<br /> IDEE�3 �F TR�J�Y
<br /> oan fVo: �7��5�72�
<br /> t��nt�nued� �ag� �
<br /> ma�urity da�e o-�this De�d of Trust is Augus�8, 2Q'i 7.
<br /> Dsed of Trusf. The words "Deed of Trust" mean th�s De�d o� Trust among Trustor� �.�nder, and Trustee, and
<br /> includes �rv�thau� [im.��atian al! assignment and securi�ty in�erest pr��isions rela�ing �o the P�rsonaE Proper�y and
<br /> �ents.
<br /> Envirvnmental Laws. The words '�Envirvnmental Laws" mean any and a�� state, �edera[ and �ocal stat�tes,
<br /> regufations and ordinances re�a�ing to the pro�ect�on of human h�a[th vr the en�irvnment, Encluding without
<br /> limitation �he Cvmprehensive EnWiranmentaf Response, Campensa�ianr and L�ability Act o�F �98D, as amended, 4�
<br /> U.S.C. Se�tion 9�Q�, et seq. �"�ERCLA"}, the Superfiund Amendments and Reautho�-�za�ion Act o€ 198�, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99-499 4"SARA"};the Hazardous Materiais T�anspo��a�ion Act;4-9 U.S.C. S�ction �8��, e�seq.,the Resourc�
<br /> C�nser�ativn and �eco�ery Act� 4� U.S.C. 5ectian 69��, et seq., o�other appli�able state or fede�al la�vs, rules,
<br /> or regu�ations adop�ed pursuant thereto.
<br /> E►rent o�F Default. The w�rds "E�en�o�Defaul-t" m�an any o�-�he events of de�Fau�t sefi forth in thEs Deed of Trus�in
<br /> the events of defau�t sec�ion af this Deed af Trust.
<br /> Ex�sting Indeb�edness. The vvords rr Existin� Indebtedness" mean �he indeb�edness des�ribed in the Existing Liens
<br /> pro�ision of th�s Deed�f Trust.
<br /> Ha�ardous Substances. The words "Hazardous Substances" m�an mate�ials tha-�, becaus� of their quanti=ty,
<br /> concent�ation or physieal, ehemical or infec�iaus characteristics, may cause or pos� a present or paten�iai ha�ard
<br /> to human heaf�h or the environm�nt when improperly used;treated; sto�ed, disposed o�, genera�ed, manufactured,
<br /> transparted or ofherwise handled. The words "Ha�a�-dous Substances" are used in their �ery broades�s�nse and
<br /> �nclude without limitatian any and a[[ hazardvus or �oxic su�s�ances, materials ar waste as defined by o�- listed
<br /> under�he Envirvnmenta[ La�rvs. The term "Hazardous Substances'� also in�[udes, wi�hout limitation, petro€eum and
<br /> petraleum hy-products or any��-ac�i�n therev�and asbestos,
<br /> l�mprovement�. The word "lmprovements" means all exisfiing and future impro�ements� buildings, st�uctur�s�
<br /> rr��bi�� homes a#fixed on the Real Property, facilities, additians, rep�acements and other construc�ion on the Real
<br /> Prope.rty.
<br /> inde�tedr�ess. The word "[ndebtedness" means ali principa�, in�eres�, and o�her am�unts, cosrts and expenses
<br /> payab[e under the Credit Agreement or Reia�ed ❑acuments, �ogether with a!1 renevvals o�, e�ctensians of,
<br /> modificatfons o�r, cons�l�dations �f and subs�itutions for the Gredit Agreement or Related Documents and any
<br /> amounts �xpended ar- ad�anced by Lender �o discharge Trus�or's obligations ar expenses in�urred by Trustee or
<br /> L�nder to en�Force Trustor's obligations under this Be�d o� Trus�, tag��her wi-th in-terest on such amoun�s as
<br /> pro�ided in thEs Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Equita�le Bank, i�s successors and assigns. The wfl�-ds "successors or
<br /> assigns" mean any person or campany that acqu��es any interest in�he Credit Agreement.
<br /> Persvna� Proper-Yy. The words "Pers�nal Praperty"` mean all equipmen�, fix�u:res, and other ar�ic[es of personal
<br /> proper�y now �r hereafker owned by Trus�or, and now or hereatte� attached �r a�-�ixed to the Real Proper�ty;
<br /> to��ther w��h a�� accessivns, par�sr and addit�vns �o, a11 repfac�men�s af, and ali substitu�ions for, any af such
<br /> proper�y; and together wi�h all proceeds �inc�uding without limi�a�ivn a�1 insurance proc�eds and re�unds �€
<br /> prem�ums� from any sa�e vr o�he�dispvsition a��he Prop�r�y.
<br /> Prvp��#y. The word "Proper�y" means collec�ive�y the F�eal Prop�rty and�he Personai Proper�y.
<br /> ReaI Prvper�y. The words "Rea[ Pr-oper�ty" mean the re:a1 propertyr interes�s and rights, as further des�ribed in fihis
<br /> Deed o�Trus�.
<br /> Related Dvcurnents. The words "Related Docur�enfis" mean a:�l promissory no�es, cr�di� agreemen-�s, loan
<br /> agreem�nts. en�ironmenta-� agreements, guaranties, security agreements, mortgages, deeds of �rust, securi�y
<br /> deeds, �o��ater�[ mo�gages, and al� o�her �ns�rumen�s, agreem�nfis and documents, whether now or hereafter
<br /> existin�,executed in connection wi�th fif�e �ndebtedness.
<br /> Ren�s. The word "�ents'� means all presen� and future ren�s, revenues, �ncome, i�sues, r��a�t��s, pro�its, and
<br /> other benefi�ks deri�ed�rom�he Propertye
<br /> Trus�ee. Ti he word "Trustee" means Equitab[e Banlc ��rand �s�and Regian}, wh�se address is �13--'I�5 N Locust
<br /> St; PQ 8ox 16�, Grand [sland, 1VE 68842-��6�and any substitute or successor�rustees..
<br /> Trustor. The v�rord "Trus�or" means Edward H Conroy and Kim k� C�nroy, Trustees �f The �onroy FamEfy
<br /> Fie�ocable Trust under the provisions vf a trust agreemen�.
<br /> T��IST .
<br /> ..� ,�.__._..._.......�___..
<br /> �
<br /> dwa�d H �nr.�,T ustee o��he Conrvy Farr�i�y �e�ocab[e�'rust under
<br /> �te prv�isivns v�a T�ust�►gr.eeme��- .. . . .
<br /> "".4. �. :�. -. .. . , .
<br /> '�ti � .. � . .. . .
<br /> � {" ' 'Y '" _.
<br /> i�im Fi�Conrny,...T,ifas�e,e,,nf:Th�Canr -Fami�y Re�vvcable Trust under�he
<br /> prvrrisivns vf a Trus�Agreement
<br />