� ��14�4�95
<br /> �EE[3 �F T�LJ�`f
<br /> L�a� N�: '[��1��7'� ���r�tir�ued� P�g� �
<br /> Lender, is �ntended to be exclusi�e of any vther rernedy in this Deed o-�Trust or by Iaw proWided a� permitted, but
<br /> each sha[1 be cumu[ative and shall be in addi�ion tv e�ery o�her remedy gi�en in this Deed Q� Trust or now ar
<br /> hereaft�er existing a�[aw or�n equi�y��by statu�e. E�ery pawe�or remedy gi�en�y�he Note or any of the Related
<br /> Docu-ments to Trusfee o� Lender ar �o which either o�F them may be otherwise entitled, may be exercised,
<br /> cancurrently or independently, from fime ta �ime and as �ften as may be deemed exp�d�ent by Trustee or Lender,
<br /> and eithe�- of the:m m.ay pu�-sue inconsistent remediesr Nothing in this Deed of Trust shall be eonstrued as
<br /> prohibi�ing Lender f�-vm seeking a deficiency judgmen� aga�nst the Trustor to the ext�nt such ae�tion �s pe�me�ted by
<br /> f aw.
<br /> Election of F�emedies. AF[ of Lend��'s rights and remedies wi�i b� cumuJati�e and m�y he e�cercised a�one o�
<br /> together. �fi Lender dec�des to spend money or ta pertorm any o�Trustor's ab[iga�ions und�r�his Deed af Trus�,
<br /> �a�ter Trustar's fai[ure �o do so, tha� decis�on �y Lender vtrill not af�ect Lende�'s right to dec�ar� Trustar in de�auft
<br /> and to exercise Lender's r�medies.
<br /> Requ�st fvr 1Votr�e. Trustor, on behalf af Trustor and Lender, hereby�equests that a copy o�any No�i�e�f Qefault
<br /> and a copy ofi any Natice of Sale under-�his Deed of Trus� he ma.i�ed to them a�the addresses set forth in-the firs�
<br /> paragraph of-th'rs Deed of Trust.
<br /> Atto�neys' Fees: Expenses. !f Lender institutes any suit or a.ction �o en�orce any of �he terms o� �his Deed v€
<br /> T�ust, L�nd�r shaCl be entit�ed fio reco�er such sum as the cour�may adludge reasonab�e as attvrneys' �ees a-�tria�
<br /> and up�n any appeal. 1lVheth�r or no� any court action is invv[�ed, and ta the exten� nvt prohibited by la�v, all
<br /> reasonable expenses Lende� �.ncurs tha� �n Lender's apinion are necessary at any time for the pra�eGtion o� its
<br /> �nteres�or�he enforcem�n�k of i�s rights sha[[ h�com� a part of the lndebtedness payable on demand and shafi b�ar
<br /> in-�erest at�he Note rate-�rom the date of the�xpenditure unti� repaid: Expenses c�vered by�his paragraph`inc�ude,
<br /> viri�hout ��mitation, however subject ta any limi�s under app[�cab[e Caw, Lender's atforneys' �ees and Lender's {ega[
<br /> expenses, whether or not there is a �awsu�t, inclu:ding at�orn�ys' �ees �nd expenses fivr bankruptcy praceedings
<br /> �including efforts�a modify or vaca�e any automatic stay or�njunction}, appeals, and any an�icip.a�ed p�st jud�ment
<br /> collec�ion s�r�ices, the cost v�searchin� records, obtaining �i�le repvrts �including foreclosure r�parts�, sur��yorsr
<br /> reports, and appraisal -�ees, tit[e insurance, and fees �or �he Trus�ee, ta the extent permit-�ed by app�icable law.
<br /> T�ustor a[so�rvill pay any court costs, in addition to a[_[o�her sums pro�ided �y Iaw,
<br /> R��h�s of T�us�ee. T�ustee sha[[ have a[I af the righ�s and duties o�Lender as set f�rth in this section.
<br /> P�1NER5 Al1ID �BLQ��`f�DiVS QF TRUSTEE. The fo�fowing pro�isions re�at�ng to the powers and o:b:[iga�ions of�rus�ee
<br /> a�e part of�his Deed of Yrust:
<br /> Powers of Trustee. ]n addi�ion�o a[[ pov�rers of Trust�e arising as a matter o�law,Trus�ee shafl have the power to
<br /> �ake the fo�lowing actions with respect to �he Praperry upan the wri�ten reques�t o� Lend�r and Trus�or: {ay join in
<br /> preparing and �i1�ng a map or pla� �f �he Real Proper�y; �ncluding �he d�dicativn of streets or o�her rights to the
<br /> publie; �b� join in granting any easement �r creating any �-�striction vn the Real Property; and �c3 �ain �n any
<br /> subardination ar other agreement af�ecting-�his ❑eed of Trus�or�he interes�k o�L�nder under fihis Deeci of T�-ust.
<br /> Trustee. Truste� sha�� meet afl qual�ficaf�ons requ�red for Trustee under appli°cable �aw. ln add�tion ta the r�ghts
<br /> and r�medi�.s set forth abo�e, vuith respect�o a[[ or any part ofi the Proper�y, �he Trust�e shall have the righ-�to
<br /> �orec[ose by n��ice �nd saie, and Lender wi[[ ha�e the rrgh� �o fvreclose hy judicial fore�losu�e, in either case in
<br /> accordance with and tv the full ex�ent pro�ided by app�icabie�aw.
<br /> Succes�or Trus�t�e. L�nd�r, at Len�er's �ption, may frarr� �ime t�tirrte appo�nt a succ�ssar�rustee t� any Trus�tee
<br /> �ppvin�e.c� under this Deed of Trus� by an instrurnen� execu��d and acknow[edged by L�nder �nd recorded in the
<br /> o-Ffic� ofi �he recorder o� Hall Coun�y, State o� lVebraska. The ins�rument shall �ontain, in addition �o aC� other
<br /> mat-ters re:c�uired by sta�e law, the names of �he vriginal Lender, Trusteer and Trustvr, the boo[� and page �or
<br /> compu�cer system reference} v►rhere �his Deed o�F Trust is recorded, and �he narne and address of the successor
<br /> trus�tee, and the instrument shall be execu�ed and acknaw[�dg�d by a�!the beneficiaries u�nder�his D�ed af Trust ar
<br /> their successors �n interest. The successor trustee, withvut cvn�eyance of the Prvper�y, shal� succeed to all �he
<br /> title, power, a.nd duties conferred upon the Trustee in this Deed of Trust and by app[icabl.e:faw. This procedu�e fior
<br /> substitu�ion a�Trus�ee shalt gv�ern to the exclus3an af a��vther pra�isians fvr subs�itution.
<br /> NDT�CES. Any no�ice required to be gi�en under this ❑eed v�Trust, in�luding without �imitativn any notice of defau�t
<br /> and any not�ce of sa�e shall be gi�en in wri�ing, and shall be efFectiWe when actually d�I`i�ered, vi�hen actual[y recei�ed
<br /> by�e[efacsimile {unless a�herwise required by[�w}, when deposited with a nafiona.��y recogn�zed o�ernight couri�r, vr, i�
<br /> rr�ai�ed� when deposi�eci in the United Sta�es mail, as first class, cer�ified or registe;red mail postage prepaid, direct�d ta
<br /> the addresses sha�rvr� near�he beginning of this ❑eed o�Trus�. �[[ �opies o� noti�es of�ore�[asure from �he holder vf
<br /> any Iien whi�ch has pri�ri�y ��er this De�d of Trust shall be sent to Lender's address, as shown near the �eginning o�
<br /> �his Deed o�Trust. Any pers�n may change his or her address fvr notiCes unde�-this �eed of Trust by gi��n� forrnal
<br /> v�rr��en not�ce �a �he other p�rson or p�rsons, specify�ng �hat �he purpose �f the notice is to change the pers�n's
<br /> address. For notice purposes,Trustor agrees ta keep Lender in�ormed a��[[times n�Trustar's current address. Unless
<br /> otherv�rise pro�ided or �-eguir�d by 1aw, if ther� is more than one Trustor, any notice giWen by Lender to any Trust�r is
<br /> deemed to be notice gi�en�o all Trusto.�s. lt wi[� be Trustor's responsibility�o tell the others of�he notice from Lende�.
<br /> ��SCELLANE�US PF��VISI�NS. Th�f��[�wing misce[faneous provisions are a park of th�s Deed of Trust;
<br /> Ar�endrr�ents, 1i11hafi is v�rritten 3n this Deed af Trust and in �he Related Documents is Trustor's en�ire agreement
<br /> with Ler�der Gancern�ng�he ma��ers cove:r�d by this �eed o�Trust, To be efFecti�e, any change ❑r amendment to
<br /> this Deed af Trus� must he in w�-�tsng and musfi be signed by whoe�er will be bound or nbliga�ed by the change or
<br /> am�ndment.
<br /> �apt�an I-leac�'rngs. Gap�ion headings in this De�d o�Tr�st ar� -�or �on�enien�e purposes �on�y and are not t� be
<br /> used�o interpr��or de�Fin�the pro�isio.ns�f thxs l�eed of�ru.st.
<br /> �11[�rger. Th��-e shail be no m�rger of�he E�a�er�es��r�state crea�ed by th�s Deed of Trust vvith any vther interes�or
<br /> estate in�he Prope�y at any�ime heid by or for t�� benefit of Lende�in any capaci-�y, withou�t the wrftten consent
<br /> of Lend�r.
<br /> Go�err�ing Law, �'his Deed of Trust wiII b� govern�d by �edera�� iaw applicable tv Lender and, to �lhe ex�fien� na�
<br /> preerng�ted by�reder��law,�a�la�vs of the State of Nebraska without regard to i�s confi�c�s of Iaw pr�►ris��ns. Thas
<br /> �eed of Trust h�s been�ccepted by L�nder in�he State of Nebraska.
<br /> Choice of Ve�ue_ I�there is a lav�suit, Trustor agrees upon Lenderrs �equest to su�mit to �he �urisdiction o� the
<br /> courts o�Ha11 �ounty, State of Nebraska. -
<br /> .�oin� an� Ser►eral Lia�ility. All ob[igations of �orrov�rer and Trus�or under �his Deed a-� Trust shall be �oEnt and
<br /> several, and all re�erences t�Trustvr shall rnear� eaeh and �very Trus�or, and a�1 re�erences�� Bvrro�rve�sha[[ r�ean
<br /> each and��e�y�orr��rver. This means�hat�ach Trus�or signing be�ow Es respvr�sible for a!��bliga��ons in this Deed
<br /> ��Trus�,
<br /> lVo V�ai�rer�y Lende�. Trustor understands L�nder will �ot give up any o� Lencier's r€gh�s under�his De�d o��frusfi
<br /> unless Lend�r does so in writing. The �act that Lender de[ay� ar omits tv exercise any right �ill not mean �ha�
<br /> Lender has gi�en up tha� righ�. [�r Lender does agree in writing to gi�e up one af Lender's rights, �hat does nofi
<br /> mean Trus�or will not ha�e to comply with the o`ther pro�isions ofi this Deed af Trust. Trustor a[s� undsrs-�ands
<br />