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��14�5��7 <br /> DEE[] �F �'�LJS�f <br /> Loan 1V�: �7��5°J7�3 {���ltil�u�d� �a�e 4 <br /> accept any fu-�ure ad�ances under any such securi�y agreem�n�v�rithou�the prior�rvri��en c�nsen�of Lender. <br /> CQIVDENINATI�IN. The�oi�owing prv�isions rela�ing t� condemnatian pr�ceedings are a part o�this Deed of Trus�: <br /> �roc�edings. If any proceeding in c�ndemnation is fi�ed, Trus�or shall prompt[y nati�y Lender in wrifiing, and <br /> Trustor shall pramptly take such steps as may he necessary to defend the action and ob�ain the avtiia�d. Trustar <br /> may be�he nominal party in such p�-oceeding; hut Lender shall �e entifi[ed�a par�i�ipate En the proc�eding and tv be <br /> represente� in the proceed�ng by caunse[ of i�s o�nrn �hoice, arid Trustor wi[� de[iWer or cause �o be d�Iivered �o <br /> Lende� such instruments and documentation as may be requ�st�d by Lender from �irne ta time �a permst sueh <br /> particEpa�i�n. <br /> �►ppdicativn of Net Proce�ds. lf a[[ or any part o�the Property is cond�mned by eminent domain proceedings or by <br /> any proceeding or purchase in [ieu vf condemnativn, L�nder may afi i�s elec�ion require tha�a[[or any po�ion a€�he <br /> ns� proceeds o� �the award be appl�ed to �he �ndebt�dness �r th� �epair or restoration af the Proper�y. The ne� <br /> proceeds o��he award sha�l mean�he award after payment o�all reasonabfe costs, expens�s, and atrorneys' fees <br /> incurred by Trustee or Lender in connection wi�h the condemnation. <br /> ��P�SIT��N aF TAiCES. FEES AND CHA�GES BY �DVE�NiS1JiEi�TAL AL�TW�RITIES. The ��I�owing pro�isions relating <br /> �o go�ernmen�al taxes, �ees and charges are a part of this�eed o�Trust: <br /> Curren��faxes. Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Trus�ar sha��! execute such documen�s in addition to <br /> this De�d o�Trust and take whateve�vther actEon is �-equested by Lencfer to perfec�and continue Lender's lien on <br /> th.e Rea! Praperty. Trustor shalf re�mburse Lender �ror all ta�es, as descr�bed be[ow, together vvi�h all expenses <br /> incurred �n recording, perfecting or cvntinui:ng �his D�ed of Trus�, �nciuding without limitation a[l taxes, fees, <br /> dacumentary stamps, and vther charges�or recording or regis�ering th�s Deed o�F Trust. <br /> Taxes. The �o�[�wing shall cvns�i-�ute taxes to �nrhich this section applies: ��} a speci�Fic tax up�n this type o� <br /> Deed o�Trust or upon a[[ or any par� of the lndebtedness secured by this Deed of Trusfi; {Z� a specific tax vn <br /> Borrawer wh�ch Borrvwe� is authori�ed or required to deduct from payments �n�he fndebtedness secured by this <br /> type of Deed o�Trust; �3} a tax on this typ� Q� Deed of Trust chargeable against�he Lender or the holder o�the <br /> Credi�Agreemen�; and �4} a specific tax an a[�or an�portion of the lnde�tedness or on payments of princ�pa.! and <br /> interest made by gorrower. <br /> Su�sequen� Taxes. [f any tax ta which this section app�i�s �s enacted subsequen� to the date of this Deed o� <br /> Trus�, this �vent shal[ ha�e the same effec� as an Event of Default, and L�nder m.ay �xerc:Ese any or a�[ a�r i�s <br /> a�ailab�e rem�dies for an E�ent of Defaul� as proWEded belovtir unIess Trustvr either ��} pays �he ta�c be�ore i� <br /> i�eco€nes deiinqu�nt, or ��} contests�the tax as prvvided abvve �n fihe Taxes and Liens section a:nd depos�ts with <br /> Lender cash or a su��icient�orpora�e surety bond or othe�-seGu�-ity satisfactory�o Lender. <br /> SECURI�Y A�REE�EIVT; FINANCIIVG STATEMENTS. The fallowing prvvi.sions relating �o th�s De�d af Trust as a <br /> security agreemenfi are a part o�this Deed o��rust: <br /> Se�urity Agreemen�. This instrumen� sh�[� canstitute a Se�urity Agreemen� �o the ��tent any o�F the Proper�y <br /> cons�i�ut�s fix�ures, and Lender shall ha�e a[l o�the righ�s �f a secured party und�r�he Uniform �ommerciaf Code <br /> as amended from�ime to t�me. <br /> Security �nterest. lJpon �-equest by Lender, Trustor shall take what��er action is reques�ed by Lender ta perfiecfi <br /> and con�tinu� Lender's secur�ty intere-st in the Pe�sona� Proper�y. [n addi�i�n to recvrding this Deed of Trust in the <br /> real property reeords, Lender may, at any t�me and with�ut furthe�- authari�a�tion �rom T�us��r, fi[e exe�uted <br /> counterparts, copies or reproducti�ns of this Deed Qf Trust as a financing statem�nt. Trustor sha[l rei.mburse <br /> Lender- for all expenses incurred �n perfec�ing or con�inuing thi:s se�uri�y infierest. Upan defau[�, Trus�or sha!! n:ot <br /> r�mQ�e, se�er or deta�h the Persona� Property �r-orn the Praperty. Upon d��ault, Trustor shall asse.mble any <br /> Personal Property no� affi�ced tv the Prvp�rty in a manner and at a place reasonahly con�enien� to Trus�or and <br /> Lender and ma€�e it a�ailab�e to Lender within �hree �3} days after receipt of wr�tten demand frvm Lender to rthe <br /> exten�permitted by app[icable law. <br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses vf Trus�vr �debtor) and Lender �secured par�y} #�-�m vvhi�h �nformatian <br /> cancern�ng the securi�y Enteres� gran�ed �y this Deed of Trus� may be obta-in�d �each as reguired by th� lJni�orm <br /> Comm�rcia[ Code} ar�as stated on the first page of�his Deed of Trust. <br /> FUR�'HER ASSl1RANCES; ATTDRIVEY-IN-FAGT, The �a��owing pro�isions rela#ing �v fur�her assurances and <br /> a��orney-�n-€act are a part�#thEs Deed af Trust: <br /> Further Assurances. At any�ime, and ���m time to �ime, upon reques�o� Lende�, Trus��r wi�f r�ake, execute and <br /> d�liver, or will cause to be made, executed or defivered, to Lende�or to Lender's designeer and when requested by <br /> Lend�r, cause �o be fEled, reco�ded, refiled, or rerecord.ed, as the case may be, at such t�mes a.nd in such offices <br /> and places as Lender may deem appropriate, any and all such r�ortgages, de�ds of firust, securi�y deeds, security <br /> agreemen�s, �inancing statemen�s, contfnuatior� statements, instruments o� fur�her as:surance, certi�icates, and <br /> ath�r documen�s as may, in the sole opinion of Lender, b� necessary or desirah�e in order ta effectuate, camplete, <br /> per�ec�, cont3nue, �r pr�ser�e {'1� �vrrower's and Trusfiar's o}�li�atians under the C�edi�Agreement, this Deed o� <br /> Trust, and the Re[ated 1Docurnenfis, and ��� �he �iens andf security i��erests created by thi� �eed of Trus�as first <br /> and privr �iens on�hE Prvperty, whether now �wned oi' h�reaf�er acquired b�Trus�or� Unless p�ohibited by�aw or <br /> Lender agrees to the �ontr�ry in wri�ing, Trustor shaC[ �e�mbu�se Lender fvr all �os�s and expen�es incurred En <br /> cvnnection v�ri�th the ma�ers �e�erred�o in this paragraph. <br /> At�orney�-in--Fac�. 1�Trustor fails t� do any of"the things re�erred �o in the preceding paragraph, Lender rnay do s� <br /> fvr and �n the name of Trustor and at Trust�r`s expense. For such purposes, Trus�ar herehy Erre�vcably appoir�ts <br /> Lende�as Trus�or's attvrney-in-fa�t for the purp�se o� making, �x�cuting, d��ivering, fiiling, recording, and doing all <br /> o�her things as may be necessary or desirable, in Lender's sole apinion, to accompf�sh the rnatte�s re�err�d to in <br /> �he preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL 1PERF�RMAiIICE, If Borrovtirer and Trustor pay all �he Indeb�edness when du�, terminates the credi-�line accoun�, <br /> and Trustor otherwise performs aff fihe ob[igations impvsed upon Trustor und�r rth�s Deed of Trust, Lender shal! execu�e <br /> and de[iver �o Trustee a request�or full recvn�ey�nce and shafi execute and deliver �o Trustvr suitahfe sfiatements o� <br /> terminatian �f aray �inan:cing stat�men� on file ev€denc�ng Lende�-°s security �nterest in �the R�nts and �he Pe.�-sona[ <br /> Prope�rty. �Iny recon�eyance€ee required by law shall be paid by Trus�or, i�permitted by applicab[e �aw a <br /> EVENTS �F �EFAUL`f. Trustar wil[ be in default �nder�his Deed of Trust if any of the fo[[owing happen: �A} Trustor <br /> eommits �raud ar makes a materia[ misrepresen�a�ion a� any time in connection with �he Gredifi Agreemen�. This �an <br /> include, ��r example, a s�a�ement abau�Borrvwer's or Trustor's income, assets, �iabi�ifiies, or any��her aspects of <br /> Borrower's ar Tr-ustor's�inancia[ eondi��on. �B} Borrower daes not meefi the repaym�nt te,rms of the �red�t Agreerrtent. <br /> ��} Trustor's action or inaction ad�ersely affects the co[[ateral or Lender's rights in�he cvlla�era�. This can include, for <br /> examp�e, fai[ure tv ma�ntain requir�d insu�-ance, waste or destructi�e use o�the dwe�[Eng, failur.e to pay�axes, dea�h of <br /> all persons �i.ab�e on the accaunt, tran�fer vf ti�le or sale o� the dwelling, crea�ion of a senio� �ien on the dwelling <br /> without Lender`s permission, �oreclvsure by�he holder of another jien, or the use of funds or tf�e dwelling�For prahibi�ed <br /> purposes. <br /> ��GHTS �41VD �E�I!!EDlE� �l11 DEFA�L�'. I€an E�en# �f D��au[�occurs under this Deed o�T�ust; a�any tirne thereafter, <br /> Trustee or Lender i-r�ay exe�c�se any vn�or more�f the��l�otinring �ights and �emedies: <br />