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��14�5�34 <br /> ��nc�ud�ng r�asonable att�rne�s' fees ta the e�tent perm�tted b� IaW�, vW�th interest as provided in <br /> this Sect�nn �.3, shal� const�tute a por�ion af the I3ebt and shall be due an� payable to Lender <br /> up�n demand. All such costs and exp�nses �ncurr�d by Lender �n remed�ing such Event af <br /> Defau�t ar such fai��d paymer�t or act �r in appearing �n, de�endi�lg, or bringing any such actian <br /> �r proceed�r�g sha�� bear interest at th� Default Rat�, f�r th� peri�d after n�tic� fram Lend�r that <br /> such cost or expense vWas incurr�d to �he date �f pa�ment to Lender. Al� s��h c�sts and expenses <br /> incu��ed by Lender toge�her with interest therean ca�c�u�ate� at the Defa��t Rat� sha�� b� deem�d <br /> to �onst�tute a por��on of the Debt �r�d be secured b� th�s Deed of `�rust and th� oth�r Loan <br /> I3acuments and s�a11 be �mmediately due ar�d paya��� upon dernand by Lender theref�r. <br /> Se�t�on 7.4 Act�ons an� Pro�eed�n s. �ender has the right to appear in and defend <br /> any act�o� or proceeding brought with respect t� the Property and to br�ng ar�y a�tian or <br /> proceed��g, in the nam� and an behalf of�rantor, which L�nder, �n�ts discretion, decid�s sh�u�d <br /> �e brought to protect �ts interest in the Praperty. <br /> Sectian '�.5 Reco�eryo uf Surns �t�quired To �e Pa�d. Lender sha�1 have the ri�ht <br /> from time to time to take action to re�over any sum �r surns wh�ch const�tute a part of the I�e�t <br /> as the sam� be�om.e due, with�ut regard to vvhether or not th� ba�ance af the ��bt s�a11 b� due, � <br /> and �vithaut prejud�ce to the r�gh.t of Len�er ther�after t� �ring an act�an of f�reclosure, or an� <br /> other acti�n, f�r a defau�t ar defaults �� Grantor e�isting at the time su�h �arlier action �vas <br /> cammenced. <br /> S�cf�on 7.5 Exam�nation �f �aoks and R��ords. �4t reasonabl� times a.n�. upar� <br /> r�asonab�e notice, Lender, its agents, ac�ountar�ts and attorneys sha�� have the right t� e�amine <br /> the records, b�oks, manag�m�nt and ather paper� of CTrantor �vhich reflect upon their f nanc�a� <br /> cond�t�or�, at the Property or at any �ffice regular�y rr�aintained hy �rantor where the �oo�s ar�d <br /> r�c�rds are I�cated. L�nder and its agents sha�l have the r�ght to make ca�ies and extracts from <br /> the f�reg�ing re��rds and ather pap�rs. In add�tx�n, at reasanable tim�s and upon reasonab�e <br /> notice, �.ender, its agents, accountants and attorneys sha�� have the rxght to �xamine and audit the <br /> bQoks and re�ards of Grant�r pertain�ng ta the inc�me, expenses and operati�n of the Property <br /> during reas�nab�e business hours at any of�ce af �rantor where the bo�ks and re�ords are <br /> Xo�ated. Th�s Sect��n 7.� sha�l ap�Iy throug�aut �he term �f the Note and withaut regard �n <br /> v�hether an �vent of has occurred or is cont�nuing. <br /> Se�t�on 7.7 �ther R� hts etc. �a� The failure flf Lender ta 1I1515t upo� str��t <br /> performance of any term hereof shall not be deem�d ta b� a vva�ver of any term �f t�is I]eed �f <br /> Trust. Grantar shal� not be re�iev�d of Grantor's ob�igations h�reunder by reason �f ��)t�� <br /> fai�ure �f Lender to conn.p�y v�r�th an� rec�uest of�-rantar ar any guarantnr or any �r�demni�ox with <br /> respe�t to the Loan to take an� aGt��n to forec�ose this I��ed af Trust ar otherw�se enforce any of <br /> the prov�sians hereaf�r of the Note or the other Loar� Documents, �ii� the re�ease, r�gard�ess of <br /> �onsid�rat�on, of the whole or any part af the Pro�er�y, or of any person �iab�e far t�e I�ebt or <br /> any portion there�f, or �iii� any agreemer�t or st�pu�atian �}� Lender extend�ng the time of <br /> payrnent or othe�rwise m�difying or suppl�m�nting the t�rm.s of the Nate, this Deed of Trust or <br /> the oth�r Loan Dacuments. <br /> 18 <br /> t Ofl845398v3 <br />