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<br /> S�a�e o�Nebraska Space Ahvve Th�s Line Far Recardin�Data
<br /> D��D �F T`RUS�'
<br /> 4'L�ith Fu�ure Ad�ance�Iause}
<br /> � Cons�ruc��on Secur�ty Agreement
<br /> � Nlas�er form recorded l�Y _._.� -�-.- - -_.__ _._ _._�.. .---.--- � �� - ._..___..__.........._._ ._... ...._.._.... ... ... ............ ._ µ. .. ... ...........r... ._ ......__._ .._ ..... .. --� - - .
<br /> 1. DAT� ANT]�'ARTIES. The date of this Deed of Trust �S�cur�ty �ns�rument} �s Augu_stw _�4,. _.��14 . _ . . . _. _ -- .- -
<br /> and the par���s a.x�d�heir addresses are:
<br /> TRUST�R: Kei th J Kurz
<br /> Ang�1 a Kurz
<br /> �aa.s Indi anh�ad �r
<br /> Grand Z s�and, NE 6�38D3
<br /> 0 �f checked, refer �o th� a��ach�d Add�ndum incorparated h�rein, far additional Trustors, �heir signatures and
<br /> acknowledgmen�s.
<br /> TRUSTEE:
<br /> Ar�nd R Baack, Attnrn�y
<br /> P. �. Box 79� Grand Is�and NE 68���
<br /> BENEF���ARY:
<br /> Home Federa� Savings and Loan Assn of Grand Is�and
<br /> �21 S�ut� L�cust St Grand Island NE 68S�1
<br /> �. �QNVEYANCE. For �ood and �aluable cons�deration, the re�expt and suf�c�ency of whzch is acknovvled�ed, and t�
<br /> secure the Secured Debt �defin�d �be�ow} and Trustar's performance under this 5ecuri�y �nstrumen�, Trus�ar irre�acab�y
<br /> gran�s, con�eys and sel�s to Trus�ee, �n trus� for the benef�� of Beneficiary, �ith pn�er af sal�, �he fol�ow�ng d���r�bed
<br /> proper�y:
<br /> Lvt [Vine �9� , B�ock Two C�) , Fairway Cr�ssings at Indianhead Galf C1ub First
<br /> SubdiW�si�n, in the City af �rand Is�and, Ha�� County, N�braska.
<br /> The proper�y is located in H a�� at 4�7 7 Au gu s t a R kwy-- . _ _. ...
<br /> �County}
<br /> __ ......... ......._... _.....�._ ....._._......._--. -.---. _-----.--, ----- --- .. _. ... � _. ._... ... _. --.._G r a r�d_,I s�a n d_....... ....._... ._._ __ � Nebraska �88 4 3
<br /> �Addr�ss} (�ity} ���P Code}
<br /> Toge�her with a�I r�ghts, easements, appurtenances, ro�ait�es, mineral r�ghts, �z� and gas righ�s, aI� �a�er and r�parian
<br /> r�gh�s, di��hes, and wa�er stock and a�� ex�s��ng and future impravemen�s, structur�s, ��tures, and rep�ac�ments that may
<br /> now, ar a�an�time in�he future, be par�of the rea��s�a�e d�scr�bed abave�al� referred to as "Pr�p�r�y"},
<br /> 3. MA�INIITM�BLIGATI[3N LIMIT. The to�al princ�pa� amount secured by �h�s Secur��y �nstrumen� a�an� �ne �ime shall
<br /> n���xceed $ �5�,D q�.�� . This ��mitatifln af amoun� does n�� inc�ude �nterest and other fees
<br /> and charges validl� made pursuant t� th�s Securi�y �nstrument. A�s�, thi� limi�a�xon d�es not appl� �a ad�ances made under
<br /> �he terms of this Securxty �ns�rumen�to pro��c� B�nef�cxary's security and �� perform any of�he �a�enan�s con�ained �n �h��
<br /> Security Ins�rum,en�.
<br /> 4. SECUR�D DEST AND�UTURE ADVANCES. The term "S�cured De��" zs de�ned as f�llo�vs:
<br /> A. Debt incurr�d under�he terms af a�� promzssory nate�s}, contrac��s}, guaranty�ie�} or o�her e�idence of debt described
<br /> be�aw and all their extenszons, renewa�s, modifica�zons or substitutzons. (Wher� referencing the debts beraw it is
<br /> sugges�ed�hat y�u include items such as horr�rcrers't�ames, n�ze arrtnurtts, interest rates, rrtatr�rity dates, e�c.}
<br /> � 199�Wolt�rs Kfuwer Finar�cial Ser�ices-gankers Systems7M Form R�-DT-N� 7�1�5124�� �� '� �
<br /> VMP�-C165�NE� to�o$�
<br />