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��14�5145 <br /> designat�d a sub�tute notice ad�r�ss txy notice ta L�der. Borrower shall p�omptly natify Le�der of <br /> Bo�row�er's chan�e af�ddress. If L�nd�ar specifies a pzocedtu-e for ' g Barrawer's cha�►ge of a�ddaress, <br /> then Sorrow�r s�all.�nly repnrt a change of address through that specified procedure. <br /> There�ay b�only�ne designated notice address under this S�ec�urity t at any one time. Any noti� <br /> to Len�er sball be give�by delivering�t ar by mailing it by f rst c�ass mail to Lend�r's addres�stated her�in <br /> unless I.ender has d�ignated�ot�er a�ddress by notice to Barrower. Any n�t�ce i�can��on�vith this <br /> 5ecurity Ins�t shall not be dee�ed ta have been given to Lender un�i1 a�tually rec�ived by Lez�der. If <br /> any not�ce required b�this Security Ins�t is also requu-ed under Applicab�e Law, the Applica�le Law <br /> req�ent will satisfy tbe corr�sponding r�quirez�nt under this Security #. <br /> 1 G. C�►eming L.a�w; Severa��ty; Ru�es v�Cor�structian. �rbis Sec�u�ity r�s�t sball be gove�ned by <br /> f�d�ral law an�i the law of the jurisd��ion in whicb t�e Fraperty is located. All rights and obliga�ians <br /> contained in this 5ecur�ty Ins�t are subje�t tv�ny req ' ts and limitatians of Applir.ab�e Law. <br /> Applicable Law might expli�itly or implicitly allow the parties ta a�ree by cantra�ct or it m7ight be silent,but <br /> such si�ence shall not be as a probibition ag�x�st agreement by In the event that�y <br /> pravision or c�ause of this 5ecurity �nt or th�Note canflicts with Applic�abl.e Law, such conflict s�all <br /> not affect at��r provis�vns vf this 5e�urity t or the Note which can be giv�n effect witbout the <br /> confl.icting provisian. <br /> As usvd in this Security Instrum�ent: �a�words of the ' e gend�rr s�l.l m�an.d include vvrresponding <br /> neuter words or wvrds af the fe�minir�gender; �b�words in the siugular s�hall x�ean at�i include the plural <br /> and vioe vers�; a�nd(c�t�h�word"may" gi��s sole da�scre�tian without any obligat�on to tak�any activn. <br /> 1?. Born�wer�s Copy. Borrovv�r sh��be gi�ren one copy af the Nvte and of this SaGurity t. <br /> '�S, Tr�er o�the Pnvperty ar a �c��r�tenes# in Barrower. As u,sed�n this Sectian �S, "Interest in <br /> �he Prop�rty"means any�e�or be�nef�ial inter�t in�ie , inc�udi.n.g,�ut not limited to,tb.ose <br /> ben.eficial int�rests t�-ansfen�ed in a bond far d�eed, Qantra�ct far desd, ' t sa�es contr�ct or esarow <br /> a t, the intent of whi�h is the t�-ansfer vf title by Sornawe�r at a future date ta a p . <br /> If ali vr any part of t�e Proge�y nr any Inte�r�st m the Prap�rrty i.s sold vr t�-a�sferred�or if Borrawer is n�t a <br /> natural pe�rson and a beneficial interes�in Borrawer is sold or t�-a�sfert-ed}without Lender's�riar written <br /> c�onsen�, Lend�er m�y require i�media�e pay�nt in fu11 of a�l sums se�ured by this Security Instru�ment. <br /> Howe�er, this option shall not lx exercised by L�nd�r if su�ch exercise is prahibited 1�y Applicab�e Law. <br /> If Lend�r exercises tbis optian, Lender s�all give Borrawe�notice of�ccele�a�i�nn. The n�t�ce sha11 provide a <br /> period of na�Iess than 3�days fram the date the notive is give�in a�vordanoe with Section 15 within which <br /> Borrower must pay all sums secured by this 5ecurity ent. If Bor�rower fails ta pay these sums prior to <br /> the�xpiration vf this pex�i�l, Lender may invol�e any re�e�dies pe�mit�ed by this Sec°urity t withaut <br /> nati�e or de�and on Borrawer. <br /> '1�. Bon�v�s�ght to Reirtstate Aft�Aoc�ler�ion. If Boxrow�er me�ts c�er� avnditians, Bcmawer <br /> shall have tbe rigbt to have�nfor�t of tlus Security t discontinued at�my ti.�privr to the <br /> earli�st vf: [a}five days before sale af the Property pursuant ta aany power of sa�e vontained in this Security <br /> t;�b)such ather perivd as Applicable Law muight specify for the ' 'an of Barrower's righ�ta <br /> re�nstate; ar(c�entry af a judgm�t e�af�rcing this Securrity Thos�vanditions a�e t�at Borrower: <br /> (aj pays Lend�r all suYns which then would be due under this 5ec°uri�y t and the Note as if nv <br /> a�celerat�on had occurred; �b}�wreSs�ny defau�t of�y�t��r cvv��s or agreem�nts; �c�Pays alI expenses <br /> incu�red in enfvr� this Security t, inc�uding, but not limited to, reasonab�e a�t�vrneys' fees, <br /> prv�r�y i�spec�ion and va�uat�on fees, and otiher fees��urred for the pur�ose af protecting Le�cler's inte�est <br /> 2�33B941 D VBNE <br /> NEBRASKA�Fam�y-F�nnie Maa,IFreddia Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3�2g 41'Qi <br /> VMP� VMP6(N�f t130Zj <br /> Wohera K�wer�inanaial Ser►►iees P�e 12 0€�7 <br />