<br /> �r respect�n�or p�rta�n�ng to any bus�r�ess ar ac��vity conducted�n th� Land and any part thereof
<br /> ar�d ali right, ti��e ar�d �nt�rest �f Grantor there�n and thereunder, �ncludir�g, w�thout limitation,
<br /> th� r�ght, upon the happen��.g of any defau�t hereunder, ta receive a�d co��ect any sums payab�e
<br /> t� Grantor thereunder;
<br /> �o� Trademarks. A�� tradenar�.es, tradernarks, servicemar�s, �ogos, capyr�ghts,
<br /> gaodv�r�11, books and r�cords and all �ther general intangibles r��at�ng t� or used in �onne�tion
<br /> w�th the �perat�an of the Pr�pert�, but ex��uding any tradenarnes, �rademarks, ser�r�cemarks,
<br /> ��gos, capyr�ghts, goodvvi�l, b�aks and records and other general �r�tang�bXes o�ned by�J-Hau�;
<br /> �p} Acc�unts. A�� reserves, escr�ws and de�osit accaunts �naintair�ed b�r
<br /> Grantor �vith respect to th� Property, �nc�uding, �vith�ut l�mitation, the �31oc�ed Accou�t and the
<br /> Cash Management Acc�unt, t�gether with a�i deposits or wire transfers made to such acc�unts,
<br /> a�� �ash, �hecks, drafts, certif cates, securxt�es, �nvestment ��r�perty, f nan�ial asse�s, instruments
<br /> and �ther propert�r he�d therein from t�me to time a.r�d all proee�ds, praaucts� dis�r�butions ar
<br /> div�dends or substituti�ns thereon and thereof;
<br /> �q� Letter of �redit. A11 �etter-of-�r�d�t rights (vvheth�r or not the �etter of
<br /> cred�t is e�i�enced by a vvrxtxr�g} �rantar now has ar h�reafter acq��res re�ating to the propert�es,
<br /> rights, t�t�es and int�rests referre�to �n th�s S�ct�on 1.1;
<br /> �r} Tort �la�ms. A.I� cammercial t�r� c�aims Grantor naw has �z he��after
<br /> a�quir�s r��at�ng �n the praper�i�s, r�ghts, t�tles and�nt�rests referred ta in this Sect�on �.�;
<br /> �s� �eratin��eas�. A�1 r�g�ts, benef�ts, prrvi�eges, a�.d �nter�sts of Grantor
<br /> xn that certa�n aperat�n� I�as� descrxbed on Exhibit B attached hereto and �ncorporated her�in by
<br /> reference (the "�perating Lease"} and a�1 mod�fcatxons, extens�ons, renewals, and .
<br /> replacern�nts thereof, and a�l d�posits, credits, options, pr�vil�ges, and rxghts �f�rantor as t�nant
<br /> under the �perat�ng Lease, together w�th al� of the easements, rights, pr����eg�s, franch�ses,
<br /> tenements, hereditaments and appurt�nan�es novv or hereafter th�r�unto be�onging or in any way
<br /> appertain�ng thereta, and a�I �f the estat�, right, t�t�e, anterest, claim and demand whatso�ver of
<br /> �`rrantor there�n �r thereto, either at law or �n equ�ty, i�. possess�on ar xn expectancy, now �r
<br /> �ereafter a�quired;
<br /> �t� A�counts Receivab�e. A�� rights, titl� and interest of�rant�r aris�n fra�n
<br /> �
<br /> the aperatzon �f the Propert� in and to a�i payments far goads or pr�pert� sold �r leas�d �r for
<br /> ser��ces rendered, wh�ther or not yet earn�d by performance,and not ev��enGed b� an �ns�rurner�t
<br /> or chattel �aper ��.ereinafter r�f�rred to as "Accvunts Rece��ab�e"�, �n��ud�ng, w��hout Iim�t�ng
<br /> the generalit� af the for�go�ng, (i} a�� a�counts, contract r�ghts, hook debts, and notes aris�ng
<br /> froxn th� operation of a s��f-starage fac��ity on the I�r�perty or arxsing from the sa�e, ��ase or
<br /> �x�hange of gaods or flth�r pr�perty andlar the performance �f ser���es, �ncluding, without
<br /> l�mitat�on, the rer�tal of U-Haul equ�pment and the retai� sale of moving supp��es and �ther
<br /> appur�enant and re�ated bus�ness good or �roperty, ��i} �rantar's right to payment from an�
<br /> c�nsumer creditl�harge card flrgani2ati�n �r ent�ty (su�h as, or sim��ar t�, the argani�atians or
<br /> �nt�ties �hic� sponsor and administer the American �xpress Card, the Visa �ard or �he
<br /> 1V�astercard}, (i�i} Grant�r'S rig�7t5 �n, to and under a��purchase orders for g��ds, services or ath�r
<br /> �
<br /> 1 DflS45398�3
<br />