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��14�5�34 <br /> �i} th� ri�ht to tal�e pvssession �f the Fixtures, the Equipment, the Persor�a� �'rop�rt� ar any par� <br /> thereaf, and to take su�h other rneasures as Ler�d�r may deem ne�essar� for t�e car�, protecti�n <br /> and preser�ati�n af the Fixtures, the EqU�pment, the PersQr�a� Prfl�erty, and ���} request Borrawer <br /> at �ts ex��ns� to assemb�� the Frxtures, the Equi�ment, th� Persona� �'rop��ty and�e it <br /> availab�e t� Len�.er at a��nven�ent p�ace acc�p�a�Ie to �ender. Any noti�e o�sal�, dispas�t�on or <br /> ot�er intended action �y Lender witih respe�t to the Fixtur��, the Equ.�pment, the P�rsonal <br /> Propert� sent to Bo�•ravver�n ac�ordance w�th th�prov�sions hereof at�ea�t f�ve [S} bu���ess da�s <br /> p�•�ar�o su�h actia�., sha�� c�r�s���ute c�mm�r�ially reasonab�e natic�t� Borrav�er; <br /> [�} apply any sums then depos�ted or he�d iri escrvw �r othe�w�se by or �n behalf af <br /> Lender ir� acc�rdanc� vvith �he terms of the Loan Agr�ement, this I.��ed of Trust or any other <br /> Loan D�curr�er�t ta the paymer�t af the fo��owir�g items xn any order in its s�le �iiscreti�n: (i} <br /> Ta.�es and �ther �harges; �x�� Ir�surance Pr�miums; (iii} in�erest on the unpa�d prxncipal ba�anc� <br /> �f the Note; ���v� arnort�zat�on af the unpaid pr�nc�pai balance of the Note; and �v] a11 other sums <br /> pa�abi� pur�uant to t�e No�e, the Loan Agreement, th�s I�eed af Trust ana the oth�r Loan <br /> I]ocuments, �nc�ud�ng without limitation ad�ances mad� by Lender purs�ant to the terms of th�s <br /> I]eed of Trust; <br /> (k} pursue such ather r�med�es as T��nder ma�have under app�i�ab�e �a�v; ar <br /> (�} apply the undisbursed balance of any �et Pr�ceeds Deficiency d�p�srt, togeth�r <br /> with interest th�reon, to the �ayment �f th� Debt in such order� prior�ty and propor��ons a� <br /> Lender sha11 deem t� be appropriate in its discret��n; or <br /> (m) u��ier the paw�r nf sa�e hereby granted, Lende� �r Trustee sha�� have the <br /> d�scretionary right t� eause some o� a�l of the Pr�perty, �nc�uding a.r�y Persana� P��p�rty, �o be <br /> soi�or�therwise d�sp�sed �f in any cambinat�on and in any manner perm�tted b�applieab�e law, <br /> In t�e �vent af a sa�e, by for�c�osure, ��wer af sale ar otherwise, of�ess than aIi �f the Proper��, <br /> th�s I]e�d of�rust sha�� �ontinue as a Iien and secur��y interest on the remain�ng par�ion of the <br /> Property ur�irnpaired and wi�haut�ass of priority. <br /> Sectior� 7.2 A�Iicat�or�^vf Pr�c�eds. The pur�hase money, proceeds and avails af <br /> any dispositi�n of the Property, and or any art ther��f, ar an �ther sums c���ected b L�nder <br /> p Y Y <br /> pursuant ta the N�te, this �e�d of Trust or the other�aan Documents, may b� ap�l�ed by Lender <br /> to the payment of�he I�ebt in such pri�rity and praportior�s as �.�nder in its discretion sha�1 deem <br /> proper. <br /> Sectxon 7.3 R� ht tfl �ure D�faults. Upon the �ccurren�� and during the continuance <br /> �f any Ever�t of Defau�t, or �f Grantor fa�1s ta make any payment �r t� do any act as her�in <br /> prov�ded, Lender may, but w�thaut any a����ation to do s� and w�thout not�ce to or demand on <br /> Crrant�r and without r�leas�ng Grantor fr�m any ob��gat�an hereun�er, make any paym�nt or do <br /> any act requ�red �f�rant�r hereunder in such manner and to �uch extent as I.,ender may deem <br /> necessary to protect the security hereof. Lender is authorized to enter u�on the Property for such <br /> purposes, or ap�ear in, defend, or br�ng any act��n �r pro�eed�ng to protect its int�rest �n the <br /> Property �r ta f�rec�ose this I�eed of Trust ar co�lect the I��bt, and the �ast and �xpense �here�f <br /> �7 <br /> 1�4845398�3 <br />