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��14�5��7 <br /> �3EE�3 �F T'F��J�T <br /> Loan �v�: �7��5���� ��ant��u�d� �age � <br /> Ri�hfs of�rustee. Trustee sha[f have a[[of the rights and du�ies of Lender as set�orth in this s�ctivn. <br /> PDIIV�R� AN�] �BLiGAT�DNS t�F TF�USTEE. The�o��ovtiring pro�isians re�ating to the pawers and�obfiga�ions v#Trustee <br /> are part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Pov�rers❑�Trus�ee. ln.addition�o a[[ powe�s of Tru�te�arising as a matter of Iaw,Trus�ee shaJl ha�e the power to <br /> ta�e�he #�����nring actions w��h respect to the Property upon�the written request o�Lender�and Trustor: {a}join in <br /> pr�paring and filing a map or pla� af �he �eal Properiy, including the dedication af streets or other rights to the <br /> publici 4b} join �n granting any easemen� ar creating any resfiric�iQn on the Real Prvperfiy; and �c} �ain in any <br /> subordination or o�her agr-eeme:nt afifec�ing-�his Deed o-�Trus�or the interest v�Lender un�er this Deed o�Trus�. <br /> Trustee. Trustee sha[[ meet all qua�iffcativns requ:ired �for Trustee under app��ca.hle faw. ln addition �o �he rights <br /> and remedies set �orth aho�e, with respect to al[ or any part of the Property, the Trustee shall have the right t� <br /> �orec[ose by no�ice and sale, and Lender�nrill have the righ� to foreclose by judicial forec��s:ure, in either case in <br /> aecordance wEth and to�he fu�1�xtent prv�ided by app�icab[e faw. <br /> 5uc�essor Trus�ee. Lender, a�Lender's op�tion, may from time�a�time appoint a successor Trustee to a.ny Trus�ee <br /> appointed under �his Deed of Trust by an instrument execu�ed and acknvw[edged by Lender and recorded in the <br /> of�ice o�the recorder of HALL Caunty, 5rtate of N�:hrasl�a. The instrument sha�� con�ain, in addition to a�� other <br /> matCe�s requ�r-ed by state law, the names �f the original Lend�r, Trustee, and Trus�or, the book and page {a�r <br /> camput�r system referen�e� where this Deed of Trust is recorded, and �he name and address af -�he s'uccessar <br /> trustee, and the ins�rumen�shali be executed and acknow[edged by a��the benefic�aries under this Deed o�Trust or <br /> th�ir successors in inter�sfi. Th� successor firus�ee, without con�eyance of th� Prvper�y, �hal1 succeed to a�l �he <br /> tifi[e, power, and du�ies conferred upon�he Truste� ;n this Deed of Trust and by app[icable faw. This prvicedure for <br /> subs�itu�ion of Tr�rs�tee shall go��rn ta the exc�us�on of a��other provisions fvr substitufi�an. <br /> NDTIGES. Any notice requ�red �v I�e given under this ❑eed of Trust, �ncluding withvu� limi�ation any no�ice o� defau�t <br /> and any n�t�ce of sale shall b� give:n in writing, and shall be effecti�e when actually de€�vered, when a�tual[y recei�ed <br /> by teie�acs�mile �unfess otherwise required by[aw�, when depvsited vtrith a na�ionaliy recognized o�ern�ght caurier, ar, if <br /> ma'rled, when dep�sited in the Un�ted S�kates mai[, as first class, cer-tified or regis�tered ma'i[ pvs�age prepaid, directed to <br /> the addresses shown near the beg�nning Q�this �eed of Trust, A�� copies of notices of farec[asure from the holder of <br /> any lien which h�s pri�rity over �his Deed of Trust sha[[ be sent to Lender's address, as shown n�ear the heginning o� <br /> �his Deed of Trus�. Any person may change his vr her address �vr no�ices under this Deed of T�ust by gi�ing �ormal <br /> wri�en n.otice �o the other person or persons, speci�yinc� that �he purpas� Qf �he no�ice is �o change �he person's <br /> address. Fo�r notice purpvses, Trustor agrees�o k�ep Lender informed a�a�!�imes of Trustor's cur�ent address� Uniess <br /> o�he��itirise pro��ded or r�quired by law, ��there is more than one Trustor� any notice giWen by Lender�o any Trustor is <br /> deemed to be no�ice gi��n�v a[[Trustors. �t will be Trus�or's respons�bi�i�ty to te[[the o�hers��the no�ice from L�nder. <br /> MIS�ELLANEDUS 1PR�V151�NS. The fallo�nring miscellaneaus pr�visions a par�af�his Deed ot Trust: <br /> Amenc�me�ts. What is writken in this Deed o�Trus� and in the Re[ated Do�ument:s is Trustor's en�ire agreement <br /> with Lender ��ncerning the matters co�ered by�his Deed �f Trust. 7C'o be e��ective, any change or amendmenfi t� <br /> �his De�d o�Trus�m�s� be in writing and rnust be signed by wh�e�er w��� be bound or obl�gateci by the chang� or <br /> �mendment. <br /> �ap�ion Headings. C`aption headings in this Deed of Trus� are �or con�enience purpases only and are n�t�o be <br /> used to in�erpret or define the provisions vf this Deed of Trus�. <br /> iVlerger. There shall be no me��er af the in�eres�or estate created by�h�s Deed of Trust with any other in�erest or <br /> estate in the Proper�y at any t�me held by or far-�he bene�it�f Lender in any capacity, withou�the written cansen� <br /> o�Lender. <br /> Gvverning Law. This �eed vf Trust will be governed by �fed�ral �aw appiic��le #o Lender and, �v the extent not <br /> preer�p�ed by�ecderal law,the iaws o�the Sta#e of Ne�r�ska withvut re.gard tv its cvnflicts of la►n►g�rovis�ans. Yhis <br /> Deed v�Trust has bee�a accepted by Lender in the 5tate of Nebr�ska. <br /> �hoice o�llenue. �f�here is a �awsuit, Trustor agrees up�n Lender's request to submit�o �he �urisdict�vn of the <br /> cour�s a�Hal� Coun�y,5�a�e❑�Nebraska. <br /> Joint �nd Severa� Liabili�y. A�� obligations o� Borrower and Trus�or und�r this Deed of Trus� shal! be joint and <br /> se�eraf, and al� references�o Trus�or sha[[ mean each and ���r-y Trustor, and all re�erences to Borrower shal� mean <br /> each and every Bvrrower. This means that ea�h Trus�or signing below is responsibl�fvr ail obl�gativns in fihis❑eed <br /> of Trust, <br /> No'6Nairrer by Lender. Trustor understands Lender wi�.I n�t gi�e up any of Lender's r�ghts under this Deed of Trust <br /> un�ess Lender does �o in wr�tin�, The fa�t tha�k Lend�r delays or omi�s to exercise any �ight will no� mean tha# <br /> Lender has gi�en up that right. �f Lend�r does agree in wri�ing to g'r�e up one o� Lender's righ�ts, that does nv� <br /> mean Trustor wil� nvt have to com:p�y wi�h the provisions o�this Deed ofi Tr�s�. Trustor a�so unders�ands <br /> �hat if Lender does cvnsent �o a reques�t, �hat does not mean that Trustor wiL[ no� haWe to get Lenderrs c�nsen� <br /> again if th�situa�ion happens again. Trusfior fur�her unders�ands tha�just because Lend�r consen�s�o vne or more <br /> of Trus�.or°s reques�s, fihat does not r�ean Lender wil� be required ta consen�fo any o�Trusto�'s futu�-e r�quests. <br /> Trus-�ar�ai�res presentmen�, demand for payment, pro�est,and notice�f dishonor. <br /> Ser�e�abil��y. 1�a court �inds that any p�o�ision o�thi� De�d of Trus� is not va[id or shauld not be enforced, tha� <br /> fac�by itse��wi[{ no� mean tha��he rest o-�th�s ❑e�d o�Trust v+rif l n:��be�alid or�n�orced. There�ore, a court w�l� <br /> enfarce�he res�of�he pra�isions o��his Deed o�Trus�e�en if a pro�ision of this Deed of Trus�may be found to he <br /> in�alid or unen�orceable. <br /> Suc�essors and Assi�ns. Subjec�to any �imitations stated in this �eed o�Trus� vn transfer o�Trus�or's in�e�-es�, <br /> �his ❑eed af Trust sha[[ be binding upon and inure fia th� benefit a� �h� parties, their successors and assigns. l� <br /> owne�ship Qf the Prop�rty becomes ��sted in a pers�n other than Trustor, Lender, w'rthout nQtice�o Trustor, may <br /> deal with Trustor"s successors wi�h reference ta this Deed of Trus�and rthe [ndebtedness hy way o�fivrbearance or <br /> ex�ensifln without releasing Trustor�rom th�ob[igati�ns vf this Deed of Trust or�iah���ty under th� Indeb�edness. <br /> Tirne�s vf#he Essenc�. Time is o�the essence in the performance of�his Deed o�Trus�. <br /> V1laive Jury. �►�1 par�ies�fo�his Deed o�Trusf hereby w�i�e the a�ight t� any jury#rial in �ny actia�a, pro�eeding, or <br /> �oun�e��[ainr�b�aught by any p�r#y agaanst any vther p�a��r. <br /> Vllaive� �f Hvmes�ead F�cer�-tp�ion. Trustor hereby �eleases and v�rai�es al! r�ghts and b�nefi�s of �he homesteaci <br /> exernpt€on Iaws of the State of Nebraska as to all �ndebtedness secured by this D�ed of Trus�. <br /> DIEF[1V1T1DNS. The follawing v+rv�ds sha[C ha�e the folla�rving meanings when used in this Deed ❑f T`�ust: <br /> Ber�eficiary. The word "Bene�iciary'r means Equi�able Bank, and i�s successors and assigns. <br /> B�rrvwer. The wo�-d "gorrower" means Edward H Conroy and Kim R Conroy and inc[udes a[f co-signers and <br /> co-makers signing the Credit Agreemen.-�and all�heir successors and ass�gns. <br /> �redi� Agreer�ent. The wards "�redi� Ag�eement" mean the credif agreement da�ed August S, 2D14, �1ith <br /> Ct"�dat 11mit �f $������.�� �rom Barrov►rer to Lender. togethe� with all r�newals o�r, exfiens€Qns of, <br /> mo.dif�cations o�F, re��nanc�ngs ❑�r, conso�id�t�ons o�, and substi�tutions for �he prarnissory note or ag-reement. The <br />