<br /> �E�i� �� T�u�T
<br /> Loan No: 7����57� ����t��L��d� 1Page 4-
<br /> �urren�Taxes. Fees and Ch�rges. Upon request by �ender, Trus�ar sha[[ execute such dvcuments in addi�ion to
<br /> this Deed vf Trust and take whatever ath�r ac�'ron is reques�ed k�y Lender tv perfe�t and continue Lender's lien on
<br /> the Fiea[ Proper�y. Trustar shali r�imburse Lender far a�! taxes, as described belaw, togethe� �ivi.�h a�.� expenses
<br /> �ncurred in recording, perfecting or continu�ng this Deed ofi Trust, in�luding without lim�tation ail taxes:, fees,
<br /> dvcumentary stamps, and vther charges�or recordEng or registering�his Deed ofi T�-ust.
<br /> Taxes. The fol�ovving �.ha11 const��tiute taxes �o which �his sectian app[ies: {1} a speeific -�ax upon this type of
<br /> Deed of Trus� vr upon a[� �r any par� vf the lndebt�dness secured by �his aeed fl�Trus�; �23 a speci�ic �ax on
<br /> gorrvwer which Borrovver is au�horized or required tv deduct from payments vn �he lndebtedness secured by this
<br /> type of Deed of Trust; {3} a ta�on this�type o� Deed of Trust chargeabie against the Lender or�he holder of the
<br /> Note; and �4} � specific tax ❑n a[I or any por�ion of�he lnd.ebtedness or on payments of principa[ and interest
<br /> rr�ade by Borr�wer.
<br /> 5�bsequen� Tax�s. [� any tax fo whieh th�s sec�C�an app[ies is enac��d su.bsequent to the date o-F this Deed a�
<br /> Trus�, this e�ent shall h.a�e the sam� ef�ect as an Event o� De�au�t, and L�nder may exercise any or aCl Q� i�s
<br /> avai[abie remedies far an E�enfi o� Default as pra�id�d be�ow un[ess Trusrtor either ��� pays `t�e tax he�vre it
<br /> b�comes del�nquent, or {2� contests the ta� as pro�ided abo�e 'rn �he�faxes and Liens sec�ian and deposits with
<br /> �ender cash or a sufFicien�corpo�at�surety bond or other securi�y sa�isfactvey to Lender.
<br /> SECUF�I�'l� ACREEIIlIE.NT; FlN��Cd11[G STA�fEilllENTS. The �ol�owing pro��s��ns relating to this Deed of Trus� as a
<br /> security agreemen�are a p.art o.�this Deed of Trus�:
<br /> Se�uri� Agreern�nt. This insfirument shall constitu�e a Secur�fiy Agreement ta the e�ent any o� the Property
<br /> cons#i-�utes �ixtures, and Lender sha[[ haWe al� vf the ��ghts of a secured par�-ty unde�-the Uni�orm �ommercial Code
<br /> as amended#�-�m time to�ime.
<br /> Secu�ity lnter�st. Upon request by L.�nder, Trustor shall take whatever ac`t�on is requested by Lender to per�ect
<br /> and continue Lend�r's secu�ity interest in th� Persona� Property. [.n addition to re��rding this.Deed of Trust in the
<br /> rea� property record.s, Lender may, at any time and �rvithauf �u�kher authvrizati.on fram �frustor, �iie �xe�uted
<br /> counterpar�s; copies or repraductions ❑f this ❑eed at T�-usfi as a financing statemen�. Trus�ar shall �eimburse
<br /> L�nder tor al1 expenses incurred in perfecting or con��nu€ng this secu�ity �n��r�st. Upon default, Trustor sha[� no�
<br /> rema�e, se�e� or detach �he Personal Pr�per�y ��-om the Property. U�an d�faul�, Trustor sha�! assemhle any
<br /> Personal Pr�perty not a��ixeci to the Praperty ira a mainner and at a place �eas�nab[y con�en�ent to Trustor and
<br /> Len.de.r and rr7ak� i� a�af[ab[e fia Lender within �khree �3} days after receipt o� �rvritten demand fram Lender �o the
<br /> extent p�rm�tted by applicab�e �aw.
<br /> Ac��resses. The mail�ng addresses of Trustor �debtor} and Lender {secured par�ty} from which informatEon
<br /> concerning the s�curity in�er�s� granted by this Deed o�Trus� may �e ob�aine.d �each as required by the Uniform
<br /> Cvmmercial Cod�} are as stated an fihe�irst page o€this❑e�d vf Trus�.
<br /> FU�THEI� A55U�ANCES; ATTORNEY-liV-FA�T. The fol�ow�ng pro�isions relating �o fur�her assuranc�s and
<br /> attarney--in-fact are a par�of th�s Deed v�Trust:
<br /> Fur�her Asstararnces. At any t�me, and -�rvm�ime to time, upon reques� a-f Lender, Trustor wi[[ make, exe�u�e and
<br /> de�s�er, vr will cause ta be made, executed or defivered,�o Lender vr tv Lende�'s designee; and v�rhen requested by
<br /> Lender, ca�se ta be �E�ed, recorded, refiled, or �-ereco�a�ed, as the case may be, a� such tirr�es and in such o�fices
<br /> and places �s Lender may deem apprvpriate, an� and all such mortgages, deeds �f�trus�; sec�r�ty de�ds, security
<br /> agreements, financin� stater�en�s, confiinua��o� s�atemen�s, �nstrurr�en�s of �urther assu�ance, ��rtifiCates, �nd
<br /> ofher d.ocuments as may, �n�he sole apinion o�Lender, be necessar-y or des=irable in order to ef�ectuate, comp�ete,
<br /> perfect, continue, or preser�e {'[} �orrawer's anc! Trus�or's ob�iga-tions under the lVote, �his Deed vf Trust, and
<br /> the Relat�d Documents, and ��} �he [fens and securi�y interests creat�d by this Deed �f Trust on the Property,
<br /> wherth��-now owned or he�eafter acquired by Trus�or. Un[.ess prohibrted �y�aw or L�nder agrees�o the c�ntrary irn
<br /> writ�ng, Trustor shal� reimburse Lender�or all casts and e�pens�s incurred in cannec�ion�i�h the mat�ers referred
<br /> to �n this paragraph.
<br /> Attorney-wn-F�c#. €f Trustor�ai[s tQ do any of�he things referred �o in the preceding paragraph, Len.der may do so
<br /> fvr and in the name of Trus�or and at Trustor's expense. For such purposes, Trustor hereby i�-�-evocably appoin-�s
<br /> Lender as Trus�or's attorney--in-fac�for�he purpose of mak�ng, executing, de�iWer�ng, �ilirag, re�ording, and dvin� af[
<br /> other �hings as may be necessary or desirable, in Le�der's svle vpir�ion, to accamp.lish the rriat�er� r��erred to in
<br /> �he prec�di�� paragraph.
<br /> F�LL PE�F�R�IAN�E4 �-� Bo��owe.r and Trus�or pa�a!f �he indeb�edness �rh�n duey �nd Trus�or��hervvise per�F�rr�s a[[
<br /> tlne ob[iga-�ions �mposed upon Trust�r under�his Dee� o��rus�; Lender sha�I ex�cuxe and delir��r�a T�ustee a requ�s��or
<br /> full rec��n�eyance and shall ex�cu�e and deli�er�o Trus�vr suitable statements o�r termination o�any��nancing sta�ement
<br /> on file evidencing Lender`s se�uri�y interest in the Rents and the Pe�sona[ Property. Any reconveyance fee required by
<br /> ]aw sha[[ be paid hy Trustor, if permit�ed by applicab�e iaw.
<br /> EOIEN�fS �F DEFI�►ULT. At Lender's aption, Trus�or vvill be in default under thEs ❑eed o�Trust if any o�th� fo.11ow.ing
<br /> happen:
<br /> Payrr�en�Defaul�. Borrower#a��s to make any paymen�when due under the [ndebtedness.
<br /> ��eak��her Prorraises. gorrvwer-or Trustor breaks any promise rnade to Lender ar fails to perform prorr�p�ly at the
<br /> tirr�e and stri�tly in the manner pro�ided in this Deed a�T��ast or in any agreement related to this ❑eed o�Trust,
<br /> �0�p�ianC� Defaul�. Failure to comply wi�h� any �$her �erm, abliga�iQn, covenant or canc�ft�on contain�d ira �his
<br /> Deec�of Tr�s�,the Note or�n any of the �elated �o�u�-,en�s.
<br /> �ef�ul��r��ther Paymen�se Faiiure o�Trustor withir��he�ime required by this Deed ���f�ust ta mak�ar�y payment
<br /> far.taxes ar insurance, �r any other payrnent�ecessary to preverat fi�ing�f or to effect d�sc.harge o�any[ier�.
<br /> De�au1� in Favo� of Third Par�ies. Shou�d Borrower or any Gr�ntor de�ault under any loan, extension of credi�,
<br /> securi�y agreemen�, purchase or sa[es agreement, or any vther agreement, in �avor of any other eredi�or or pe�son
<br /> tha� may ma�erially affect any o� Borrovarer's or any Grantor's property ar Borrvwer's abi��ty to repay �he
<br /> lndebtedness or Barrow�r's o.r Grantar's ability �v perfarm �heir respec�i�e ab[iga�ions under this Deed of�rus� or
<br /> any o�f the Re�ated Dv�umen�s.
<br /> False Statero�e�ts. Any represen�ation nr sta�ement m-ade or �urn�shed to Lender by Barrower or Trustor �r on
<br /> Borrower's �r Trustor's beha�€ under this Deed o� T�-ust �r th� Relat�d Documents is false ar misleading in any
<br /> materia� respect, eithe�now or at th��ime rnade or furnished.
<br /> ❑efecti�e Cvllateraliza�io�. This aeed of�rus� o�r any of th.e F�elated Documen�s ceases to be �n ful! force and
<br /> e�F��c$ 4�n��uding �aif ure o€ any colla�era:� docurr�en� �v crea�e a �a1i.d� and per�ected se�ur�ty inte�est o� lien� at arty
<br /> �i�n�an�l for any a-easQn.
<br /> D�ath or 6nsolvency. �he d�a�h of B�rrower or Tri�s�or, the �nsol�en��€��Borrawer�r Tr�s�or, �he appoEn�men�of
<br /> a recei�er�or any part of Bv�rower"s or Trus�or's property, ar�y assignmen�for�he ben�fi��-�credit�rs, any type of
<br /> c�edi�or workau�; or the commenc�ment of any pr�ceeding unde.r any bankruptcy or insol�ency !�a-ws b.y or against
<br /> 6orrower or�rustor,
<br /> Tak�ng o� �h� Pro_pe��y. Any creditvr or g�vernmental agency tries to take any of �the Proper�y �r any other of
<br />