a�� atta�hments, comp�nents, par�s, �qu�pm�nt and accessories �nsta��ed thereor� �r <br /> aff�x�d thereto �c�1��ctive�y, �he "Equ�pment"�; �rovided� hov�ever, Equipment sha�� not inc�ud� <br /> ��} any propert�b���nging t� t�nants under�eas�s �xc�pt ta the e�tent that �rant�r shall ha�re an <br /> . . . .. � <br /> rlght or lnterest there�n; or ���} U-�Iaul trucks, tra��ers and othe�• U-Hau� �rental e�u�pm.ent not <br /> ��ned by Grantor; <br /> �� F�xture�. A�I Equxpmer�t �zaw owned, �r the ��nership of wh�ch is <br /> �ereaft�r acqu�red, by �rantor v�h�ch xs so �•e�ated t� th� Land and Improvements forming par� of <br /> th� Praper�y that it �s deemed f�xtures �r real pr�per�y under th� �aw of the part�cu�ar state in <br /> wh�ch the Equ�pment �s Io�at�d, �nc�ud�ng, vvithout �im�tat�on, all bu�Xd�ng ar constru�t�on <br /> materia�s intend�d fflr construct�on, reconstruction, alteration ar repair of or insta��ation �n the <br /> Property, canst�-uct�an �quipment, app�iances, mach�ner�, ��ant equipm�nt, f�tt�ngs, ap�aratuses, <br /> f xtures and other it�ms now or hereafter attached ta, instal�ed �n �r used in connection w�th <br /> [temporar��� �r permanent�y] an�r of the Improvem.ents or th� �,and, includ�ng, but nat limited to, <br /> eng�nes, dev�Ges for the operation of pumps, pi�es, plumbing, �lean�ng, ca�1 a�d s�rink�er <br /> syst�ms, fire extinguish�ng apparatuses and �qu�pment, heating, v�ntilat�r�g, laundry, <br /> incinerating, electrical, air �o�dit�oning and a�r �ooling equipment arzd syst�ms, gas and electric <br /> ma�h�n�r�, appurtenances and e�uipment, pol�ut�on �ontro� equ�pment, secur�ty systerns, <br /> d�sposa�sy dxs�washers, refrigerat�rs and rang�s, recreationa� equipment and facilit�es of all <br /> kinds, and v�rater, gas, e��ctri�aX, storm a�d san�tary sevver fac��ities, ut��ity lines and equi�ment <br /> �v�hether owned individua��y or j�intly with others, and, if awned jnxnt�y, to th� ext�nt af <br /> �rantor's inter�st therein} and a11 other uti�ities whether or n�t situated �n easements, a�� water <br /> tanks, water supply, water p��ver s�tes, fuel stations, fuel tanks, fue� supp��, a�.d a�� �ther <br /> structures, t�g�th�r with a11 accession�, appurtenances, additxons, rep�acements, bett�rm�nts and <br /> substitut�ons for an� of the foregn�ng and the pro�eeds ther�of f collectively, the "�ixtures"�. <br /> Natwithstanding the forego�ng, "��xtures" shal� not �nc�ude any propert� which tenants are <br /> ent�t�ed to r�m�v� pursuant to leases e�cept ta th� extent that �rantar sha�� have any r�ght ar <br /> �nterest there�n; <br /> (g} Persona� Property. All furniture, furn�sh�ngs, obje�ts of art, mach�n�ry, <br /> g��ds, ta��s, �u�p�ies, appliances, genera� intangi���s, contra�t r�ghts, account�, a�counts <br /> r�ceivable, franchises, �icenses, �ert�ficates and permits, and all other perso�al praperty Qf any <br /> k�nd or chara�ter �rhatsoe�er as def ned in and subj e�t t� the prov�sions af t�e LJnif�rm <br /> C�mmerCia� �ode, oth�r than Fixtures, which are now �r her�after �wned b}� CJrar�tor and w�ich <br /> are Io�at�d with�n Qr ab�ut the Land and the Improvernen�s, togeth�r w�th a�� accessories, <br /> rep�acer�ents and substitutxons thereta ar t��refor and the proce�ds there�f (c���e�t�veXy, the <br /> "Persona� Prap�rty"�, and the right, t�tle and int�rest �f�-ran�or in and ta an� of th� Personai <br /> Pr�p�rty which may be subj ect to any security interests, as def ned ir� the Un�farrz� Commerc�al <br /> ��de, as adopte� and enacted by the s�at� �r states vvhere any flf the Property is �ocated �the <br /> "Uniforr� Commerc�a� Cade"�, superx�r in ��en to �he 1�en of this Deed of Trust and a�l <br /> pro�e�ds and praducts �f the abave; <br /> 4 <br /> )�0845398W3 <br />