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��14�5��7 <br /> [�EE�3 C]F �f RlJST <br /> L�an N�: g7���97�� _ <br /> o�1t�11u�d� Pag� 5 <br /> Acce�erat�vn Upon Defaul�i Addit�ona! Remedies. lf any E�ent of Defau[�t accurs as per�he�erms of the Cradit <br /> Agreement secured hereby, Lender may declare a[� lndebtedness secured hy�his Deed a�F Trust to be due and <br /> payable and the same shall �hereupon become due and payab[e without any pr�s�n�ment, demand, pro�est ar <br /> na�iee of any kEnd. Therea-Trter, Lender may: <br /> ta} Either in person or by a�ent. wi�h Qr wi-�hout bringing any action or proceed�ng, or by a receiWer <br /> appointed by a cvurt and without regard t�the adequacy vf its securi-�y, enter upon and take possession <br /> a�the P�oper�ty, or any part fihereo�, in its vwn name or in the name of Trustee, and do any ac�s which it <br /> deems necessary or desirable to preser�e the�a[ue, marketability vr rentabi[ity o�the Property, or part vf <br /> the Property or in�erest in �he Proper�y; increase the income from the Proper�ty or pr�teet�he security�� <br /> the Property; and, with or without taking passession v�F �he Property, sue �or or vtherwise coEl�ct the <br /> rents, �ssues and profts o��he Praper�y, ineluding those past due and unpaid, and app�y the same, �ess <br /> costs and expenses Q��perat�on and cv��ec�ion attorneysT�ees,to any�ndebtedness secured by this Deed <br /> of Trust, aIf in such order as Lender may determine. The enter�ng upon and taking possession o€ the <br /> Prope�-ty, the co[�ection af su�h rents, issues and profi-�s, and the applieat`ron �here�� shalC not cure or <br /> vvaive any default ar- nvtfce of defau[�k under this Deed vf Trust or in�aiidate any act done in response to <br /> such default or pursuan-�to such notice�f de�aul-�; and, nvtwifihs�and�ng-�he continuance in possession of <br /> the Proper�y or �h� cv[Iectivn; receip� and app[icat�on �f rents. issues or prv��ts, Trustee �r Lender sha[[ <br /> be enfiitled to e�cercise eWery righ� pro�ided �or in the Cred�t Agreement or�he ReCated D�cuments or by <br /> �aw upon the occurrence o�any e�ent o�default, including the �-ight�v exercise the po�nrer a�sale, <br /> �b} Commence an action to fvreclose this De�cl o�Trust as a mortgage, appaint a recei�er or specificaE�y <br /> en�rorce any of the cov�nants h�reof; and <br /> {c) �eli�er to Trus�ee a written declaration o�de�aulfi and demand for saie and a written natice of defau[t <br /> and eiection to cause T�rus�or's int�rest in the Proper-�y�o be sofd, which not�ce Trusfiee sha[I caus�to be <br /> du[y���ed�or record in the appropriate offices of�he Caun�y in which the Property is [oca�ed; and <br /> �d} W�th respect�o a[I ar any part of the Persvnal Proper�y, Lender shall have all -�he rights and remedies <br /> of a s�cured par-�y under�he Nebraska [Jniform Commercia[ Code. <br /> Fvreclasure by Power of Sale. [f Lender e[ec�s tv fvre�lose hy exercise of the Pvirver o�5a[e he�ein con�a�ned, <br /> Lender shall notify Trustee and sha�l deposit with Trus�ee �his D�ed of Trust and the Credit Agreement and <br /> such receip-�s and e�idence of e�penclitures made and secur�d by this Deed of Trus�t as Trus�ee may require. <br /> 4a} Upon receipt of such nv�i�e from Lender,T�-ustee shal[ cause�o be recorded, pub�ished and de�i�ered <br /> to Trustor suCh Notice v� De�aul�and Natice of Sa[e as then required by law and by this Deed of T�-ust. <br /> Trusfee shall, without demand on Trustor, after su�h tim� as may then be required by [aw and after <br /> reeordation o�such Notice a€ Default and after No�ice ❑�Sale ha�ing �een given as required by �aw, se[� <br /> �h.� Property at the �ime and place o� sal� fixed k�y it in such �[o�kice o�r Sale, eithe� as a who�e, vr in <br /> sepa�-at� lo�s or parcels vr it�ms as Trustee shall deem expedient, and in such flrder as it ma�r determine, <br /> a� pubiic auction to the highes�bidder for cash in lawfu[ money of the United S�ates payable a�the time <br /> of sa�e. Trustee shall de[iWer �ko such pur�haser vr purchasers thereo�F its good and sufFi�ient deed or <br /> d�eds con�ey�ng �he prvperty so sold, but wi�haut any covenant or warranty, express or imp�ied. The <br /> reci�a[s �n such deed of any matt�rs ar �ac�s sha[� be conc�usi�e proo� of�he truthfulness thereof. Any <br /> p�rson, including without iimi�at�on Trustor,Trustee, or Lender, may purchase at such sa�e. <br /> {b} As may �e permi�ted by law, after deduc�ing al� costs, fees and expenses o�F Trustee and of this <br /> Trus�, in�[uding costs vf evid�nce of tit[e�n connection with sale,Trus�e�sha�l app�y�he proceeds o�sa[e <br /> tn payment o€ �i} a[f sums expended under th� t�rms of �his ❑eed a�f Trust or under the terms of �he <br /> Gredi� Agreement not then repaid, inc[uding bu� n�t [imi�ed to accrued int�res� and late charges, �;ii} a11 <br /> other sums then secured hereby, and �iii� the remainder, if any, �o the person or persons ��ga�ly entit�ed <br /> there�o.. <br /> 4c� Trustee may in the manner pro�i�l�d by 1aw postpone sale o�all vr any portion o€the Praperty. <br /> Re.medies No� Exclusive. Trustee and Lende�-, and each �f t�em, sha]1 be enti�led to en�orce payment and <br /> per�orman:Ge of any ind�b�edness vr obiigations secured by�his De�d vf Trust and to e�€er�ise a[[ rights and powers <br /> under �his �eed vf Trus�, under the Credit Agreementr under any o�r the Re[ated Docurreents. or unde� any other <br /> agr�ement v� any Iaws naw or hereafter in farce; no�withstanding� SOC]�tB or a1C of such indebtedness and <br /> oh�igations secured hy this �eed of Trust may now o�-hereafter be otherwis�securedr whe�he�-by mortgage, deed <br /> o��rus�, pledge, f ien, assignment vr otherwise. N�ither th� acceptanc� o�this Deed of T�-us� nor its enforcemen�, <br /> whether by cour� actian or pursuant to the power pf sa[e �r ather powers conta�ned in this Deed a� Trus�, sha11 <br /> prejudice or in any manner affiec�Trustee's vr Lender's righ�to rea[ize upan or en�vrce any other se�uri�ty now flr <br /> hereaf�er held �y Trustee or Lenderr it bein� agreed that T�ustee and Lender, and each o�them, shall be entitfed ta <br /> enforce �his ❑eed of Trust and any o�h�r security now or herea�ter held by Lender �r Trustee in such order and <br /> manner as they or ei-�her of �hem may in their abso[ut� discre�ian determine. No remedy can-�erred upon vr <br /> reserrred to Trustee or Lender, is �ntended to �e e�eclusi�e �f any other a-emedy in this Deed of Trus� or �y �aw <br /> prav�ded ❑r pe�mi��ed, but each shal� be curnula�ive and s�a[� �e �� addi�t�on to e�ery other remedy given in this <br /> �eed o�Trus� or now or hereafiter existing at law �r in equ�t� or by statute. E�e�y power or rernedy given by the <br /> Credit Agreement or any of the Related Documen�s ta ��-ustee or Lender or tv v►rhich either o� them may be <br /> otherw�se entitled, may be exercised, concurrently or independently, -�rom time to �ime and as oft�n as may be <br /> deemed expedient hy Trus�ee or Lender, and either of �hem may pursue inconsistent remedies. Nothing �n this <br /> Deed �f Trust sha!! be construed as prohibiting Lender from seeking a de�Ficie.ncy�udgment against the Trustor to <br /> the ex�ent such actifln is permitted by law. <br /> Electivn of Remed�es. All vf Lender's righ�s and remedies wii[ he �umulati�e and may be exercised alflne or <br /> together. [� Lender decides ta sp�nd money or fi� perform any of Trustor's obtigati�ns under this ❑eed o�f Trust; <br /> after Trus�or's �ailure �o do s�, that decision by Lender will no� affect Lencier's right t� declare Trustor in de�ault <br /> and tv exercise Lender`s remedies. <br /> Request for Nat��e. Triastvr, �n behalf of Trustor and Le�der, herehy requests that a copy o�F any 1Votice a�De�aul� <br /> and a copy of any �Votice of Sa[e under�his Deed o�Tr�s� be rnailed to thern a��he addresses se��v�rth in the�r�rst <br /> paragraph o;this Deed o�Trust. <br /> �4�vrne�rs' �ees; Expenses. l� Lende� �nstitu�es an� suit or actior� to �nfvrc� an� a� �he �erms �t this �7eed of <br /> Trust. Lender shall be enti�led �o recover such sum �s fihe court may adjudc�e reas�na��e as a�torneys° f�es a�trial <br /> and upon any appeaf. lftilhe�her vr not any c�urt act�on is in�olved, and �o the extent�hibi�ed by �aw, all <br /> reasonab�e expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's opin�an are necessa�y at any time for �he pratectaon af its <br /> in��rest or the enforcemen�o�i�s rights sha[f beCome a par�o�the [ndebtedness payah�e vn demand and shall bear <br /> in�erest at the Credit Agreement rate from the dafie af the expenditure unti[ repaid. Expenses co�ered by this <br /> paragraph incCude, withvut limitatian, howe�er sub�ect tv any [imi�s under appli�ab�e law, Lender's a��orneys' �ees <br /> and Lender's [egai expenses, whe�C�er or not there is a lawsuit, inc[uding attorneys' fees and expens�s for <br /> ban�ruptcy proceedings {inc�uding ef�orts tv modify or vacate any ai..rtomat�c s�ay vr �njur�c�ivn}, appeals. and any <br /> an�iCipated pos�judgment �o[�ection ser�ices, the cos� o� searching records, abta�ning ��t�e repor-ts �inc[uding <br /> fore�[osure reports�. surveyors' reports, and appraisa� fees, tit�e insurance, and fees �or the Trustee, to th� extent <br /> permitted by appl�cable [aw. �rustor afsv v►ri11 �ay ar�y cour��osts, in addi�ion to all vther sums �ro��ded by�aw. <br />