<br /> in the Property a�i righ�s under this�ecu.rity Instrument; and�d)takes surch a�ction as I.e�ndear may
<br /> ly require to asst�re that Lender's�nterest in t�e �d rights und�t�is Security t,
<br /> and Borrower's abligation t�pay the su.m►s secured by this 5ecui-ity Instrument, s�ll cantinue unchanged.
<br /> I,eader�x�ay r�quire that Barrower pay such reinstate�t sums aud expenses in flne or mare af the fvllawing
<br /> forms, as se�ected by Lender: �a)cash; C��maney order; [c�oertified check,bank check,treasurer's check or
<br /> �uer's ch�ck,provid�d any suc�.check is dravvn upon an institution whose de�sits are insured by a
<br /> fed�ral agency, ' tali.ty ar entity; or�d]E1e�tronic Funds Tr�nsfer. Upon r ' t by Borrower,
<br /> this Security t and obligatians seaared hereby shall rema�n fully effe�i�e as if no a�acel�ratian had
<br /> occurred. Howe�vez,this right to r�instate s�hall not apply in t�ie rase�f a�ooelerativn und�r 5ection l8.
<br /> �D. Sale of No�te; Chan�v�f L+o�n S�vit�; No�ti�e o�C�►ar�e. The Nvte or�partial intere,st in t�e
<br /> 1�Tote[tvgether with this 5ecurity Instru�en►t)can be sflld one or nc�re t�mes withvut prior n�vtice to
<br /> Bvrrawer. A sale mig�t resu�.t in a�hange in the�ntity�wn�s the "Lo�rn►S�v�'cer'�that�allec�s Periodic
<br /> Pay�ents due under th�Note and this Seauity Instrument and perfarms oth�r nnorr�age lo�searvicin�
<br /> obli�ations und�r the Nate, this Secur�ity Ins�rume�t, a�d Applicabl�Law, There�lso might l�e one or more
<br /> chang�s of the Lo�ServiveT unrelated to a sate of the Note. If there is a change vf t�ie Laa�Servicer,
<br /> Borrower will be given written notive of the ch�nge which will state the n�e and address of the n�w Loan
<br /> 5erv�v�r, the a�ddress to which payments shau�d be ma�d�and any other infa�mat�on RESPA requires in
<br /> cannechi..on with a notic�e af transfer of serv�cing. If the Nate is sa�d�nd thereai�er the La�is serv�iced by a
<br /> Laan►5e�vio�r other than the purchas�r of the Nate,the m�artgage lvan s�rvicing abligations ta Borrower will
<br /> r�main with the Loan Se�vic�r or be tra�sferred tv�suovessvr Laar�Servic�r�d ar�not by tbe
<br /> N�te purchaser unless otherrrwi�e pravided k�y the Note purc�aser.
<br /> Neither Borrvwer nar L��der n�ry avn�mence,j ain, �r be j ained t��y judic�al actian�as either�
<br /> individual litigant ar tb�member of a class�that arises from the ot�r p�rty's actions pursuan#tv this
<br /> Security Insbrument or th�at alleges that th�ather party h�s b�reached�ny provi sinn�f, ar any duty awed by
<br /> reason o�t�us 5e�urity Instrument, unt�l su�h Barrawer or Lender has nat�f ed the other part��with such
<br /> nat�ve given in con�plianc�with the requirez�ents vf 5e�on 15)of such alleged breach�m.d afford�ed the
<br /> other party here�tv a reasonab�e period after the giving of such notice to take corre�ive ac�ion. If Applicab�e
<br /> Law prov�des a tim�peariod which must e�apse before v�rtain a�cttion can be taken, that time period wi11 he
<br /> deemed to be ressonabl�for purpases of thxs paragraph. The native of aacel�tion and opportunity to c°ure
<br /> given to Bvrrvwer pursuant to Section 22 and the not�ce vf aviceler�tion giv�n ta Boi-rawer pursu�nt to
<br /> Section 1 S shall be d�err�ed ta sat�sfy the noti�and o 'ty ta take avrrective a�ian pr�v�sior�s of this
<br /> 5ectian 24.
<br /> 2'I. Haza�dous Sub�tan�. As u,sed i�a t1�is Section�1: �a� "1�'azarc�ous S'uhstances"are those substances
<br /> defined as toxic ar�ardaus subst�an�s,pollutants, �r wastes b�Enviro�me�tal Law and the follvwing
<br /> subs�ces: gasoline, kerosene, oth�r flammabl�or tvxic pe�rv�eum prvdu�s,toxic pe�stic�des a�nd herbicides,
<br /> vv�atile salvents, mat�rials conta�ning as�s or formaldehyde, and radioa�ctive m�ter�als;�b)
<br /> "�r�ironmer�tal�aw"means federa�laws and laws of the jur�sdic�ion where the Property is l�cat�d that
<br /> rela�e to health, safe�ty or environm�ntal pratection; �c� "Em�ironmer�tal�'reanu,�"inclu�es amy re�panse
<br /> action, remedial arct�on, ar remaval ac�ion, as def ned in Enfrir Law; and(d)an"Errniror�mental
<br /> �'orrdit�'ar�"mean�a cvndi�ion that can cau.se, contn`bute�v, vr atherwise trigge�an Enviranme�ntal�eanup.
<br /> Bvrrower sball nat cause or pe�.nit the prese�ve,use, �lisposal, storage, ar re�ease of any Ha�ard�ous
<br /> Subs�anoes, vr threaten ta release a�ny Hazardaus Sub�nces, on ar in the Property. Borrower sha11 nat do,
<br /> nar allow anyone else ta d�o, anything affecting the Prop�rty(a�th�t is va violation�f any En ' t�
<br /> Law, [b)which creates�n En�arvnmea�tal�on.ditian, or(c�which, due to the�resence, use, or release of a
<br /> Hazard�ous Subst�nc�e, cr�t�s a condition that adversely affer.ts the value of th�Propezty. The prec��ed.ing two
<br /> 2�DQ336941 D VBNE
<br /> NEBRASKA�F�nify-Fanr�e Mae/Freddie Mac UNlFQRM lNSTRUMENT VM����g���
<br /> Woli�ers Kluwer�nanaal S�n►iQea Pa�e'!3 vf 17
<br />