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��14�45�1 <br /> �4. DE�AIT�T. Trustar wil�be in defauit if any par�� o�Iigated on the Secured De�t fa��� to mak�paymen�when due. Trus�or <br /> w��� be �n d�fau�� xf a �reach occurs under the �ernns of this 5e�ur��y �nstrument or any other documen� exe�u�ed for �he <br /> purpase of creat�ng, secur�ng or guaran�ying �he Secured �7ebt. A gaod fait.h �el�ef by Benef�czary tha� Benef��xary at any <br /> ��me is insecure v�r�th respec� t� an� persor� or entity ob�zgated o� the Secured Deb� or that �he prosp��t of any pa�men� nr <br /> the va�ue of the Prapert�r �s xm�azred sha�� a�so cons�ztute an e�ven��f d�fau��. <br /> 15. R�E�VIEI]IES C�N DEFAULT. �n some �n�tan�es, federa� and s�ate law will requzre Bene�ciax�r to provide Trus�ar wzth <br /> no�ice of the right to cure or other na�zces and may es�ab��sh t�me schedu�es for f�reclosure action�. Subject to �hese <br /> l�mi.�ations, zf an�, Bene�ciary may accelerate the S�cured�e��and`far�clase�h�s Security �ns�rumen� zn a manner pro��ded <br /> b� �aw �f Trus�or is zn defau��. <br /> At �h� op���n of Beneficiary, al� ar any part �f the agr�ed fees and charg�s, accrued znterest and pr�nczpa� sha�� be�ome <br /> zmmedxat��y due and paya��ey af�er giving no�ice if requ�red by Iau�, upon �he occurrence of a defau��or any�zme ther�after. <br /> �n addition, Bene�ciary sha�� be ent�t�ed �o a�� the remedx�s prov�ded b� Ia�, the �erms af�he Secured Deb�, �h�s Secur��y <br /> �nstrument and an� related documents, inc�udz�ng withou�Iim��a�zan, the paw�r�a s��� �he Pr�per��. <br /> �f ther� zs a defau�t, Trusfie� sha��, �n additian ta any other perm�tted rerx�ed�, a� the request o��he Bene�ciar�, advertise <br /> and se�� the Proper�y as a wha�e or in separate parcels at pu�Izc auctzon t� the h�ghest b�dder for cash and canve� absaxu�e <br /> ����e fre� and c�ear of aI� right, tit�e and in�erest of Trustar at such t�me and place as Trustee designates. Trustee sha�� gz�e <br /> nat��e of sa�� �nclud�ng �he tzm�, terms and place of sale and a descripti�n of the proper�y to be sold as requzred b� the <br /> app�xcable�avv �n effect at the time af the propased sa�e. <br /> tJpon sa�e of�h� pr��er�� and �o �h.e exten� not prohibzted by �a�, T'ruste� shalx make and delzver a deed to the Prapert� <br /> s�Id which can�eys a�s��u�e��t�e�n �he purchaser, and af�er f�rs�paying aII fees, charges and cos�s, shal� pay �Q Benefic�ary <br /> aI� mone�s advanced for r��airs, taxes, �nsuran�e, ��ens, assessments and priar encuznbrances and interes� th�reon, and the <br /> principa� and �nteres� on �he Secur�d Debt, pa��ng the surplus, if any, ta Trus��r. Benefic�ar� may purchase �he Propert�. <br /> The rec�tals �n any d�ed of con�eyance sha�� be pr�ma facx�evzdence of the fac�s se�for�h therexn. <br /> AII remedz�s are d'zst�nc�, cumu�a��ve and no� ��c�usx�e, and the �eneficiar� is ent�tled �o aI� renn�ed�es �ra�ided at Iav� or <br /> �qu���, whe�her or not expressl� se� for�h. The accep�ance by Benef���ar� af an� sum in paymen� �r pa�zal payment on �he <br /> Secured Deb�af�er�he ba�an�e zs due or�s a�ce�era�ed or af�er forec�asure proceed�ng� are f��ed sha�� n�t cons�z�u��a wa�v�r <br /> af Bene��iary's rzgh� to requ�re comp�ete cure of an� ex�s�ing default, By no� exerc�s�n� any r�z�.ed� on Trustor's defau�t, <br /> Ben��cxary does not wa�ve Bene�cia�y's rzgh�ta�a�er consider the e��n�a default if it can�inues ar ha�pens again, <br /> 1G. E�P�NSES; .A��3VA,N�ES �� �D��NANTS; ATT�R.NEYS' F��S; ��LL��T��N ��S'�"S. Except when <br /> prohib��ed by Iaw, Trustar agrees �a pay a�� �f Ben�f�czary'� �xpens�s �f Trustor breaches any ca��nan� in thzs S�curity <br /> �ns�rum.ent. Trustor vvi�1 alsa pay on demand any amount zncurred by Benef�ciary f�r insuring, �nspecting, pr�serv�ng or <br /> other��se pro�ect�ng th� �roper�y and Beneficiary's se�urit� in�erest. These expenses �vill bear Ynteres� from �he da�e of�h� <br /> payment unt�� pazd �n fu�� at the hzghest interes� rate �n ef��ct as provided zn ��e terms of�he Se�ured De�t. Trustor agre�s <br /> �o pay a�� costs and expenses incurred by �ene�"iciar� i�a collec�ing, �nforcing ar protect�ng B�nef�c�ary's ri�hts and <br /> remedies under �h�s Secur�ty Zn.s�rument. Th�s amoun� m.ay �n��ude, bu� �s not �im�.i.��d �o, at�orneys' fees, court cos�s, and <br /> ath�z Iegai expenses. This Secur�ty Ins�rumen� sha�� remain in eff�c� un�il released. Trus��r agr��s to pay far any <br /> re�orda�ion casts nf such release. <br /> 17. EIWIR��MENTAL LA'�"VS AND �AZARD�US SUBS'�'AN�ES. As u�ed �n �hzs sec�zon, �1} Environmentai Lavv <br /> means, v�i�haut ��mi�ation, the Cam�prehens�ve Env�ronmenta� Resp�nse, Compensation and Liabi��ty Ac� ��ERCLA, 4� <br /> U.S.C. 96�1 et seq.}, and aI� o�her federal, state and �oca� �aws, regu�at�ons, ordinances, courfi orders, a���rne� genera� <br /> op�n��ns or �nterpret�ve Iet�ers c�ncern�ng �he pu���c hea��h, safe��r, welfare, en�rironment or a hazard�us substance; and ��� <br /> �a�ardaus Sub�tance means any �ox�c, rad��a��ive or hazardaus material, was�e, po��utant �r contaminant wh�ch has <br /> character�s�z�s vvhich render the sub�tance dangerous or pot�ntzal�y dan.gerous to the pub��� heal�h, safety, we�fare ar <br /> �n��ronmen�. The �erm inc�ud�s, v�rz�hout Iim�itation, ax�� substances de�ned as "hazardous materiai," "t�xzc su�stances," <br /> "hazardous was�e" or "hazardous subs�ance" under an� Environmental Law. <br /> Trustor repres�n�s, warrants and agrees that: <br /> A. Ex�ep� as previousl� disc�flsed az�d acknovvledged in writing tn Bene���ary, n� Hazardous Substanc� �s �r w��� be <br /> �oca�ed, s��red or re��ased on or in the Prop�rt�. This restri��ian d�es no� app�y ta sma�� quant�tzes of Hazardous <br /> Subs�anc�s tha� are generaily re��gn�zed to�e appr�przate for the normai use and maxn��nance of�he�'roperty, <br /> B. Excep� as prev�ous�� d�sc�osed and a�kno�vledged �n �rz�zng �o �ene�c�ary, Trus�ar and e�ery tenan� hav� been, <br /> are, and s�a�� r�ma�n zn full c�mpliance wzth any appli�ab���a� Lavv. <br /> C. Trus�or shall �mmedia�e�� na�ify Benef��xary �f a r��ease or threa�ened release ��a Hazardous Substance occurs on, <br /> under or about the Proper�� �r there is a v�olarion of any En�ironmenta� Law concern�ng �he Property. �n such an <br /> event, Trustar sha�I take al.� n�cessary remed�a� ac�zon in acc�rdan�e vvith an� Env�ronmen�al Law, <br /> D. �`rus�or sha�� immediate�y no�zf� B�nef�ciary zn v�r�ting as soon as Trust�r has reason to belzeve there�s any pending <br /> or threa��ned in�est�ga��on, cla�m, or proceedzng relating �a the release or �hr�atened r��ease af any Hazard�us <br /> Subs�ance or the viola��an of any Env�ranmenta� Lavcr. <br /> 18. CUNDEIVINA�,TI[�N. Trustor v�i�� g�v� Beneficiary prompt n�tice of any pending or�hrea��ned action, by pr�vate or publ�c <br /> enti���s ta urcha�e ar take an�r ar a�l of the Proper�y �.hzough candemnati�n, em�nen� doma�n, ar an� other means. Trustor <br /> au�horz�es�Bene `c'a ` ' <br /> f� � r� �o zntervene �n Trust�r s name �n any of�he above descrzbed act�ons or c�a�ms. Trustor asszgns to <br /> Benefzc�ary the proceeds of any a,c7vard or c�a�m far da�mages c���d vvith a cond�mnat�on or other taking of al� �r any <br /> par� �f �he Property. Such proceeds shall �e �ar�sidered pa�ments and w��� �e app��ed as provid�d zn �h�s S�curz�y <br /> �nstrument. Th�s ass�gnment of proceeds zs subjec� �o th� ��rms of any prxor mor��age, de�� of trust, secur��y agreement or <br /> other l�en d�cum�nt. <br /> 19. INSIT�tAN�E. Trustar sha11 ke�p Proper�y ��sured against Iass by �re, fl�od, theft and o�her hazards and r�sks r�asanabl� <br /> assac�ated v��th �he Prap�r�y due to �ts �yp� and ��c�.��on, T'h�s �nsurance sha�� be ma�n�a�ned in th� amounts and for �he <br /> per�ads �hat �3ene�c�ary requzres. �Nhat B�neficiar� requ�res pursuan� to the pre��d'zng sen�ence �an �hange during �he term <br /> of the Secur�d Debt. The �nsurance carr�er pra�xding �he znsurance sha�� be cho�en b�r Trus�or sub�ec� to �en��czary's <br /> approva�, wh�ch shall not be unreasonabl� withhe�d. �f Trustor faz�s �o maintain �h� coverage descr�bed above, Benefic�ary <br /> may, a� B�n�ficiary's op�zan, obtain coverage ta pra�ect Benef�c�ary's rights zn the Proper�y accard�n� �o t�e �erms of thzs <br /> Secur��y �nstrument. <br /> A11 insuran�e pol�c�es and renewa�s sha�1 b� ac�e �ab�e �o Bene���ary and sha�� inc�ude a s�andazd "m�r��age czaus�" and, <br /> w�aer� a ��ca�ble loss a �e c�au e <br /> s , Trustor s�all �mm�d�a��� not�f Be <br /> pp , p y , y y nef��zar� �f cancella��on or �erm�natzon of the <br /> insuran�e. Beneficiary shalZ have the r�gh� to h�Id the po��cies and renewa�s. �f Bene�c�ar� requires, Trustar sha�� <br /> immedia�e�� �zve t� Benef�cxar� a�l recez�ats of pa�d premi.ums and reneu�al not�ces. Upon�oss, Trustar sha�� give immed�ate <br /> notice�o the �nsurance carr�er and Benef�c� . B�nef�c a <br /> ary � r�may make proof of xass �f n��made �mmedzately by Trus�or. <br /> lpage 3 of r4� <br /> � 1994 Wvlie�s Klc�wer Finar�cial 5er�ices-Bankers Syst�msrM �orm R�-DT-N� i 21�512�a� ���� �� <br /> VMP�-C'I 55{NE� zo�oa� <br />