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��14�5�34 <br /> consequ�ntia� damag�s, af whatever kind or nature �inc�ud�ng but nat I�mited ta r�asonable <br /> a�t�rneys' fees and other eosts of defense} �cal�e�ti�e��, the "Losses"} impased upon or incurred <br /> by or asserte� aga�nst any Indemnified Parties and d�rect�y or ind�rect�y ar�s�ng �ut �f or in any <br /> wa}� relatxng to any ane or rnore �f the f€��law�ng: �a} ov�nership af th�s Deed �f Trus�, the <br /> Pr�pert�r �r any �nter�st therein or receipt of an� Rents� (b� any amendment ta, ar restruct�r�ng <br /> of, the Debt, the l�T�t�, the Loan A�gr��m�nt, th�s I3e�d of Trust� or a�y �ther ��an Do�uments; <br /> (c� an� an� a11 lawful actior�that may be taken by Len�er �n c�nnect�on with the er��orc�rr�ent of <br /> th� ro�visions o�th�s De�d ��Trust, th� Loan Agreem���t, th� I�ote ar any of the other L�ar� <br /> � <br /> I���uments, whether or n�t suit is filed in connect�on �ith same, or in connecti�n with �rantor, <br /> any guarantor or any �nd�mnitor Person andlar a�y partner,j�int v�ntur�r �r shareho�der thereof <br /> b�c�ming a part�to a va�untary �r involuntaxy fed�ral �r state bankruptcy, insol�en�y �r simila.r <br /> proceeding; (d} any �.c�ident, injury to ar death �f persons �r ��ss of �r damage ta praperty <br /> oc�urring �n, on ox about th� Proper�y �r any part thereof or �n the adjoining s�de�ai�s, curbs, <br /> adj acent property or adj ac�nt park�r�g a�eas, str�ets or wa�s; �e� any use, nonuse or condit�on �n, <br /> �n or a�b�ut the Property �r a.ny part thereof or an the adjo�ning s�d��ra�ks, curbs, adja��nt <br /> pra�erty ar adj acent par�kir�g areas, streets or ways; (f� any failure on th� part of �rant�r ta <br /> p�rf�rm ar be in camp�iance with any af the terms af this Deed of Trust, t�.e Nflte, the L�an <br /> Agreem�nt or any of the ath�r Loan Dacum�nts; (g�perform.ance of any labor or ser�i�es �r th� <br /> furr�ish�ng of any materia�s or ather �roperty in respe�t of the Praper�� or any par� thezeof; <br /> (h)the failure of any person to file t�me�y with th� Internal I�evenue Serv�c� an accurate Form <br /> 1�9��8, Statem�nt f�r Recipients of Proceeds from R�a� �state, Broker and Bar�er Exchan�e <br /> Transact�ons, wh�ch rnay be requ�red xn conr�ecti�n v�rith th�s I]eed of Trust, or to supply a e�py <br /> ther�of in a t�me�y fashion to the recipient af the proceeds of the transa�ti�n in conr�.ect�on with <br /> wh�ch this Deed of Trust is rnade; (�} any failure of th� Prnper�y to be xn �ompliance with any <br /> �e al Re uirements� �j}the enforcemer�t by any Indemnif ed Party of th� pr��isions of this <br /> � q . <br /> Article 9; k} any and all cla�ms an� deman�s whats�ever v�h��h rr�ay be asserted agaxnst Ler�der <br /> � , , . <br /> � r�asan of an alleged obligat�ons or und�rtakings on 1ts part to perform or d�scharge any �f <br /> Y � . . <br /> t�e term�, �ovenants, or agre�ments c�ntained in any Lease; (1}the payment af any c�mm�ss�on, <br /> char e or�zakerage fee to ar�yone claim�ng through Grantar which�nay be payab�e in��nn�ct�on <br /> . g . . . <br /> w�th the fund�r�g of the Loan; or �m} any m�srepresentat�on made by �rantor �n this I]eed of <br /> Trust ar an ather L�an I�ocument. Any am�unts payab�e to L�nder by reas�n o�th� application <br /> Y <br /> of th�s Secti�n 9.1 sha11 become immedxat�iy due and pa�ab�e and shal� bear interest at th� <br /> Default Rate from the date loss or damage is sustained by Lender unt��paid. <br /> Sect�on 9.� Mart�a�e andlor Intan�ible_,Tax. Grantar shal�, at �ts so�e cost and <br /> tect defend ind�mnif re�ease and ho�d harmless the I�demnified Parties fr�rn and <br /> expense, pra , , ya , <br /> a a�nst an and a�I Losses irnp�sed upon �r �ncurred by or asserted aga�nst any Indemn�fied <br /> g � . . . . . . <br /> Parties and d�rect� �r �nd�rect�y ar�s�ng out �f or �r� any vvay re�at�ng to an� tax an the making <br /> Y <br /> andlor rec�rding of this Deed af Trust, the Note �r any of the other Loan Da�uments, but <br /> exc�udin an inconr�e, franchise or other simi�ar taxes. Grantor hereby agrees that, in th� �vent <br /> � y <br /> tha� it �s �ietermir�ed that any dvcumentary stamp taxes ar �ntang�b�e personal pr��erty taxes are <br /> due hereon or on an� mortgage ar promissory note executed in conn��t�an her�w�th (includ�r�g, <br /> wxth�ut �im�tation, the l�Tate�, �rantar shall �ndemnify and hold harmless th� Indemni�ed Parties <br /> f�r al� such documentary stamp andlar intangib�� taxes, ir�cluding al� pena�ties and �ntexest <br /> assessed �r charged in cannection therew�th. <br /> �l <br /> I008453�Sv3 <br />