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��14�5�34 <br /> pursuant to ��ct�ons 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3 herein and Se�t�on 9.3 of the Loan Agreement�s not ��mited <br /> t� the �riginal principal an�ount af the Note. N�tvWithstand�ng the f�regoing, n�th�ng�erein sha�l <br /> �nhib�t or prevent Lender fro�n fare�los�ng ar e�erc�s�n� an� other rights a�.d remed�es pursuan� <br /> ta th� Loan Agreement, the �ote, this Deed �f Trust and the other Loan Documents, vWh�ther <br /> simu�taneousl� with for�c��sur� praceed�ngs or in any other se�uence. A separate act�on or <br /> actians ma� �e �r�ught and prase�uted aga�r�st �rantor pursuant to Sect�ons 9.�, 9.� and 9.3 <br /> herein and Sectx�r� 9.3 af th� L�an Agreement�hether or not actior� �s �rought agai�st any other <br /> Per�on �r �vhet�er or not any oth�x• Persor� �s joined in the act�on or acti�ns. In addition, Lender <br /> shall have the r�ght but n�t the oblrgat��n t�jorn and partic�pate in, as a party if�t so �lects, any <br /> administrativ� �r judic�a� proce��ings ar act�ons �n�tiated in connect�an vvith any matter <br /> addressed �n Ar��cle 9 h�rein. <br /> Secti�n 7.11 Ri�ht af Entr_y. Upon reasonabl� n�tice ta �rant�r, �ender ar�d �ts agents <br /> shal� have the rzg�.t t� enter and �ns�ect the Pr�perty at aX�reas�nable times. <br /> S�ct�on 7.1Z Lend�r's Remedies a ainst �Vlult� �e Parcels. The Deht and the <br /> �b��gations herel�y s��ured are alsa se�ured by ather propert�es, Iots and parce�s (each an"�ther <br /> Property" and collect��ely, the "�t�er Prap�r��es") co�ered by other martga�es, deeds of trust <br /> and deeds to secure de�t �the "�ther IVlortgages"} w�thin andlor a�ts�de the state where th� <br /> Proper�y is �o�ated. If thxs Deed of Trust �r any of the �ther Mortgages xs farecl�sed upnn, or if <br /> judgm�nt is enter�d upon any �b�igations secured hereby, or �f Lender e�erc�ses �ts p�wer of <br /> sale ��f appi�cab�e unde�-the �a�vs of the State �n v�h��h the Pro�erty �s �ocated�, �x�cuti�n may be <br /> rr�ad� upon or I�ender r�ay exercise its remedies �including any pawer of sa�e} against any ane or <br /> m�re of the �ther Properties and r�ot u.pan the �t.�.er [�ther Properties, or u�an a�l of such ��h�r <br /> Pro�er��es, ��ther t�gether or separately, and at different tim�s or at the sarne t�me, and th� <br /> e�ercise of su�h remedies, execution sa1�s or sa�es ux�der the pow�r �f sa�e h�r�in granted �if <br /> ap��icahle under the �aws af the state in �hi�h the Propert� �s lacated� ma�r �ikewise be <br /> c�nducted separate�y or concurrently, zn each ca�e at Lender's e��cti�n. No event of <br /> enf�rGement taking place against any �ther Pr�perty, and na failure to pros�cute any su�h ather <br /> enforcement sha�� ir� an� way stay, preclude or bar �nfarcernent �� this D�ed of Trust, and <br /> Lender rnay pur�ue any or a11 of Lender's r�ghts and remedies ur�.der this De�d of Trust until the <br /> Debt and the �b��gati�r�s paid ar�d discharged in fu��. <br /> A�'�`I�L�VIII�- PREPAYMENT � <br /> Section 8,1 Pre a ment. The Debt may not be prepaid �n whole �r in part except in <br /> accordance vv�th the e�press t�rms and conditions �f th� Laan Agreement. <br /> A�TICLE I� � INI)EMNIFI�ATI�N <br /> Sect�o� 9.1 �enera� Indemnification. �rantor sha��, at its sole cost and expense, <br /> protect(with legal counsel reasonably acceptab�e to L�nd�r], defend, indemn�f�, re�ease and h�1d <br /> harm��ss the Ir�demn�f ed Parties fram and aga�nst a�y and a�l c�axms, suits, �iab���ties (inc�u��ng, <br /> w�th�ut �im�tation, str�ct ��ab���ties�, actions, praceedings, ob�igati�n�, debts, damages, 1Q�s�s, <br /> �osts, expenses, d�minut�ons �n value, fir�es, penalties, ch�rges, fe�s, ex�enses, judgm�nts, <br /> awa�ds, amaunts pa�d �n s�tt�ernent, �ux��t�ve dama�es, foreseeab�e and unforese�able <br /> �o <br /> 1�aS4S398v3 <br />