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��14�4�94 <br /> aEE[] �F T�UST <br /> Loar� �V�: �7��5�7�7 ����1t���1�d3 l�age a <br /> deems neeessary or desirab�e�� preserve�he va�ue, mar�etabi��ty or rentabili�y o�the Property, or par�af <br /> the Property ar interesfi in the Prop�r�y; in�rease the incom� from the Proper�y or protect�he security ��F <br /> the PrQperry; and, �ri�h or v�rithou� �aking passession ot=the Pr�perty, sue -�o� ar o�he�-v�r'rse ca[[ect the <br /> �ents, issues and pr�fi��s o�the Property, inc�uding those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, �ess <br /> costs and experis�s of operation and coElection a��orneys' �Fees{t� any inde�tedness secured by�his Qeeci <br /> af Trustr all in:such ard�r as L�nder may defierrnine. The entering upon and taking possess�vn �f �the <br /> Prvperty, the co�lection �f such rents. issues and profEts, and �he application thereo� shalC not cur� or <br /> vvaive any de�au[t or n�tice of default under this Deed o�Trust or inva�idate any act done in respo�nse to <br /> such defau�fi or pursuant ta such natice of de�fault; and, nortwiths�anding the cont�nuance in�ossession of <br /> the Prop�er�y or the c�ilectian� receipt`and app�icat�on o� ren�s, issues t�r pro�its, Trus�e� a� Lender sha!! <br /> be en�i�led �o exercise every ri�ht praWided for �n the C�edit Ag�reem��-�a�-th� Rela��d D�cur-nents �r b� <br /> Iaw upon the�ccurrence o�any even�t��f defaul�, inc[uding the right to exercise the po�nrer�f sai�; <br /> �b� Commence an ac�i�n to foreclose this Deed of Trust as a mortgage, appoint a receiWer ar specu�ic�l�y <br /> en�orce any�f�he�o�enants hereof; and <br /> {c} ❑eliver to Trustee a writ�en dec�aration ❑�defiaul�and demand for sale and a written na�ice of�efault <br /> and �lection�o cause Trustar's in�erest�n�he Property�to,be sold, which not�ce Trustee shal� caus�to be <br /> du�y fii[ed�or�ecord in the apprapriate of�ices of the County in which the Proper�y is lacated; and <br /> {�} 111Iith respect to a�l or any part of th:e Pe�-sonaf P�ap�rty, Lender shal� have all the righ�s and rem�d�es <br /> ��a secured party under the Nebraska Unifa�rm Cvmmercial Code. <br /> F�re�Iasure by Pow�r vf Sale. !�Lender elec�s ta �areelose by ex�rcis� of�he P�vver of SaEe here�n contained, <br /> Lende�shal[ notify Trustee and shall deposit with Trustee this Deed o� Trust and the Cred3t Agreennent and <br /> such re�eipts and evidence o�expendi�ures made andl se�ured by�h�s Deed o�Trus�as Trustee may r�quire, <br /> �a} Up�n r�ceipt af such notice�rrom Lende�,Trus�ee shall �ause�o be�recorded, pu�fished and deli�ered <br /> �o Trus�tor such�Na�ic� of Defauf� and I1lo�ice o�F 5ale as �hen requi�ed by �aw and hy this Deed o�T�a�st. <br /> Trustee shall, without demand on Trustor, after such ��me as may then be required by �aw and after <br /> recardat�on of su�h Nvt�Ge of Defaul�r and af�er Ng�ice of Sale having been g�Ven as �equired by lavir, sell <br /> the Property af the time and place o� sale �ixed �y i� in such No�ice af Safe, e�ther as a wholer ar in <br /> s�parate lots or:parcels or ttems as Truste� shall deem expedient, and in such order�s i�m�y determ�ne, <br /> at pub[�c au�tion to the highest �idder�or cash in.�aw�ul mvney of the United Stat�s payable at th�t�me <br /> a� sale. Trustee.shal[ de[iver to such purchaser or purchasers thereaf its good and su���cien� deed or <br /> deerfs eon�eying the property sa sold, hu� with�u� any covenant or �nrarranty, express or �mpli�d. The <br /> recftals in such:deed of any mat�ers or -�acts shall be conclusive proo� flf the t�uth�ulness �hereof. �4ny <br /> pe�-s�n, �ncluding v�rithou�[�mi-�ati�n Trustor,Trustee, or Le�der, may pu�-chase at su�h sale. <br /> �b� �4s may b� permi�ed by �av�i, after deducting all cost�, f.ees and expenses o� Trustee and o�f -�h�s <br /> Tr�st, inc[uding�costs��e�idence of ti��e i�connection v�ri�h sa�e�Trus�ee sha[� appl�the proceeds o�r sale <br /> �o pa�rmen� of ,�i� a�l sums expendea und�r the terms �-� �h�s Deed of Trus� or under the �erms ❑f the <br /> Credi�A�reement na� then repaid, including but no� �im��ted t� accrued interest and �ate charges, �ii] al1 <br /> ather sums�hen secured hereby, and �iii� the remainder, �f any, �o the person o�r persons lega[[y entitled. <br /> therefio. <br /> {c) Trustee may in the manner pro��ded by�avv postpone sa�e o�al[�r any por-k�on of the P�operty. <br /> Remed"r�s N�t E�clusi�re: Trus�ee and Lender, and each �-� them� sha11 be entitIed to enfarce payment and <br /> per-fo�mance of any inde�atedness or obligativns secured by t�iis Deed o�Trus�t and�o exercise ali righ�s and powers <br /> under �his ❑eed of Trus�i unde�- the Credit Agreement, unde�- any o� the Rela�ed 1Dacuments, or under any other <br /> agreement or any faws:now or- hereafter in �orce; notsrviths�anding, some or a11 af such indebtedn�ss and <br /> ahligations secured by this Deed vf Trust may no�rv or hereafter he other�vise secured� whether by mvrt�ag�, deed <br /> of�rust� p�edge, ����n; ass�i�nmen�_or otherwise,_ �eithe���e acceptance of thi� �eed �f Tru�st no� its en�orcement, <br /> �nrhe�her by court ac�ioni'o� pursuan� �� the power a� sa[e �� ��her pov�ers �vn�ainec� an �his �eed vf �rus�, s�all <br /> �O�-e�udice �r in any �ianner �f€ec����s�ee's or`�.�nder's rig�t ta �ea�iz� �jpo� or �nforce �ny oth�� se�ur�ty r�oi� or <br /> her�af�er held ���r�sfee o� Lender, i$i�e�ng agreed�h�t Truste��nc� Lendea�, and ea�h a�them, sha�i be en��tied to <br /> en��rce �his aeeci v�Trust �nd any o�her �ecurity n�� �r ��rea��er held �y �ender �r Trus�e� in such �rd�er and <br /> rr�anner �s they ar e�ther of thern may in their abso�ute discretion de�ermine. No remedy conferred u:pon or <br /> reserved �a Trustee or Lender, is intended to be e�clusive o� any �-rher �-emedy in this []eed o� T�-us� or by lavv <br /> prvvid�d ar permittedr but each shall be cumu[ative and sha�� be �n addition ta e�ery o�her r�medy giWen in t�is <br /> Deed of T�-ust or now or;�ereafter exist�ng a�t !a� or in equity or by statute. Every pov►rer or r�medy gi�en by the <br /> Credit Agreement a�- any o-F -�he Re�ated Documen�s �o Trustee or Lender or to which either of �hem may be <br /> - otherw€se en�it(�d, may be exer�ised, cancura-�ntly o�- independentl�, from tim� �v time and �s often as ma� be <br /> deemed exped'€ent by Trustee or Lender; and either o� t�ern r-n�y pursue inc�nsis�ent remedi�s. No�hing in �his <br /> �eed of Trust shall be constr-ued as prohibi�ing Lender frorr� seek3ng a d�;�iciency judgmen� �g�ains�the Trust�r t� <br /> the exten�such ac-tio�is perm��ted by law. <br /> EIecti�n o� Re�edi�s. Aff �f L�nder`s right� arid rerr��di�s �ril6 be cur�ulati�e and may be ��ercised alone �r <br /> ��geth�ra �� Lerader decides tca �pe€�d mor��y ��- to per-��rrr any vf��-ustor's vb�iga�ions under �his Deed o�Tr�s�o <br /> a�er T�-ust�r`s fa�[ur�ta d❑ sa, �hat d�cis�fln b�i Ler�der vv�li not ��fec� Ler�der°s right to dec�au�e Trust�r �n �e-�ault <br /> �nd to e�ce�-c�se Lendei-'s �-�medies. <br /> Re�uest far�1�atice. Trus�or, vn i��half of Trusto�-and Lender, hereby requests that a copy of an� No�ice of De�Fauit <br /> and a copy o�any No��ce o�Sa�e under this Deed of Trust be mai[ed fio�hem at the add.resses se�farkh in the firs� <br /> paragraph o�F th�s Deed ofi Trust. , <br /> At�orneys' Fees� Expenses. �f Lender institutes any suit or action ta en-Force any �f ths �erms �f this Deed a� <br /> Trus�, Lender shali �e entit[ed �o recov�r such sum as�he Gourfi may adjudge reasonal�le as at��rn��s` fees�at tria� <br /> and upon any app�a�. l�lh�ther ar no� any cour� action is �n�a��ecf, and ta �he extent not prphib�ted by �aw, al� <br /> reasonab[e expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's �pinion are necessary at any t�me �o� the protection of i�ts <br /> interest o�the en�orcement of i�s righ�s_sha�� beevme a par�of-�he Iradehtedness payabie on demand and sha1� @��ar <br /> interest a�t �he �redi� Agreement rate frorr�,�he date vf �he expendi�ure unti� repaid. Expenses coWer�ed by t�i� <br /> paragra�h in�lude, ►nri�f�ou� limitation; howe�er subject�o an� [�mit� under app�ica��e law, �ender°s attorney�' �ees <br /> and �:ender's IegaI ��cp�nses, wheth��- �r no� �h�re �s a .iav�rsuit, inclvding a��rneys' fees a�� expe�ses ��r <br /> bankr�picy p�aceedirags 4inciud�ng e€�orts �� modi� or� automatic s�ay vr injunc��onS, ap�ea�s� a�c� an� <br /> antieipated post�udgmen� �al�ec�ion services, �h� �a�� vf searching rec�rds, abt��ning �itle rep�rts {inc[ud�rag <br /> for��Ivsure repor�s}. sur�eyQrs� repor�s, and appraisa� fees, �itle �nsuranee, and �Fees �or the Trustee, �v�he exten� <br /> permitted by appIicable!av►r. Trus�or alsa wii�pay any court cos�s, En additian to a11 v.�her sums p�-o�ided by��w. <br /> Rights af Trus�ee. Trustee sha�i ha�e al� o��he rights and duties o�Lender as set�or�h in this section. <br /> PDVIfERS A�VD �BL�GATIU�IIS QF T1�USTEE, The fo��avvin� provisi�ns relating �to�he povuers and ��ligat�ans of Trustee <br /> are part of�h�s Deed a�F Trust.: <br /> Pav,rers of Truste�. !n-addition tv all powers af�ruste�arising as a matCer o�lav3r,Trustee sh�ll ha�e�he pawer to <br /> � take the�rollavving ac�ions v�rith respect to the Property upon the writt�n request af Lender and Trus�or: �a� join in <br /> preparing and fi[ing a map or �iat o� �he Real F'r�p�rty, �ncludin� the ded�c�t�on of s�reets or other rtgh�s �o �he <br />