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��14�4�94 <br /> DEEC� �F T�l��� <br /> Loan N�: �7`2�5�7�7' ��o�$�t���d} �age � <br /> publ�c; {b� �oin in granting any easem�n� or creating any resfi�-�ction an �he Rea� Proper�y; and �c} �oin in any <br /> subvrdination or other agreement afi�ect�ng this Deed��Trust or fihe inte.t�est ofi Lender under this �eed of Trus�. <br /> Trus�ee. Trus�ee shall meet all qua�ifica�iQns required for T�-us�ee under applicable �aw. !n additfan to the rights <br /> and remed�es se� forth aba�e, tirvith respe�t tQ all o� any part of�he Property, �he Truste� sha�[ have the �ight to <br /> �vre.c[ose by notice and sa�e, and Len.der will have the r��ght to �oreclase by judicia� foreclosure, in either case in <br /> a�cordance with and�v the ful��xten#pro�ided by applicab�e law. <br /> Su�cessor Trus�ee. Lender, at Lender's option, may firom �ime�o time appoint a successar Trustee to any Trus�ee <br /> appoin`�ed under �his Deed a�Trust by an instrument executed and acknowledged by Lender and recorded in �he <br /> of�ice o� �he re�order of HaI[ �oun�y, S�tate af Nebraska. The instrumen� shall contain, in addition �o al� ofiher <br /> mat�ers required by stafie fav�r, the na;mes of �the origina� Lender, Trustee, and Trus�o�, the h�ok and page �or <br /> camputer system re�erencey vvhere �his Deed of Trus� is recorded� and �h� nam� and address of �h�e successor <br /> trustee, and�he instrument shalJ be executed and a�knovtirledged hy ali the ben�ficiaries under th�s Deed of Trus�or <br /> their successors in interest. The successor truste�, v�ithou� conveyance ❑f the Property, shal! suGceed �o a�I th� <br /> titIe, power, and du�ies canfierred upan the Trus�tee in th�s Deed of Trust and by ap,plicab[e �aw. This pr�cedure�vr <br /> substi�ution af Trustee shall go�ern to�he exclusion of al!o�her p�ovisions for su#�sti�u�ion. <br /> !VD`f[CES. Any notice requ�red �o be g�v�n under this D��d of Trust, including without l�mitation any not�ee af default <br /> and any no�ice of sale shalI be given in wri�ing, and shall he ef�ec�i�e when actually de���ered; when actually receiv�d <br /> by telefacsimii� �unless otherwise requ�red by(av+r}, whe.n depas�ted v�ci�h a nationaily recogni�ed o�ernigh�caurier, fl�-, if <br /> ma��ed, when deposit�d in�he Un�t�d States mail, as firs�class, certi�ied or regis�ered maif pflstage pr�paid, direct�d to <br /> the addresses shown near�he beginning of�his Deed af Trus�. All capies of not�ces af foreclosure from �he holder af <br /> any lien which has priori�y o�er this D�ed ❑f T�ust sha€! be sen� t� Lender`s address, as shawn near�he l�eginning vfi <br /> this Deed o��rus�. Any person may change his vr her address �or n��ti�es under this �eed ��Trust by gi�ing �orma� <br /> written not#ce �o the other person or persons, speci#ying tha� the purpase of the notiee is to change ihe p�rson's <br /> add�ess. For notice purposes, Trustor a�rees�o keep Lender�n�ormed a�al[times of Trustor`s current address. Unless <br /> other�nrise pro�ided o� requ��-ed by [aw; i��here is more than ane Trustar, any noti�e given by Lend�r t� �ny T�us�or is <br /> deemed�ta �e notice given to a��Trus�ors. ��wil! be Trustor's resp�nsibili�y�o tel�the o�hers of the notice�rom Lender. <br /> ��S�ELLANEC]US PF��VISIQNS. The fallawing m�sce�laneous praWisions a part of this De�d ❑�F Trus�: <br /> Amendments, V11hat is wrft�en in this Deed af Trust and in the Re�ated ❑o�uments is Trustvr's en�tire agreem.ent <br /> with Lender concerning the matters �oWered by this D�ed af Trust. To be e��ec�ive, any change or am�ndment to <br /> this Deed af Trus� must be in wri�ing and must be signed by whoever wi�� be bound ar obligated by the change or <br /> amendmen�. <br /> Cap�"ro� �-leadings. Caption headings in �his De�d o� Trust are �ar canvenience purposes only and are not to be <br /> us�d to in��:r-pret or d��ine�he pro��s�ons of�his De�d of Yru.s�. <br /> �e.rger. There sha�f he no.merger af the in�eres�or es�a�re crea�ed by�his �esd of Trust with any o�.her interes�or <br /> es�ate'in the Prop�rty a�any�ime held by or for the bene��t of Lender�n any capacity, withaut the written �onsent <br /> of Lender. � <br /> Gauerning Law. This Deed of�rust wE!! l�e goWerned b�federa! �aw app�'r��ble �ta L�nd�a� and, #o fih� ex�ent nv� <br /> pr�:ernpted by feder��law,the�aws❑f the S�a�e o-F N��raska rrvithout regard tv i�s c�n���c#s a��aw prm�isions. Thas <br /> D�ed o#Trust has been accepted 1by Lender im�h�5tate o�Nebraska. � <br /> Choi�� of Venue. If there is a [a�rvsuit, Trus�or agrees upon Lender's request to submit �a�he �u�isdi�tian af the <br /> courts o�Hall County, State of Nebraska. <br /> Joint and Se�rera� L�ab�isty. A[f obligat��ns of Borrower and Trustor under this Deed o� T�ust sha�i �e joint and <br /> se�era�, and all r�feren-ces�o Trustor sha�� mean each and e�ery Trustor, and al1 referen.ces to gorrower shal� mean <br /> each and eW�ry B�rro�ver. This means that each Trus�tor si�ning be�ow �s �esponsib�e�or all ab�iga�ions in�his Deed <br /> �-�Trus�- <br /> Nv Vlfa'rver by Lende�. Tr�stor unders�ancis Lende�-w��! no�t giWe up any of Lender's rights und�r this Deed o�Trus� <br /> unless L�nder �ioes so in wri�ing. The �act�th.a� Le�nder de�ays or amafis �o exercis� any right wi�� not mean that <br /> Lender has given up �hat right. lf Lende� do�s agree in v�rriting ta gi�e up one of Lender's rights, tha� dves not <br /> mean Trusto� wi[f not have t� comp�y wi-th �t.he a�her provisions o�this Deed o� Trust. Trustor a�so understands <br /> that if Lender daes cQnsent�o a reques�, that do�s not mean �hat Trustor wi�� not have to get Lender`s consent <br /> again i��he si�ua�ion happens again. Trustor furkher unders�ands that�ust be�ause Lender consents to one or more <br /> o�TrustorrS requests, �ha�t do�s nat m�an L�nder wi�� be required to consent to any of Trustor's future C2(�U�5�5. <br /> Trustor�nra��es presen�men�, demand�o�paymentr prQtest> �ncf natice of d�shvnor. <br /> 5eve�ab�[���. �f a caurt �inds tha� any provision of this �eed o�F Trust is not Wa�id or shQuld no� be en�orced, �ha� <br /> fact by itse[��rvii� not mean that the rest of this Deed of Trus�wi�l not be �alid or en�arced. There�ore, a court will <br /> enf�rce�he res��f the provisions of�his Deed o�Trust e�en i#a pravasEan a�this ❑eed a�Trus�t may b.e found�o be <br /> invalid or unenfa�ceable. <br /> 5uccessvrs and�A�ss�gns� Sula�ec�to any limi�a�ions s�atec� in this Deed �f Trust on transfe�'of Trusfio�''s �nterestf <br /> this �eed a�Trus� sha�� be binding upan and €nure to the benefit of th� par�ies, their successars and assigns. 1� <br /> � ovvnership of the Property becomes �est�d in a person other�han Trustor, Lender, v+rithou�no�tice �� Trus�or, ma� <br /> deal wi�h Trustor's suceess��s with re-�erence to this Deed af Trust and the lndebtedness by way vf�orl�earance or <br /> extensivn vvi�hou�releasing TrUstor fram�he obligations of th�s Deed of Trust ar liab��ity under the Indeb�edness. <br /> Time�s af the Ess�nce. 'T�me is of the essence in the perfarmanG�of�his Deed of Trust. <br /> 'UI�a�We Jury. All par�ies to t�is D]eed of Trust her�by wairre�tF�e r�gh#�o any�ury trial in �ny ac#ion, proceeding, or <br /> �v�nterclaim brnught by�ny par�y agair�st any other party. <br /> 1�1'a�rrer o�F H�rnesfiead Exerr�ption. Trustor her�b� r�leases and wai�es a!� r.igh�s and benefiits af the homesteacl <br /> exernption iaws of t�e State.of Nebraska as to a�l lnd�ebtedness secured by th�s Deed a�Trus�. <br /> DEFI�VIT�aNS. The�olfov►ring v�r�rds shal! ha�e the fol�owi�g �eanings v+rhen used in�his Deed��Yrust: <br /> �3en�ficiar�. The�nr�rd "B�ne�iciary'° means Equi.�ab���ar�lc, and ets successors and�ssigns. <br /> B�rrQw��, The vtirard "�orrower" means Karen L R�inhard�and Fncludes al� co-signers and co-makers sEgnin� �he <br /> C��dit Agreernent and al�their successors and assigns. <br /> �redi�Ag�reement. The irvords "Credifi Agreement" mean the credi�ag�eement dated Jufy 23, 2�'14-. �nr�th Gred�� <br /> lit�it �f $'1�,��D.�� from Borrawer �o Lender, tagether with a!I renewals o�F, extensions of, modificat�ons o�, <br /> re��nan�ings of, cor�so��dations vf, and subst�tutions �or the p�romissvey no�e or agreement. Tne ma�urity date of <br /> thFs Deed v�Trus�is J u�y 2�, �4�?. <br /> Dee� v� Trusfi. The words "�eed o� Trusfi" m�an �his Deed of Trus� amang Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, �nd <br /> �nc�udes wit�aut lim�tat€on all assignment and secur��� in�eres� pro�isions refating to �he Personal prap�rty and <br /> l�en�s. <br /> Envirnnrt�era�a� Laws. The vvards "Envirvnrrienta� �.aws`" m�an any an� al� s�ate, federal and iocal statutes, <br /> regu�a�ions and ardina�ces re�at�r�� t� �he pro�te��ian �� hu�ar� h�ai�h �r the �r�v��ar�r�ent, including v�ith�u� <br />