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��14�4�94 <br /> C)�E1] �F TF�LJ�T � <br /> . <br /> Lo�r� �I�: $7����7�� ��.����t�� ��g� 4 <br /> par�icipation. <br /> App��ea�ion of Net Proceeds. If all or any part of the Praperty is condemned by eminen�damain praceedings flr by <br /> �ny proceed�n� or pur�hase in �i�u o�con�femn�tion, Lender may at its elec�ion require�tha�a�l or any�vrt�an of�he <br /> net proceeds o� the a�ard be app�ied to the lndebtedness a� �he repair ar res�ora�tfan af the Prnper�y. Th� net <br /> procee.ds of the award shal� mean the award after pa�ment of a!� reasonabl� c�s�s, expenses, and a�tarneys' fees <br /> incurred by Trust�e ar Lender in connee�ian v�rith the condemnation. <br /> 11111PD5[T1DN �F TA�CES, FEES AND CHA���ES BY GDVER�U�![ENYAL AU�H�RC�IES. The �o�IouRring provisivns reia�ing <br /> to go�rernmental�ta�ces, fe�s and charg�s are a part o#this aeed of Trust: <br /> Gu�rren�Taxes, Fees and Char�es, Upon request I�y Lender, Trustor shaC[ execute such documents in addi�ion to <br /> this Deed vf Trust and take wha�ever❑�her a.ct�on is requ�sted by Lend�r ta perfect and conrtinue Lender's l.i�n ❑n <br /> �he Real Proper�y. Trust�r sha�� reimburse Lende� for a�� �ax�s, as described be[aw, �ogether w��h a�� expenses <br /> incurred in recording, perfe�tin� ar con�inuing this De�d �f Trust, including vir�thvut lirnitation a�i �axes� �ees, <br /> ciocumentary stamps, and other c:har�es for recording o�regist�ring this Deed o�Trust. <br /> `�axes. The �ollowing shali constitute �axes to which �his sec�ion applies; �'l} a speci��c tax upan this type �f <br /> aeed of Trus� o� upon ail or any par� of the lndeb#edness secured by this Dee.d o�Trust; {�� a specific �ax vn <br /> Borrower whiGh Barrower is authvri�ed or required �o de.duct�rom payments on the Indebtec�ness secured by this <br /> type a� beed o�Trust; (3) a�ax�n �h�s �ype of Deed o�Trus� chargeable against the Lender❑r the holder of th� <br /> Credit�4greement; and 44} a specific tax an al� or any partion of the lndebt�dness or on payments of principai and <br /> inter�s�made by So�-rower. <br /> Subsequen� Ta�xes. l-� any �ax ta r�hich this se�tion app�ies �s enacted subsequent �o the date o� �his Deed of <br /> Trust, this e�ent shall ha�� the same effect as an E�ent of �efault, and L�nder may exe;�cise any or a!I of its <br /> a�ailahle �emsdies for an E�ent of Defaul� as provided b�low unless Trus�or either �1� pays �he �ax before i� <br /> b=ecomes deiin.quent, or ��� contests the tax as pro�ided aho�e in �he Taxes and Lien,s sec�ion and deposits wi�h <br /> Lender cash or a sufFicient corporate surety bond or��her security satisfac�ory�a Lender: <br /> SECURITY �4GREEII�ENT; F1NA�IC�NG STATEMENTS. The �oiIow�ng provis�ons relatsng to this Deed �� Trus�t as a <br /> security agr-e�ment ar�a pai-t of-�his�eed vf Trust: <br /> Security Agreement. This instrument shall constitute a Security Agreement to the extent any of the Praper�y <br /> constitutes fixtures, and Lender sha�� ha�e all of the righrts of a secured party und�r the �ni�orm Comme�ciai Code <br /> as amended�rom�ime�ca�ime. <br /> 5ecur�ty [nterest_ Upan request by Lender, Trustor sha�l take whateWer ac�ian is reques�ted by Lender to per�ec� <br /> and continue Lender's security in�eres� in the Persona! Property. In addi�ion�o recvrding �his Deed af Trus� in�he <br /> rea[ proper�y records, Lender may, a� a.n� time and withvut fur�her authorization from Tt�ustor, ff�� ex�cu�ed <br /> �ounterparfis, copies ar r�produc�ions o� this Deed of Trus� as a �inancing statemen�. Trustor sha11 reimburse <br /> Lender �Far a�� exp�nses incurr�d in perfecting or continuing this security in�erest. Upon defaui�, Trustor sha!! n�ot <br /> remQve, se�er ar detach the Persona[ P�-aperty �rom the Praperty. Upon default, Trustor sh.all assemb�e any <br /> Personal Pro�per�y no�t affixed to the Property in a manner and at a place reasanably convenient �o Trus-tor and <br /> Lender and ma!<e i� a�ailable �a L�nd�r within thre:e �3} days after receipt o� virritten demand from Lender to �he <br /> e�tent permitted by app�icab[e law. <br /> Add�esses. The mailing addresSes of Trustor �debto�} and Lencler �secured party} from tnrh:ich informa�ion <br /> cvncerning the s.�curity in�teres� granted by this Deed of Trus� may be obtained teach as requfr�d by the Unifarm <br /> Cvmmercial �ode� are as stated on the fiirs�page of this Deed of Trus�. <br /> FL�RTHEI� �1SS�JRANCESa �T�C�RNEY-�N-Fp►CT. The �o��ovving prov�s�ons relatin� �o further assurances and <br /> a�ctto�ney--in-fact ar�a p.a�t of�his ❑eed a�Trust: <br /> Fur�h�r Assuranc�s. At any time. and fram tim� �o tEme, upon reques� of Lender, Trustor uu€�� malce; execute and <br /> deliver, or v�iill cause�ro be made; execu�ed or delivered,�o Lender or to Lender's des�gnee, and when reyuested by <br /> Lender, cause�o be �i�ed, recarded, re�i�ed, vr rerecvrded, as �he case may be, at such �imes and in such o���ces <br /> and places as Lend�r may deem app�opriate, any and all such mortgages, deeds o�trust, se�urity deeds, security <br /> agreem�n�s, financing s�a�tements., continua�ion sta�kements, instrumenfs of -�urther assurance, cer�ifi�a�es, and <br /> o�her documents as may, in the sofe apinion of Lender, be necessa_ry vr desirable in order to ef�eetuate, comp�ete, <br /> perfec�, cantinue, or preserV� {�y Borrower's and Trus�o-r's v�lig��ions under�he Cred�t Agreem�nt; �this Deed o�F <br /> Tru��, and �he Re�at�d Dacuments, and {�} the liens an� security in�erests crea:ted by�his Deed o�Trust on the <br /> Praperty, whefih�r naw owned or hereaft�r acquired by Trus�or. Uraless prohibi�ed by Iaw or Lender agrees fa the <br /> contrary in writing, Trustor shal[ ;reimburs� Lender f�r aIl costs and expenses incurred in connection with the <br /> ma�ters r�ferred t� in this paragraph, <br /> At�vrney-�n-F���. i�Trustor faiis to do any o�r the thing.s re�erred tv in the preceding paragraph, Lend�r may do sa <br /> �or and in �he name o��"�-ustor and at Trus�or's �xpense. For such purposes, Trus�a€� hereby irre�ocably appotn�s <br /> Lend�r a-s�r�stor°s a�torr�s�-in-fac��or the purpose��rnaking, executing, defi�eri�g, filing, ree�rding, and doing a�� <br /> othe� thi_ngs as may be ne�essary ar desirab�e, in Lender's so�� vpiniQn, �a accomplish the rnatters re�erred �❑ in. <br /> �he preeeding paragraph. <br /> F�LL PEf�F�RMANCE. lf Barro�er and Trustor pay all �he lndebtedness when due, terminat�s the credit �ine accounrt, <br /> and Trus�or othervtiris� perfiorms af�the�b�.igat��ns impased upon Trus�or under th�s Deed�f Trust, Lender shall ex�c°ute <br /> and de�iver �to Trustee a r�quest fa� fuli reconveyance and shaI[ execute and deli�e�r �o Trustor suitable .statements of <br /> termination �f any financing statemen� an �€EIe eW'sdencing Len:d�r's security interest in �he Ren�s and the Persona� <br /> Praper�y. Any r�can�eyance�e�required by faw sha[� be paid by Trustar, if permitted by app�icable law. <br /> EVENTS C3F ❑EFe4ULT, Trustor wili be in de�au�t under this D�ed of Trus�i�any of the�o[[owing happen: �A} Trustar <br /> c�mmits fraud or r�akes a material misrepresentatian at any tim� in connection wi�h tl�e Credit Agreemen�. This �an <br /> include, for examp[e, a false statement about Borrawer's ar Tr�s�ar's incame, assets, ��abilities, ar any oth�r aspects of <br /> Bvrro�ver�s or Trustar-'s financial candition. �B} E3arrawer does no�mee�the r�paymen��terms of the �redit Agreerr�ent, <br /> {C} Trustar's ac�ior� or inaction ad�rersely affects�he co�la�eral or Lender's righ�s in the co�la#eral. �his ean Anclude, for <br /> examp��, �ail.ure�v r�ain�ain required insu�ance, vtiras�e or dest�ucti�� use of the dvveflin.g: �rai�u�e to �ay taxes, dea�h v� <br /> a[l persons ii�able �n the account, transfe�- af �i-�1� or sale of the dwelling� creatian v� a senior lien on the dwelfing <br /> withou� Lender`s permiss�on, forec�osur� by�the holder af an�ther lien, or�he use o�funds or�he d�rel�ing for pr-ohibited <br /> purposes. <br /> RIGHTS AND REIIllED1E5 �N DEFAULT. i�F an Even�a� Default occurs und�r�his Deed o-�Trust, at any time therea�rter, <br /> Trustee or Lender may exerc�se any one or rnore��the follovv�ng r3ghts and remedies: <br /> A��e�erafiion Upon De�ault;Addi�ivna�Remed�es. [f any E��n�af De�au[t vccurs as per the terms of the Credi� <br /> Agreem�nt secured hereby, Lender may declare all lndebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust to be due and <br /> payabie and the same shall thereupon become due an� payable �nr�thaut any presen�tmen�, demand, pro�est or <br /> no�ice o�any��ind. Thereafter, �ender may: <br /> {a} Ei-t�er in person or by agen�, with or ��[�hou� b��nging an� ac#ion �r proceed;ing, vr b� a receiver <br /> ap�oin�ted by � court and v+rithout r�ga�d to�he adequacy a��ts securEtyr �nt�r upon and tal�e possessEon <br /> o��he Praper�y, or any pa��hereo�Fr �� its o�r►in �a�e��in the name o�`�"ruste�, and do any�c�s whtch i� <br />