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��14�5�34 <br /> �b� It �s agre�d that the r�sk �f�oss or damage ta the Prop�r�}� is fln �`rrantnr, <br /> and L�nder shall ha�e no lia�ility whatso��v�r far dec�ine xn value �f th� Praper�y, f�r fai�ur� to <br /> mainta�n the Po��c�es, or �or fai�ure t� deterrnine whe�h��*insurance �n for�� �s adequate as to the <br /> amount of risks �nsur�d. Possess�on by Le�der shall not be d�emed an elect�on of jud�c�a� relief <br /> �f any such p�ssessian is re�uested or obta�ned w�th respect to any pro��rty ar �ollateral not in <br /> Lend�r's��ssess�on. <br /> (c) Lender may r�sor# f�r �he payment Qf the De�t �o any other se�urity hel� <br /> by L�nder �n such arder a.nd manner as Lender, in its discret��n, may elect. Lender may take <br /> action to recover the l�e�t, ar any portion thereof, or ta enforce any covenant h�reof vvithout <br /> p�-ej u�1�ce to the right of L�nder thereafter ta forecl�se this D�ed af Trust. The r�ghts of Lender <br /> under t�is Deed af Trust sha�� �a� separate, distinct and cumulat�ve and none shal� be gi��n effect <br /> to the ex�iusion of the �thers. No act of Lender shall �e �anstrued as an elect�on to proce�d <br /> under ar�y ane pr�visx�n here�n t� th� exc�us�on �f any ather pro�ision. Lender shail not be <br /> �imited exc�usively ta the r�ghts and remedies here�n stated l�ut sha�l be er�t�tled to�very right and <br /> remed�nov�r or hereafter aff�rded at�aw ar in�quity. <br /> Section 7.S Ri ht t� �e�eas� An Portion of the Pro er . Lender ma}� re�ease any <br /> portiar�of the Praperty for su�h cansiderat��n as Lender may requ�re vvithout, as to the rerx��inder <br /> of the Prop�rty, in an� way �mpairing ar affe�ting the �ie� or pr��rity of th�s I3e�d �f Trust, or <br /> improvin� the pa s�t�on o f a.ny subordinate 1�enha�der vvith resp ect thereto, exc�pt to the �xtent <br /> that the ob��gatians her�under shall have ��en reduced 1�y th� a�tua� monetary consideration, if <br /> any, received by Lender f�r such re�ease, and r�ay a�cept by ass�gnm�nt,pledge or�ther°v�ise any <br /> oth�r �ropert� in piac� th��-eaf as Lender may requir� w�thout be�ng accountab�� for so doing to <br /> ar�y oth�r ��enho�der. This Deed af Trust sha�l c�nt�nue as a ��en and security int�re�t in th� <br /> remain�ng�orti�n of the Proper�y. <br /> Se�t��n 7.9 Vio�atxon of �aws. If the Pr�perty is not �n materia� c�mp��an�e w�th <br /> Legai R�quirements, Lender may impnse a�ditxona� r�asonable r�c�uirements up�n Crrantor �r� <br /> �anr�ection herev�ith including, w�th�ut limitation, manetary reser�es �r f�nanc�al equivalent� in <br /> amounts suff ci�nt, �n L�nder's sol�judgrr�ent, to mitigate such non�-comp�iance. <br /> Sect���n 7.1D Recaurse a�d �h�ice of Remedies. �otv�ithstand�n�any oth�r provisi�n <br /> of this Deed of Trust or the Loan Agre�ment, �nc�uding, v�rithout �imitation, Section 9.3 af the <br /> Loax� Agr�ernent, to the ful�est extent per.n-��t�ed by app�icab�e law, Lender and oth�r Indemnif�ed <br /> Par��es are entitled to enforce t�.e �bl�gat�ons of Gran�or c�nta�ned �n Sectians 9.1, 9.� and 9.3 <br /> her��z� and Sect�on 9.3 of the Laar� Agre�ment w�thout f rst resorting to or exhausting any <br /> sec�rity ar co�iatera� and without f rst ha�ing r�cours� to the Nate or any of the Property, <br /> through f�reclnsure or ac�eptar�.ce af a deed �n �ieu of�oreclosure or �therw�se, and �n the event <br /> Ler�der commences a f�r��losure act�on against the Praperty, Lender is entitled to pursu� a <br /> def c�ency judgment with r�spect to such obligations against�rrantor. T�e pr��isions of Sectians <br /> 9.1, �.� ar�d 9.3 h�re�n and Secti�n 9.3 of the Laan Agr�ement ar� �xcept�ons to an� non-- <br /> re�ours� ar exculpati�n pr�visions xn �he L�an Agreement, the I�flte, th�s D��d of Trust or the <br /> other ��an Documents, and �rantor is fully and pers�nal�y 1iab�e f�r the oi�ligations pursuant t� <br /> Secti�ns 9.1, 9.� ar�d 9.3 h�re�n and Section 9.3 of th� Loan Agre�rnent. T�e �iab���ty �f�rant�r <br /> I� <br /> ]0�84539��3 <br />