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��14�4�95 <br /> vEEo oF T�usT <br /> Loan No: �4�'[��75 ���ntinu�d� Page 7 <br /> that if Lend�r does consent to a request, that daes n�t mean that Trus�or wi[� nat have to ge� Lender's consent <br /> again if�he situa�ion happens again. Trustvr fur�her understands that just bec�use Lender consents�ko one or tr�or� <br /> o�Trustor's requests, that daes no� mean Lender will be required tv consent to any of Trustorrs �uture reques�s. <br /> Trustvr wai�es presentment,demand for payment, prot�s�, and na�'rce o�dishono�. <br /> SeverabiIity. [f a court �inds tha� any provision of�h�s Deed of Trus� is not �alid or shouid nv� be enforced, �hat <br /> �aGt by itsef�will n�t mean that the rest vf this Deed af Trus�wi€E not be�alid or enforced. There�ore, a cpurt will <br /> en-�orce the rest of the provis�vns of�his Deed vf Trust e�en if a pro�ision vf fihis Deed of Trust may be found to be <br /> � in�alid�r unenfvr�eable� <br /> 5uccessors and Assigns. 5ub�eGt tv any �imi�ations s�ated in this Deed of Trust on �trans�er of Trustor's �n�erest, <br /> this Deed of Trus�sha�1 be b�nding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, �heir successvrs and assigns. 1� <br /> awnership of the Proper�y becomes �ested ':n a person�ther�han Trustor, Lender, withou� notic� to Trustor, may <br /> deal wi�h Trusta�'s suc��ssors with reference tv this ❑eed v�Trust and th� Indeb�edness by way of forhearance vr <br /> extension w�thout re[easing Trustvr from�he obligations of th�s Deed of Trust or liahi��ty under the �ndebtedness. <br /> Time is o�the Essen�e. Time is of the�ssence in the performance of this Deed of Trus�. <br /> Vllaive Jury. A!! �aar�ies to fh�s Deed vf Trust he�eby waive�he raght to any jury trial in any activn� proceed�n�. vr <br /> counter�laim brvught�ay any g�arty agaiinst any othe�party. <br /> 1�aiver of Homestead Exemptivn. Trustor hereby re�eases and wai�es a�l rights and benefits o� the hvmest�ad <br /> exemp�ion lav�rs of the 5tate❑�Neb�aska as to a[[ lndebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust. <br /> DEFIIVIT��NS. The foI[owing w��-ds shail have�he fa[[owing rneanings when used in�this Deed of Yrus�: <br /> BenefiGiary. The word "Beneficiary'� means Equ�table gank, and ��ks successors and assigns. <br /> Bo�rvrrv�r. Tk�e word "Borrower" means Ross garton and Vickie Bar-tvn and includes all co=signers and co-makers <br /> signing the No�te and a[I the�r succ�ssvrs and assigns. <br /> Deed vf Trust.. The rrvv�ds "�eed o� Trus�" mean this De�d af Trust among Trustvr, Lender, and T�us�ee, and <br /> inc[udes vLrithout limi-tation al[ assignment and security interest p�-o�isions re[ating fia �he Persanal Praperty and <br /> Rents. <br /> En�irvnmentai Laws. The words �'Env�ronmenfial Laws" mean an�r and all stat�, �edera[ and [oca� statutes, <br /> regu�ations and ordinances relating �o the protectian of human hea[th or the �n�ironmen�, including wi�hout <br /> l�mitati�n the Comprehensi�e En�ironmentai Respans�, Cvmpensation, and Liabi[ity Act of �980, as amended, 4� <br /> U.S.C. Sec�ian 96��, e�seq. {"CERCLA"}, the Super�und �lrrlendmen�s and F�eauthoriza��on Act of '198�, Puh. L. <br /> No. 99-499 {"SARA"};th� Hazardvus Materials Tra.nsportat�on A�c�F 49 U.S.C. Section 18��, et seq.,the Resource <br /> Conser�ation and F�eco�ery Act, 4� U.S.C. Section �9Q�, et seq., or othe� app[�Cab�e s�a�e or-�edera[ �aws, rules, <br /> ar regula�ions adop�ed pu�-suanfi there�o. <br /> Even�of�e�au�t. The words "EWent o�Default" mean any o�F the e�en�s o�defauft se�forth in this Deed of Trust in <br /> the e�en�s of de�rault se�tion of�khis Deed of Trus�. <br /> Exis�ing lndebtedness. The words "Existing lndebtedness" mean the indebtedness described in the Exist�ng Liens <br /> pro�ision�€this Deed of Trust, <br /> Guaranty. The word "Guaranty" means the guaranty from guaran�v�, endorser, sure�ty, or accommodation party�o <br /> Lender, including withou�[imitation a guaranty vf a��or part��f�he Note. <br /> Hazardous 5uhstances. The words "Hazardous Subs�ances" mean ma�erials �ha�, be�ause af �h�ir quanti-�j, <br /> concentrati�n or physicai, cherniCa� or infec�ious characfierist�cs, rna� c��se o� pos� a presen� or po�e��'ea� ha�ard <br /> to human heal�h ar the en�ir�nmen�when i�nproperly usedr treatedr s�ored, dis�ased of, gene�a�ed, rnanufactured, <br /> transported ��otherw�s� handled. The words "Hazardaus Substances°' are user� in their ve�y br�a�fest sense and <br /> �nclude withou� [imi�ation any and a�l haza�daus vr �oxic su�s�ances, materials or was�e as defined by vr 1is�ed <br /> under the Envi�-onmenfial Laws. The�erm "Hazardous 5ubstances" also�nc�udes, vtiri�hou�limitati�n, petro�eum and <br /> pe�r�[eum by-products or any frac�ion thereof and asbestos. <br /> �mprv►rements..:,,.The .wo,�d �lm�rfl�ements�,:means al� existing and future impro�ements, �ui�d:�ngs, structures, - <br /> .y.c.��.—�-r.,rr�...T.c•ti.151�w+-�e... <br /> mobi�e ho.�es a�f�.xe���n��he.�:;E�e�[ Propert�, �facilities, additions, replacements and o�her construction on the R�al <br /> Propert}i. � �=x'. . .r.,� N .. ., . <br /> �- .. <br /> .�'� F�'��.1:"•,..,,....: <br /> ,�.. . .�". �...i. . ,R i^r. . <br /> lnd�btedness,.;T��e iv�iord:r:;,��nde,�bt�dness,_ means af� princ�pal, interest. and o�her amvunts, cas�s and expenses <br /> payabie under the Nate flr Rela�ed i]ocumen�s, together v�ith al[ renewals of,�extensions a€, �oditicatia�s o�, <br /> consolidations �f anci subst€tutions �or-�he �ote or F�elated Do�uments and any amoun�s expended or advanced b� <br /> Lender �v discharge �f�ustvr�5 ��I�ga�ions vr �xpenses incurred by ��ust�� or Lender �Q e�force Trustor's <br /> abligativns under this �]eed of Trustr tagether v�it�ira�eres�o�s�ch amo�ants as pro�ided in this Deed�f Yrust. <br /> Lender. The �rord °'Lender" rr��ans Equita�le Banlc. its ��€c�ess�rs and assigns. Th� �nr�rds E'successors �r <br /> assEgns" mean any person or campany that acquires any inte�es�in the �Io-te. <br /> No�e. The w�rd "Not�" means the promissory note da�ed Ju.[y 23, 2�14, i� the arig�n�I prir�c�pa! a�noua�t <br /> �f $�,5�7.�� from Borrower to Lender, together with all renewals of, extensians of, modificativns o�f <br /> re�;nancings of, consolida�ions vf, and suE�stitutians for the promissory note ar agre�ment. The matur�ty da�e of <br /> this Deed��Trust is Aug ust '[, Z019. <br /> PersvnaZ Proper�y. The words "Personal Property'' mean a[[ equipment, fixturesr and o�her articles �� persvnal <br /> pr�perty now ar hereafter owned by Trustor, and nvw or hereafter at�ached or affixed to �he Real Property; <br /> together v►rith al[ accessivns, p.arts, and additions to, a�i replacemen�ts o�, and a1� subs�t�tut�ans f�rd any vf sueh <br /> property; and togethe�- w��h af� proceeds �including withou� [imitation a�! insurance pr�cee�s �nd re�urtds �� <br /> pr�miurr�s} �rarr�any saie or o�her disposition o�F�he Proper�y. <br /> Praper�y. The word "Property" means co[le�ti�e[y t�e �eal Prope�and the �'ersonal Pr�p�€�t�. <br /> Rea1 Propert�r. �he v�rords n F�ea[ Proper�y" rr�ean the rea€ pr�perty, interes�s anc� r�g��s, as �ur��er described in this <br /> D�ed o�Trus�. <br /> ReIa�ed Documents. The words "Re�ated D�cumenfis" mean all promissory notes, credit agreements f loan <br /> agreements, en�ironmental agreem�nts, guaran�ies, securi�y agre�ments, mortgages, deeds of �rust, se�urity <br /> deeds, co[[ateral martgages, and al� other instrumen�s, agreements and documents, wheth�r now or hereafrter <br /> existing, executed in conne�tifln with the lndeb-�edness. <br /> R�nts. The word "Rents" means a[� presen�.and €uture rents, re�enues, �ncome, issues, royalties, protits, and <br /> o�he��ene�its deri�ed�rom the Property. <br /> T�us��e. i he word "Trustee" means Equitable Bank �Grand Is�and Region}, v�rhose address is 1�3-1'[5 N Locust <br /> 5t; P� gox 7�D, �rand [sland� lVE �88��-�7��and any subs�itute or successor trus�c�es. <br /> Trustoa�. The word °'�rus�ortt rr�eans F�oss E B�r�an and 1lickie�.�arton. <br />