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��14�45�1 <br /> B, AII fu�ure ad�ances from Bene�c�ar� �o Trustor or ath�r future obliga��ons of Trus�ar �o Bene�c�ary under an� <br /> promissor� nate, c�ntract, �uaranty, or ��her ���dence af debt execu�ed �y '�rus�or in fa�var of Benefciary executed <br /> af��r �h�s Security �nstrumen� whe�h�r or not this Se�uri�y Instrumen� is speci��ally referenced. �f mor� than �ne <br /> pers�n si�ns this 5ecurit� �ns�rument, each Trus�or a�rees that this Security Ins�rumen� wili se�ure aii fu�ure advances <br /> and fu�ure obliga�ians that are ���ven to or incurred by any flne or mare Trustor, or any ane or more Trus�nr and <br /> o�hers. A�� future adva�aces and o�h�r fu�ur� obli�at�ons are secured �y thzs Secur�ty �ns�rumen� e�v�n �hou�h a11 or <br /> part may not �re� be advanced. All future ad�an�es and ath�r fu�ure ob�i�a�ions are s�cured as if made on fihe da�e of <br /> t��s Secur�t� �ns�rumen�. Nothin� �n �his Security �nstrumen� sha�� cons��tut� a commitm�nt �o mak� additional or <br /> future l�ans ar ad�ances �n any am�unt. Any such comm��men�must be a�reed�o in a s�parate�ritin�. <br /> C. All obiigatzons Trustar a�ves �a B�ne�ciar�, wh�ch n�.a� �ater ar�se, to �h�extent nat pr�hibi�ed by 1a�v, inc�udin�, but <br /> no�Iimi�ed to, l�ab�����es far overdrafts relating�o an�r depos�t accflunt a�reemen�b�t�een Trustor and Benefzc�ar�. <br /> D. AII addit�ona� sums advanced and e� ens�s zn�urred b Benef�cia for rnsurin reservin ar oth�r�v�se r�tec��n <br /> � <br /> ' v e and an ather sums ad�an�ed and ex enses incurred � Benefzc�ar under the�erms af�his <br /> the Proper�y and x�s a�u y p y �' <br /> S�curi�y �ns�rumen�. <br /> This S�curzt�r �ns�rum.en� wi�� nat secure an� ��her debt �f Ben�f��iar� fails t� give any required no��ce af �he r��h� of <br /> rescission. <br /> 5. PAYMENTS. Trustor agrees �ha� all payments under th� Se�ured Deb� wi�� be paid when due and �n accardance wx�h �he <br /> terms af�he Secured ��bt and this Securx�y �ns�rument. <br /> 6. VL�ARRANTY �F TITLE. Trus�or warrant� tha� Trus�ar zs ar w��� be �awfully seiz�d af the es�ate con�eyed by this <br /> Security Instrument and has �he ri�ht to irre�oca��y gran�, convey, a.nd se1l the Propert�r to Trustee, �n trus�, wz�h pa�er of <br /> sa1e. Trus�or a�so�arrants that�h�Pr�per�y �s unen�umber�d, ex�ep�f�r encumbrances of record. <br /> 7. PRI�R SE�IJRITY INT�RESTS. �'�Vi�h r�gard �o any other mortgage, deed af �rust, se�ur�t� abr�ement or other lien <br /> document�ha�crea��d a pr��r security �nteres�or encumbrar�c�on the Property, Trus�ar a�rees: <br /> A. Ta make a�� pa�rnents�hen due and t�perform or comply�ith aI� covenan�s. <br /> B. Ta pramp t��r del��er�o Ben�f�ciar�any nat�ces that Trus�nr recei�es from the holder. <br /> C. Not ta al���u an m�difica�i�n or extension of nor to r� uest an fu�ure ad�ances und�r an no�� or a reemen.� <br /> Y � q Y �' � <br /> secur�d by�he l��n document without Benefzczary's pr�ar�ritten consent. <br /> S. CLAIM� A�AINST TITL�. Trustor ���1 pay aII �a�es, ass�ssments, l�ens, �ncumbranc�s, �eas� payrn�nts, �round ren�s, <br /> u�i���x�s, and oth�r �har�es relating to the Praper�y when due. Benefi�zary may requzre Trustor �o pro�ide ta Benefi�iary <br /> cop�es of al� no�ices that such amounts are du� and �he rece�pts e��denc�n� Trustor's payment. Tru�tor will defend t�tle �o <br /> �he Proper�y against any c�aims �ha� wau�d impair the �ien of this Secur��y �ns�rum�n�. Trustor agrees ta ass�gn �o <br /> Benefzc�ary, as re�ues�ed by Benefxc�ary, any righ�s, claims or defenses Trust�r may have agains� par�ies �ho supply �abor <br /> or materials�a mazn�a�n or�mpro�e the Pr�perty. <br /> �. DiJE �N SALE �R EN�UMSRANCE. Benefx��ar� may, at �ts opti�n, dec�are the en�ire ba�an�e nf th� Secured Debt ta <br /> be zmmed�a�e��due and paya�le upon the crea�zan of, �ransfer or sale of a�l or any par�of�he Praper�y. Th�s right is subject <br /> t� �he restr�c��ons imposed b� federai �aw ��Z �.F.R. 59 I}, as appl�cable. Th�s covenan� sha1l run w��h the Proper�y and <br /> sha�l remain in effect unti� the Secured D�b�is paid in ful� and th�s Securxty �ns�rument is r�l�ased. <br /> lU. PR�PERTY C[3NDITI�N, AL'T�RATI�NS AND IN'SPECTI�N. Trustar will keep the Proper�� �n�aod condi�ion and <br /> make a�1 r�pazrs �hat are reasonabXy necessary. Trustor shall not cammi�or a��a� an�r was�e, �mpazrm�n�, or de�er�ora�i�n of <br /> �he Proper�.y. Trustor wiXl keep the Pr�per�y free af nax�aus weeds and grasses. Trustar a�r�es �hat th� na�ure of the <br /> occupancy and us� vv�Z� no� su�s�an�ial�� �han�e v�ithou� �eneficiary's priar wr�t�en c�nsent. Trus��r w��� not p�rm�t any <br /> chanbe in any ���ense, res�ri��ive covenant or eas�m�nt w�thou� Bene�cxary's pr�or wrxt�en cans�nt. Trust�r w��l no�ify <br /> B�n�fic�ary of ai� demands, praceedings, c�a�ms, and ac�i�ns a�a�nst Tru�tor, and of any Ioss�r damag�to�he Proper�y. <br /> Benef�c�ary ar Benef�czary's agents may, at Beneficiary's op�ion, en�er �he Prop�r�y at an� reasonab�e �ime far the purpose <br /> of �nspec�zn� �h� Prop�r�y. B�nef�ciar� sha�l give Trustor no�iGe at the ��me af or before an �nspe�t�an spec�fy�n� a <br /> re��onab�e purpos� for�h� inspec�ion. Any inspection of the Proper�y sha11 be ent�rely for Benefic�ary's b�nef�� and 'Trus��r <br /> �i�� �n n� v�ay re�y o�Benef�ciary's �nspec�zan. <br /> 11. AUT�IC]�tITY T� PERF�RM. If Trus�or fails �a perform an� duty or any of the co�enants con�ained in this Security <br /> �nstrum�nt, B�nef�ciary may, wi�hout not�ce, perform or cause them to be perfarmed. Trust�r appo�nts BenefiGiary as <br /> attorn�y in fact to sign Trustor's name or pa� any amount necessary far performance. B�nefic�ary's r�ght to perfarm for <br /> Trus��r sha�� nat �reate an obl�gat�on to p�rform, and Beneficiary's fa��ure �o perfarm w�l� not pre��ud� B�nef�c�ar� fram <br /> exercising any of Benef�ciary's other ri�hts under the law or�his S�cur�ty Ins�rumen�. �f an� Gons�ruc�zon�n �he Propert�r �s <br /> d�scon�inued or not carried �n in a reasonab�� manner, Bene���ary ma� �ake a�� s�eps ne�essar� �a protiect Beneficiar�'s <br /> security int�rest in the Pr�perty, inc�uding completion of the c�ns�ru��ion. <br /> 12. ASSIGNN[�NT �F L�ASES ANI] R�NTS. Trustar �rre�ocably assi�ns, �ran�s an�. con�eys, �o Trustee, xn trust for the <br /> ��nefit of Beneficiary as addit�onal securit� aI� �he right, tit�e and �nterest �n �he fa��ow�ng �all ref�rred to as Proper�y}: <br /> existin� or future leases, su��eases, �icenses, guaranties and any other v�rit�en or verha� a�reemen�s far the us� and <br /> �ccupancy af the Propert�, �ncludzn� any ��tens��ns, renewa�s, mod�f�catz�ns or replacements �a�� referred to as Leases}; <br /> and rents, issues and pro#its �all referred to as Ren�s}. �n �h� even� any x�em X�s�ed as Leas�s ar Rents is determined to be <br /> p�rsonal pr�per��, �his Ass��nment w�I� a�so be re�arded as a secur��y a�r�emen�. Trust�r will prompt�� pr��ide Beneficxary <br /> with capies af the Leases and wil� certif� �hese Leases are �rue and ��rrect cnpzes. The existin� Leases w�ll be provided an <br /> �xecution af�he Assignm�n�, and all futur� Leases and any ather informa��an with respect to these Leases wil� be pro�ided <br /> immediately after the� are execu�ed. Trustor may c�llect, rece��e, enja�r and use th� Rents so lang as Trustor is no� in <br /> d�fau�t. <br /> Up�n defaul�, Trustor will recei�e an� Rents in trust for B�neficiary and wi�� no� commzng�e �he R�nts vv�th any other <br /> funds. Trustor agrees tha��his Security Instrum�n�is immed�ately�ffec�i�e between Trus�or and Benef�cxary and effect��e as <br /> �o thxrd par�ies on�he recording of�h�s Assignm�nt. As long as�his Assignment �s xn eff�c�, Trus�or warrants and represents <br /> that n� defau�t exists under the Leases, and the par�ies subject �� �he Leas�s hav� na� ��o�ated any applicable law on leases, <br /> Iicense� and landlords and tenants. <br /> 13. LEASEH�LDS; ��NI]�NIINIIJIVIS; PLANNED UNIT �]�VELC�PN�E�TS. Tru��or agre�s tfl comp�y ��th �he <br /> pr�visi�ns �f any Iease xf th�s �ecur�ty �nstrument �s on a Ieaseha�d. �f the Praperty includes a uni� in a��ndominzum ar a <br /> planned un�� dev��opment, Trus�or w��� perform al� of Trustar's duties under �he covenants, by-�aws, or re�u�a�ions af�he <br /> ��ndaminium or planned unz�de�e�opment. <br /> �page 2 of�4� <br /> � <br /> � 1994 Wolt�rs Kluw�r Financial S�r�ices-Bank�rs 5ys�emsrM Fvrrrr R�-�T-N� �21151�20�6 �� ���f <br /> VMP{�-C'165�NEy �o�osy <br />