<br /> �aE�� �F T�us�r
<br /> Loan 1V�: 87��a97�7 ��[��tt�nu�d� ��g� 3
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> [�![aintenan�e vf �nsurance. Trustor shal[ procure and maintain pal�cfes of ��re insurance �nrith s�andard e�tended
<br /> coverage endors�ments,on a replac�ment basi�`��r the fu�� insurabl� vaiue co�ering ali lmpro�ements vn �he Real
<br /> Pr�perty �n an amaunt su�F�icient to a�aid aPpf�cation o� any cvinsurance �[ause, and with a standard mor�tgagee
<br /> c�ause in fa�ar Q�Lender,tag�ther w�th such other hazard and liability insurance as Lender may r�asvnably require.
<br /> Po��c�es sha[� he inrri-�-ten in torm, amounts, e:overages and basis reasanabfy aceepta}afe to L�nder and issued by a.
<br /> campany ar campanies reasonably acceptable:��o Lender. Trustor; upon reques� v� L�nder, wi[� de�i�er ta �.end�r
<br /> �rom t�me ta�ime�he policies or certifica��s<;af insurance in �orm.sa�is�ae�to�-y�o Lender, including s�ipuiations�chat
<br /> coverages vvill na� he cance[�ed ar dfmin�sh�d wi�hout a�l�as��en {��� days prior v�ritten nafiice to Lende�-. E�ch
<br /> insu�ance policy also sha�� include an endorsement providing that coverage in favar of Lender ►nrill not be impai�-ed
<br /> �n any�nray by any act; amission or defaul�of Trustor or�any other person. Shouid the Reai �roperty lae �ocated �n
<br /> an area designa�ed by�he Administt-a�ar a�the Federa� Emergency lV(anagemen�Agency as a special ��ood hazard
<br /> araa, Trustor agrees to obtain and main�ain Federaf Flood lnsurance, if a�aiiab��, for �he maximum am�aun� af
<br /> Barrvwer's creciit Eine and the �ull unpaid principai ba�ance o-�any priar �iens on the.properry securing the foan, up
<br /> t� �he maximum pa[icy limi�s set under:�he National Flood.Insurance Program; or as otherwEse r-e�uired by Le�nder,
<br /> and�o maintain such insurance�For�he term of the �oan..
<br /> �4pplicat�vn vf Proceeds. Trustor shaf! p�omp��y nati�y Lender of anjr�vss o�-damage �o th� Property. Lender may
<br /> make proo� of 1oss�if Trustar fai]s to do sv_iivithin f���een {15} days of the casual�y. 111Ihe�her a�- not Lender's
<br /> ,,.. ,.:-- .
<br /> securi�y is �mpaired; Lender may; at L�nder s election; rece�We and r�tain the proceeds o�F any insurance and apply
<br /> the proceeds to the reductfon of the lndebfedness, payment o�f any lien a��e�ting the Praper�yr ❑r �he res�oration.
<br /> and repair of�he Property, lf Lender e�e�ts to:apply the proceeds to res�oratian and r�pair, Trustar shal[ repair or
<br /> rep[aee the damaged or destroyed fmprovemen�s in a manner sa�is�Fa�tary �o Lend�r. Lender shaC6, upon
<br /> sa�is�aetvey p�-oofi o�-such expenditure, pay ar. reim�urse T�ustor�.fram �he proce�ds �ar �h� reasonable cas� �f
<br /> �epa�r or restorat�vn if Trus�o�- is not in defau�t under �h�s De�d o� Trust. Any proceeds which have no�t be�n
<br /> disbur-sed within '[S� days after:their ree�eip�-and which Lender has not comrnitted to �he repa�r or restoration of
<br /> the Praperty sha[� be used �irst tv pay any amount ow�ng �o �ender under this Deed o�Tr-ust, then to pay ac�rued
<br /> in�eres�, and the remainder, i� any, sha[� be applied to th� principal balance of the �ndeb�edness. �f Lender holds
<br /> any.proce�ds after payment �n -�u[t of the Cndeb�edness, such proG�eds shaf� }ae paid to Trust�r as Trustar"s
<br /> interests may appear.
<br /> Cvmp��anGe ►�r��h Exist�ng Indeh#edness. ��uring�the peri�ad in which any-Existing �ndebtedness descrihed bel�w is
<br /> in efi�ec�, compiiance with the ;insurance pr�visions contained in the ins�rument evidencin� such E�cisting
<br /> lnde�tedness shal[ cvnstitu�te camplianc� �vith the insura��e pra�isians under this Deed of Trust, �a �the sxtent
<br /> � �omp[iance with �he terms af this Deed of Trust wou�d cons�i�u�te a du�li�ation o� insuran�e requirement. �f any
<br /> proceeds fram the insurance h�came payable an ��ss, the pro�isions in this Deed ❑f Trust�or di�ision o�pra�eeds
<br /> shall apply only�o-that portion of the proc�eds not payable��the ho�der of�h� Exis�in� �nde�-�edn�ss.
<br /> �,EIIIDER'S EXPEND�TLI�iES, �� Trustor �ails �A} to=k��p th� Prope�-�ty �ree of al� �a��s, liensr security in��resrts,
<br /> encumb�an�es, and other claims� 4�} to p�-o��d�--any required ansurance on �he Proper�y� {C� �❑ make repair�to th�
<br /> PrQperty or tv c�mply wi�h any ab[Egat�an �� ma�n�ain E�isting �ndebt�dness in good standing as requirecf belo�+r, �h�n
<br /> Lender may do so, [f any �ction or prviceeding is commenced �hat wvuld materiaf�y a��e�t Lender's interests in th�
<br /> Property, then Lend�r an Trus�or's hehaEf may, but-is not required��ra, take any action that Lende� bel�eWes �o b�
<br /> appropriate to pro�ect Lender's interests. A[I e�cpenses incurred ar paid by Lender for such purposes �►ri[I then bear
<br /> int��est at the rate charged;under the Credit Agreement �rc�m the date incurred or paid by L�nde�- to the da�e of
<br /> r�payment by T�usto�rr �4�1 such expenses vvif!_become a part o�the lndebtedness and, a� Lender'� option, tirv.iil tA} b�
<br /> payahle on demand; �B} be added tv the balance af the Credi�Agreement an�l be apportione� ar��ng and be �aayab�e
<br /> with an�installment paym�nts to become due during either {'�} th��erm of any appliGable insurance policy; or f�} the
<br /> �-emair��ng term o�the �redit Agreement; or tG} be trea�ed as a ba�loon paymen�which vvi�! he due and payable at the
<br /> �redi�A�reement's ma�ur��y: T�he �eed o�Trusrt a[so erv�i[! se�ure paym�nt v��hese amounts. The rights provided for in
<br /> th�s paraga-aph shall be ia� additior� �o �ny other righ�s or an�r reri-sedies �o which Lender may b� en�it�ed on acc�oun� �#
<br /> an� defauit. An�r s�ch actian 1�y Len�er shal[,no� �e coristrued as curing the default so as to �bar Lender �rom �ny
<br /> rerr�ed��hat it a�h�a�vvise v�rould ha�e hada
<br /> �lI�AI�[3Alld`fY; I71EF�N5E�F T`I�"LE. The following prorrisians rela�ing tv ownership of�he Property are� part of th�s ❑e�d
<br /> ❑f Trust:
<br /> Titte_ T�-ustor warrants that. �a} Trus�or hofds good an;d:.ma�ketabfe t��le of record �o the P�-operty in fee simp�e,
<br /> free,and cfear o� a�! iiens and,en�umbrances other than �those:set:�Farth in th� Reaf Praper�y description o�- in the
<br /> Existing [ndebtedn�ss se:ction helow o�in any:�it[e insurance.pa�icy; title report, or fina[title opiniQn issued in$ava�
<br /> af, and ac�epted by, Lender in cannection with this Deed of Trus�r, and �b} Trustor h�s �he full righta �]DWeI'r and
<br /> authority to execute and de[iver�his Deed of Trust#o Lender-.
<br /> �e�ense.4� Ti'�le. Su��ec� �o the �x�ep�tior� in �he par�graph abave, Trustor warran�s and wi�i �arever defend the
<br /> title �� the Pr�perty agains��he fawful c�aims a�a[� persor�s. �n�he event any ���ian �r proc�eding is �vmmer��ed
<br /> tha�ques�ions Trustor°s�itle❑r the �nterest v�Trus��� �r 4 e�der under this �eed o�Trust, Yru�s�or s�nal[ defenal �he
<br /> ac�ion a�t�Trus�or`s expense. �rr�sto� rr�ay be�thE narr��na� par� ir� sucl� pr�cee�in�� but Lender sha�� be e€�ti�led ��
<br /> �arti�ipate in t�e p�-oce�di�g and ta be �-e�ore��r�t�d �n �he pr����d�n� �ay �ounse� �fr Le�ader's o�n choice� �nd
<br /> �"r�stor vvill c�e[E�er, �r cau.s��o he de���ered, �� L�s�de�r suc� ir�struments as Lenc�e�may reques�from �ime to �ime
<br /> �a permi�such part���pati:on..
<br /> Complianc� V�lifih Lav►rs.= Trus�or wa�rants=that �the Prap�rty and Trustor's use vf th� Property comp[ies wnri�h a�!
<br /> existrng app�icab�e lav+�s, ordinances, and regulativns a�governmen�al authorities,
<br /> Surviva! of Promises: A!! promises, agreement�, and statements T�ustor has mad� in �his Deed a� Trust shall
<br /> suri�ive the ��ecutiori and delivery o-�this Deed`a�Trust, sha�l be Gontinuing in nature and sha�� rema�n in fu[f -�arce
<br /> and ef-�ect un�il su�h time as Borravsrerrs lndebtedness is�paid in ful[:
<br /> E��STING IIVDEBTED111ES5, `The.fvllovving pro�isiQins cvncerning Existing Indebted.ness are a part a�this Qeed o�Trus�:
<br /> Exis�z�g Lien. l"he lien vf �his-ae�d af Tru�t securing �h� ��d�btedness may be seeondary and in`ferior �� an
<br /> exist�ng [�en. Trus�or�xp�ess�y co���ants ar�d agrees�o pay$ or see�a �he p��rrr�en�o�o �he E��sting lndebtedness
<br /> and to prevent an�d��aui�o�n su�h� �ndebte�ir�ess, �n�s�efa�lt�r�der th�:instrum�nts ew�denc�ng ��c�a in€�eb�edn�ss,
<br /> or any de�auC��nd�r�ny:securr�y do��m�nts�vr s_u��qi�deb�tedn�ss;
<br /> Nv d1llodifica�ion. Trus��r sha11 n�t en�er inta an� agreemen� v�ri�h ��e ho�der o� an� martga�e, deed �� t�ust, or �
<br /> a�her secur�ty agreerr�ent which has priarity.�aver th�s L7eed o�� T�ust by which that agreement is modifsed,
<br /> arnended, ex�end�d, vr �-enewed without the prior wri-�ten consen� of Lender. Trustor sha�l neither request nor
<br /> accept:any future adriances under.any such security;,agreement irvifihout the prior wri��en consent af Lender.
<br /> ��NDEl1l[NATID�. The�vl[owing pro�isivns�e[ating;�a condemnation proceed�ngs are a part�f this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Proceedin�s. 1f any proce�ding �n �condemnat�on is �fi��d, Trustor-sha�l prompt[� nati-�y Lender �n writing, and
<br /> Trusfio� sha�i pr�mpt[y ta[�e such steps as may b� necessar�to defend �the actRon and ob�ain the award. Trustor
<br /> may be�he�namina[ party in such pracee�ing,=bu� Lender shall be ent€��ed to participate�n the proceed�ng arud�a be
<br /> �epresented in the proce�din� by caunse� �� ��s�own ��oice, and=Trustv�- vuii� d�I�ve�r �� �ause to b� del��ered �o
<br /> Lend�r such instruments and documenta�ian as r�2� be rec�ues��;c� b� Lender fror�n t�m� �o ti�-r-�e �a perrruit such
<br />