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��14�5145 <br /> se�tez�ces shail nat apply ta the p�resence,use, or st+or�ge on the Frop�rty of smal.�qua�ntities�f Hazardaus <br /> 5ubstanves that a�e ge�earally recognized to� 'ate to normal residex�tial uses and to maintenance of <br /> the Prop�rty�i�l.uding, but n�t limited t�,ha�ardous substances in consu�r prroducts). <br /> Borrower s�al.l.pron�tlY give Lender writte�notioe vf�a��y investigation, c�aim, lawsuit or vther <br /> a►cti�nn by auy ga��tal or regulatary agency vr priv�t�party invvlvin�the Prape�t�y�nd any Ha�zardous <br /> Subs�ance or En ' tal Law af wbich Borr�wer bas a�tual l�vwiedge, �b]�y Enviro�um�ntal <br /> Cond�tivn, in.Gluding but not limit�d to, any spilling, �eak�ing, disch�rge,release vr threat af rele�se of any <br /> Hazardous Stiib�nce, a�nd�c}ati►y aondition caused by the pres�ce, use or re�ease af a Ha�dous S�,ibsta�ce <br /> whic�ad��rrse�y at�ects the value af the Property. Tf�aw�r 1e�as, �r�s n�ified by�y gavernm�ntai� <br /> r authority, �r at�y private party', r�t�.y re�v�a1�o�h�r remedi��of any Ha�ard�s su.b�� <br /> affecting the Froperty is nevessary, Bvrrower shall pramptly take all necessary r�medial act�ons in <br /> ac�cord�ance with Environmental Law.N�tbing h�in s�ll cre�te any obliga�ian on Lend�er for an <br /> Environm�ntal C�eanup. <br /> Non-Uniform C�►er�r�ts.Borrower and Lender oa�e�ant and agree as fvllows: <br /> �2. Ao�e�ion; f�emed ies. Lender shall gi�e noti�e to Borra�er pr�ior to acxeleraf�on following <br /> Borra�v�r's breach of any co�enant or�greement iu�this Secur�ty Inatrument(but not pr�ior tv <br /> ao�elerat�on under Se�an 1 S uniess Applicabie Law prn�aides otherwise). The notice�hall�p�:[a) <br /> the def�ult;(b)the��tio�reqxured tv�ure the default;[c3 a dat� not le�s th�a 3�day�from the date <br /> the no�ce ia g��en tv Borrower,by�vh�ich th.e default mu�t be cnred;an�[d)that fai�are ta cnre the <br /> d�fault on or�fvre tb�date spedif ed in tbe not�ce may resu�t i�a accelerat�on�f the snma aecured by <br /> tl�is S�cur�ty In�trument snd aale af the Property. The natice shall furt�er infarm B�rrvwer�f the <br /> right to reinstate after accelera�.on and the r�ght to a canrt act�ion to a�sert the non-exi�stenee af a <br /> defanit vr any ather defense af Borro�►er to acxelerat�on and s�Ie. If the defanit�s nat�ured an or <br /> before the date s�c��d�inn the nvt3ce�,Lender at�ts op�ion may x�equire imm�diate p�yment in fall of <br /> sll sums se.cured by th�s Secur�ity Instniment w�thaut fur�her demaad�nd rnay�nvoke the pawer of sale <br /> aad any other rernedie�permitt�by Applicable Law. Lender ah�ll�e ent�tled to�ollect�ll e�pens� <br /> incurred in pursu�ng the r�me�es prn�ided�tbi�Section 2�,�ncluding,but n�t lim�ited to, reasanable <br /> attaraey�' fe�s�nd cast�af title eoid�nc.e� <br /> If the power of sa�e is�nvok�d, Trustee ahall re�rd a nat�ce af def�ult in easb county in�vhich any <br /> part of the Property�s located and aball ma�l oa�i�of�uc�na�3ce in the m�nner grescribed by <br /> Applicab�e Law to Borrower�nd ta the vther persons prescriUed by Applicab�e L�w.After the#�me <br /> required by Applicab�e La�, Trns#ee sh�ll give public aotice of�ale to the persons and in the manner <br /> pre�cribed by Applicable L�w. Tru�te��v�ithaut demand vn Borrower, ahall sell the Property at public <br /> auct�an ta the�ghest bidder a#tbe�ime and p�aoe�►nd under t��terms designat��a the not�c�e af s�le <br /> �n one or more par�els and�n any or9der Trustee�etern�nes. Trustee m�y pvatpvne�ale of all vr any <br /> paroei of the Property by pablic announcement�t th��ne and place vf�nny p�ously sch�uled sa1� <br /> Lender nr�ts d�aignee may purch�se the Property at any�1e. <br /> Upon rece�pt vf payment of the prlce b�id, Trustee shall de�ver to the purchaaer Trust�e's deed <br /> con�eying the Property. The recital�iun the Truatee's d�ed ahall�e pr�ma faci�ev�dence of the trnth flf <br /> the statement�made therein. Trus#ee shall apply the prat�ds vf the s�1e in the f�llowing order: (a}to <br /> all c�a��s and e�pens�s of egerci�in.g the power of sal� �nd the s��, including the payment of the <br /> Truatee's fees actually i�curred and r��vnable attvrneys' fees a�perm�tt�i�y ApPlicable Laws�)to <br /> all sums�ured hy th�a Security Insirument;and(c�any egc�s�to the person ar�r:ons iegally <br /> ent�itled ta it� <br /> 23pp3ggKqql �VBNE <br /> NEBF�A.SKA�kpla�am�y-�an�ie MaelFreddie Msc UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT �PB(Ny 8 3421 <br /> VMP� 14 of 17 <br /> Woltera Kluwar�'nanaai Servicea � <br />