<br /> �]EE� �F TRL�ST
<br /> Loan IVo: 'I�D 7�a75
<br /> {��r�tinu�d� Pag� �
<br /> Borrower's ar Trustor's property in v�rhich Lender has a lien. This incfudes taking o�, garnishing �f ar Ie�ying on
<br /> Borrower's or Trus�or°s accoun�s w�th Lender. Howe�er, i�gorrower or T�us�or disputes in good fai�h whether�he
<br /> c�a�m on which the taking of�he Property �s based is valid or reasonab[�, and if Borraw�r or Trustor gi�es Lender
<br /> w�-�tten notice o�the ciaim and furnishes Lender vtir�th mon'r�s or a surety bond sa�isfactary to Lender to satis�y the
<br /> cfaim,then this default provision wi�! not apply.
<br /> Bre�ch of Dther Agreemen�. Any breach by Borrower ar Trustor under�he�erms o�any other agre�m�nt between
<br /> gorrower or Trustor and Lender that is n�t remed�ed wi�hin any grace period p�-o�ided therein, inc[uding withvut
<br /> [imita�ion any agreemen� concer-ning any indebtedness or other oh[iga�ion of Borrowe� or Trustor to Lende�,
<br /> whether existin� novv or la�er,
<br /> E�en�s AfFe��ing Guarantor. Any of�he pre�eding e�ents occurs vEri-�h respect�o any guarantar, endorserr sur�ty,
<br /> or accommodation pa�-ty o� any o�r the �ndebtedness or any guarantor, endorser, sure�ty, ar accommodation party
<br /> dies or becomes ineampetent, ❑r revokes or disputes the �alidity vf, or [iahility under, any Guaranfiy of the
<br /> 1 ndebtedness.
<br /> lnsec�rity. Lender in good faith believes i�se�f insecure.
<br /> Existing 6ndebtedness. The payment of any ins�a[finent v�princ�pal vr any inter�st on the Existing Indebtedness �s
<br /> nat made within-�he time required by the promissv�y na��evidencing such indeb�edness, or a defau[�t occurs under
<br /> the inst�ument securing such indebtedness a.nd is not cured during any applicab�e grace perivd in such instrumen�,
<br /> or any suit q�other acfi�on is commenced to�orec[os�any exist�ng lien on�he Property.
<br /> F�ight to Cure. lf any defau�t, other than a defiault in payment�s curab[e and if Trus�or has nat been given a notice
<br /> of a breach of the same pro�is�on❑f-�his ❑eed of Trust within�he preceding twelve {��} mon�hs. it may be cured if
<br /> Trustor, afte�- Lender s�nds writt�n notice ta Borr�w�r demanding cure o�F such d��fault: ��} cures the defau[t
<br /> wi�hin�rn�en-�y ���� days; or ��} if the cure requires more than twen-�y ���} days, immedia�e�y initiates steps which
<br /> Lender deems �n L�nder's so�e d�seretion to be suf�icient to cure the defaul� and thereafte�- continues and
<br /> comp[etes all reasanable and necessary steps su�ficient to produce compliance as soon as reasonably practical.
<br /> FiIGHTS A1VD REiIl�El]IES ON DEFAULT, 1�an Ev�nt��l�efau[�o�Gurs under�his []eed of Trus�, a�any t��e thereafte�,
<br /> Trustee ar Lender may exercise any one or mor�of the fv[[o�nring rights and reme.dies:
<br /> Acceleratavn �lpon Defau��;Additional Rer�ed[aes. �f any Errent v� De�au[t occurs as per th�terms o�the No�ke
<br /> secured herebyr Lend�r may declare a11 fndebtedness secured by this Deed ��Trust�a be due and payable and
<br /> the sam�sha11 thereupon become due and payable w'rthout any presentment, demand, protes�o�-natiGe af any
<br /> kind. Therea-�er, Lender may:
<br /> ta} Either in persvn or by agen�, with �r without bringing any action ❑r proceed�ng, or by a recei�er
<br /> appointed hy a court and vvithvut regard to th� aciequacy Qf ifis securi�y� en�er upon and take possession
<br /> of the Property, or any part ther�af, in its ov�rn name or in the name of Trustee, and dv any acts which it
<br /> deems necessary or desirabCe to preser�e the�a�ue; marketability v�r ren�abi�ity of�he Property, or part of
<br /> the Proper�y ar interes� in �he �roperty; in:crease the income from �he Properfiy or protec�the security af
<br /> the P�-oper�y; and, with �r withou� taking possession of �he Property, sue for or vtherwise eoffect the
<br /> rents, issu�s and profi�s of the Property, including those past due andl unpaid, and app�y�he same, �ess
<br /> Costs and expenses of operation and �o[[�cti�n at�orne�s' €ees,to any indeb�ec�ness secured hy�his De�d
<br /> af Trust, a[[ in sucf� order as Lenr�er may dete�mine. �he ent�r�ng up�n anc� taking possess�on of the
<br /> Propertyr the cv[�ec�ion o� such ren�ts. �ssues and �arofits, and �he applica�ion �ther�o� sha�l nvt cure or
<br /> vvaE�e any defauI�or notice of defauit under this Deed a�€Trust or in�alida�e any act done in response.to
<br /> sucf� de�ault Qr pursuant to such no��ce�f defau[�; and, noti�viths�anding the continuance'rn possessian a�
<br /> -�he P�operty or the collec���n, rece�pfi and app�i�ation of ren�s, issues or profi�s, Trus�ee or Lender shall
<br /> be entit[�d �o exerc'rse�very right provided �or in the Na�e or the Related Documen�s o� by law upon-the
<br /> occu�-�ence v�any e�ent of de�au[�, including th�righ�to exercise the power of sale;
<br /> �b} Commence an a�tion to foreclose this Dee�i of Trust as a mar�tgage, appo�nt a receiver or specif�ca�ly
<br /> enforce any o�fihe�o�enants hereo�; and
<br /> �c} �el��er�o Yrustee a written decCarsation nf defauft and demand �or sa�e and a wrEt�en notiGe o�d��aul�
<br /> and �le�tio�tv cause Trustor�s in�ere��in the Prape�-ty to be so[d� which no�ice Trustee sha11 cause to be
<br /> duly�iled���r record in�he a�pro�r�a�e ofi�ices o€the C��nty fn which the Property is Io�ated; and
<br /> {d} 1Nith �espe�t to all or any part�f$�e �'ersonal Pr�per�y, �ender shali ha�e a�� the rEgh�s and remedies
<br /> ❑f a secured par�under�he �Vebraska LJnifarrn �vrn�n�rciaf �ode.
<br /> F€�reclosure by Power of�ale. �f Lender elects ta foreclose by exercise of�he Power of 5ale herein con�ka�ned,
<br /> Lender shall nvtify Trus�ee and sha11 depvsit wi�h Trustee�his Deed of Trust and the Note and such receipts
<br /> and euidence of exp�nditures made and secured by this Deed of Trust as Trustee may require.
<br /> �a� Upon receipt v�such notice from Lender, Trus�ee shail cause�a be recorded, pub[ished and defi�ered
<br /> to Trustor such �otice of Default and Notice of Sale as then requ�red by law and by�his Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee sha[�, vU�thout demand on Trus�o�, after such time as may then be required by law and after
<br /> rec�rdation o�such Nvt�cs of Default and after IVotice of 5ale ha�ing been g��en as requEred by [aw, sell
<br /> �h� Proper-ty a� the �ime and pface of sale fi�ced bv �t �r� such Na�ice of Sale, ei�he�- as a whv[e, or in
<br /> separat� [ots ar parce[s or i-�ems as Truste�shal� deem �xpedient, and in sueh order as it may determine,
<br /> at pub�ic auctior��o the highes� �idder��r �ash �n �awfu[ �noney a�the L:ni�ed 5tates p�yable �t the�ime
<br /> of saie: Trusfe� shal� de�iver �to suc� pu€r�haser vr �urchasers �hereof i�s �ood �nd su�fi�ien� deed a�
<br /> deeds �on�ey�ng �he prop�rty s� sofd, but wi��out any cavenan� or warrantyo �xpress or im�l�ed. The
<br /> recita[s �n such deed vf any matters vr -�acts shal� be G�nelusE�e pr�of af the truthfulness thereof. Any
<br /> person, including vvi�hout limitatifln Trustor,Trus�ee,�r Lend�r, rnay purchase a�suc�sale.
<br /> {b} As may be pe�mitted hy �aw, after deducting a�l c�sts, fees and e�€penses of Trustee and of th�s
<br /> Trust, including cvsfis of e�idence o��itle in cvnnection with sale,Trustee shali apply the praceeds of sa[e
<br /> to payment af �i} all sums expended under the terms vfi this Deed of Trust or under the terms af�he Note
<br /> not then repaid, �ncluding but not fimited �� accrued in�erest and late charges, �ii} a[[ other sums then
<br /> secured herehy;and �iii} th�remainder, i�any,to�he person ar persons lega[[y entitled thereto.
<br /> {c} Trust�e may in th� manner pro�ided by law postpone sai�of al[or any pvrt�on of the Property,
<br /> Remedies Not Exc�us�ve. Trustee and Lender, anc� each of �h�m; sha�� be �ntitled to en�€orce payment and
<br /> perf�rrrmance o�any indebtedness or obligati�ns secured by this �eed o�Trust and�a exer�ise all �ig1��s and powers
<br /> under �his �eed ���T"rust, under�.he iVote, urader any ��the �ela�ed Documen��s, ❑r under ar�y ��her agreerr�enfi �r
<br /> any �aws nvw �r hereafke� in �orce; no�rvithstanding, some or a�l o�suc� ind�b�edness and obiig�t�ons securec� by
<br /> �his Deed v�Trust�-nay now or hereaf�er be �th�r�v�se secured� whether by rr-�ortgage, deed of�rust, p[edgey ��en,
<br /> assignment or oth��wise. lV�i�her the a.ccep�anc� af this Deed ofi �'rus� nor its en�or�ement, rrvhether by cour-�
<br /> actian ar pursuant to the power o€sal� or other powers cvntained in �his Deed of Trust, shaf� prejudice or in any
<br /> manner affect Trustee`s or Lender's r�ght to realize up�n vr enfarce any other security naw or her�after helci by
<br /> Trus�ee or Lender, it being agreed that Trustee and Lender, and each o�them,shal� he entitCed ta enforce this aeed
<br /> a�Trust and any other security now or hereaft�r held by Lende� ar Trustee �n su�h order and manner as they or
<br /> either of them may in their absolut� dis�reti'on determEne. Nv remedy confierred up�n or reserved �o Trust�e ar
<br />