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��14�54�7 <br /> �. �CCt�p�1Cy. Borrower shall o�cupy,estahlish,and use the Property as Barrower's principal residence <br /> within f�days after the exe�ution of this S�curity�nstrument a�.d shall�ontinue to occupy the P�roperty as <br /> Borrawer's principal residence far at least one year after the date af accupan�y,unless Lender otherwise <br /> agrees in writing, whi�h consent sha11 nat�e unreasonably withh��d,or unless extenuating�ircumsta�uces <br /> exist are beyond Borrower's control. <br /> 7. Pre�ervation, Maintenence ar�d PnvteGtian of the Phvperty; Inspec�tians. Borr�wer shall not destroy, <br /> damage or impair the Prflperty,allow the Praperty to deterinrate or cammit waste on the Fr�perty. Wh�ther <br /> or not Borr�wer is residing in the Property,Borrower shall maintain.the Proper�y i.n arder tv pre�ent the <br /> Property from deteriorating or decre�si..t�g in�alue due tv its cor�d.i�ion. Un��s s it is determined pursuant to <br /> Section 5 that repair vr restarativn is not ecan�mi�ally feasible,Borrower shall promptly repair the Property <br /> if damaged to avaid further deteriarat�on or damage. If insurance or candemuativn proceeds are paid in <br /> connec�ion with damage to, ar the taking af,the Property,Borrower shall be responsible for repairing ar <br /> re�toring the Property only if Lender has rele:as�d proceeds for such purposes. Lender rnay disburse proceeds <br /> for the repairs and restoration in a payment or in a series of prvgress payments as�he w�rk is <br /> completecl.If the insurance or�ondemnation�pro�eeds are nat sufficient to repaar or restare the Praperty, <br /> Borrflwer is not relie�ed of Borrower's o�ligatian for the campletion�f such repair or restaration. <br /> Lender or its agent may reasonable entries upan and inspections af the Property. If it has reas�nable <br /> cause,Lender may in.spect th�i.nterior of the imprav�ments on the Property. Lender shall give Barrower <br /> no�ice at the time of or prior tv such an interiar inspec�ian spe� such reasanable�aus�. <br /> $. Bomawer's Loan Appl���on. Borrower sha11 be in default if, during the Loan applica�ion pra�ess, <br /> Borr�wer or an.y perso�s or entities a�ti..u�at the�ction af Barrower or with Borrow�r`s I�uowledge or <br /> consent gave materially fa�se,misleading,or inaccurate infornnation or statements to Len�ler�or failed to <br /> provide Lender with material infarma�ian3 in connection with the Laan. Material representa�ions include,but <br /> are not 1im��ed to,representations concernin�Borrower's o�upancy af the Prop�rty as Borr�wer's prin�ipal <br /> resid�n�e. <br /> S. Pnotect��n of Lende�'s Intere�t in the Phaperty �and Rl9hts Under this SecuNty Instrument.If�a} <br /> Barrower fails ta perform the co�enan�s and a�reements�antained in.�us Se�urity Instrument, �b�there is a <br /> legal proceeding that might significantly affect Lender's interest in the Prop�rty andlor rights under this <br /> Se�urity Instrument�such as a proceeding in baukrupt�y,probate, fvr condemnation vr forfeiture,far <br /> enfor�ement of a lien which may attain priority over this Se�urity I�strument ar to en�ar�e laws or <br /> regulations�,ar��}Borrower has abaudoned the Prnperty?then Lender may da and pay for whatever is <br /> reasonable or appropriate ta pratect Lender's in�erest in the P'rop�rty and rights under�his Security <br /> Instrument,including protecting andl�r assessing the�a1ue of the Property, and securing andlor repair�ing <br /> the P'raperty. L.ender's ac�ions can include,but are not limited ta: ta�paying any sums se�ured by a lien <br /> which has priority over this Se�urity Inst�ru.ment; �b�appearing�n court;and�c}paying re�svnable attorneys' <br /> fees to prote�t its in.terest in the Properfy andlor rights under this Se�urity Instrument,including its secured <br /> position in a bankruptcy proceeding. S��uring the Property in�ludes,but is not lirnit�d ta, the <br /> Praperty to mai�e repairs,change 1o�ks,repla�e or board up doars and windows, dra�n water from pipes, <br /> eli.minat.�building or oth�r code viola�ions or dangerous conditians, and have utilities turn.ed on or off. <br /> Alth�ugh Lender may take acta.on under t.�iis Sec�ian 9, Lender does not have to dv so au�is not u�der any <br /> duty ar obligativn to do sa.It is agreed that Lender incurs na liability far not taking any or all actions <br /> authorized u.nder this �ection 9. <br /> 12154�5G0 fl4891315�2 <br /> NEBRASKA-Sirrgl�Family-Fanni�MaslFr�ddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS �orm 3428 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMP6A�NEj(1342}.aQ <br /> Wolters Kluwer Fnancial Ser�ic�s Page S of 17 <br /> w <br /> [ , <br /> r � <br />