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; ��14�4�94 <br /> �3LED �F T�LJ�Y � <br /> , <br /> Loa� Nm: ��'��5���7 ���������d� . Pag� 2 <br /> Duty �c� Maintai-n. Trustor shail maintain the Proper�y �n good condrtion ;and promptly per�orm al! repairs, <br /> rep�acemen�s, and masntenance necessary to preserve its Wa�ue. <br /> Cv�np�i�nce With En►raronmenta� Laws. Trustor represents and warrants ta Lender�hat: �1} During the perfad o� <br /> Trus�ar'� ownership of the Property, �here has been na use, generation, manu�acture, s�arage, trea�ment, disposa�, <br /> release or thrsa�ened release of any Hazardvus Substance by any pe�-son on,`under, about ar from the Property; <br /> (2} Trustor has na knowledge of, or reason to believe�ha�there has been, except as pre�iously disc�ased t� and <br /> acknowledg�d by Lender �n wri��ng, {a� any breach or �iola�ion of any En�ironmenta� Lauvs, �b} any use, <br /> gen�ratian, manufacture, storage, treatmen�r dispasal, reiease o;thr�at�ned release of any Ha�ardous 5ubstance <br /> on� under, about �r �rom the Prope�fy by any priflr ovtirners ar occupants of the Prop�rty, or {c} any ac�ua! or <br /> threatened Ci-�igat�on ar ��aims of any [<ind by any pe�son re[a�ing �o such matters; and �37 Except as previousiy <br /> disclosed�o and acicno�v�edged by Lender in writing, �a� n�i�her Trustor nor any tenan�, contrac�or, agent or o�her <br /> aufihorized user o�F the Property shall us�e, generate, manu�acture, s�tore, treat, dispose�f��-release any H:azardous <br /> Subs�tance on, u;nder, about or from�he Property; and �b} any such activi�y shall he conducted �n complianc� wfth <br /> al! app[ic�ble federal, sta�e, and �ocal laws,�ions and vrdinances, incfuding without Iimitatian a�� <br /> EnW�ronmenta� Laws. Trustor au�harizes Lender and i�s agents tQ ente� upon the Property to make su�h <br /> inspecti�ns and �ests, at Trustar's e�cpense, as Lender may deern appr�p�-iate to determine compliance of the <br /> Property vLri�h this section o� �he Deed of Trust. Any inspeetions or t�s�s made by L�nder shall be f�r Lender's <br /> purposes vnly and shaf� not be constru�d �a create an�respQnsib��ity ar liability;on the part a�F Lender t�Trustor or <br /> to any o�her person. The representations and warranties cantained herein are;based on Trustor's du.e di�igence in <br /> in�estiga�ing the Proper�y �or Ha�ardaus Substances. Trusfior h�reby ��} releases and w.a��es any �u�ure c�a3ms <br /> aga�ns� Lender for �ndemni�y or Gontribu��on i;n th� ��en� T�us�or hecomes liable �or cleanup vr other costs un�er <br /> any such laws; and ��} agrees to indemnify, defend, and hald harrnless Lender against any and a�� claims, lossesr <br /> iiabi�it�es, damages, pena�tf�s, and expenses vvhieh L�nder may direc�ly or ind�rectly sustain ar suf�er resu�ting from <br /> a brea�h o��his section o�the Deed of Trust or as a cansequence v� any us-e; gene'ration, manufacture, s�orag.e; <br /> disposa�, reiease or fihreatened release occurring priar ta Trustar's o�vnership ti�;in�erest�n t�e Property, whe�her�r <br /> no� the same was �r sho.uld ha�e b�en known �o Trustar. The pro��sio-ns of�his sec-�ion af �he Deed of T�us�, <br /> inciuding the ob[iga�ion to ind�mni�y and d�fend, sha11 survive the payment of the lndebtedness an.d�he satisfaction <br /> and rec�n�eyance of the lien af this Deed ❑f Trus� and shals not be afFec�ed by�Lender's acquisition of any interesrt <br /> in the Pr-ap�rty, whether by f�recfosure or oth�rwise. <br /> Nu�san�e, 'Wasfie. Trustor sha�� not cause, conduct or pe�-mtt any nuisance'n�r commif, permit, or suffer any <br /> s�ripping o�f ar waste on or�o the Proper�y or any portion of the Property. Vllithout limiting the gene�a�i-�y af the <br /> �oregoing, Trustor wifl not remove, �r gran�to any oth�r parry the righ�to remove, any�timher, minet�als �inc�ud�ng <br /> �iC and gas}, coai, c[ay, scoria,soi[, gra�el or rock products without Lender`s pri:or v+�ri��en consent. <br /> Rerr�o�ra�o�lrr��rovemen�ts. Trustor shall not demolish or remo�e any lmpro�ements tr�m the Reai Property v+ri-�hou� <br /> Lender's prior writ�en consent. As a condition ta the rema�a[ o�any [mpro�em'en�s, Lende'r may r�Qu�re Trustor to <br /> mai�e arrangem�n�s safiisfactory t❑ Lender to rep�ace such lmprovem�n�s w�th lmprovements of a� �east equal <br /> value. <br /> Lender`s F�i�h��o Enter. Lender and Lende�`s agents and representatives may�en�rer upon the Real Pr��erty at alI <br /> reas�nable times to attend �� Lender"s interests and ta inspect the Real Property ��r purposes o� Trustor's <br /> compliance wi�h�he terms and cond�ti�ns o�this Deed of Trus�. <br /> Corr�pl�ance witlh �nvernrr�enta� Requirements. Trustor shal� prompt�y carriply with all �a�rvs, ordinances, and <br /> regula�ivns, now or hereaf�e�- in effe�t, af a1-1 g�vernm�ntai auth�rities applicable ta the us� or occupancy o�F the <br /> Praperty. Trustor may�antest in good fa€th any such�aw, ardinance, or regulatian and vvi�hho�d corn:pliance during <br /> any pro�eeding, inc�uding appropriate appeals, so long as Trustor h�s notified;Lender �r� wri�ing prior to doing so <br /> and sa Iang as,an Lender's sole opinion, Lender's in�eres�s in the Praper�y�re �int jeopard.ized. Lender may require <br /> Yrusrtor�a pas�adequate se�u�ity or a surety bond, reasvnably satis�ac�ar�to Lender,t� prat����ender's interes�. <br /> �3u�y to �'r�te�td Trus�or agr�es nei�her �� abar�d�n or leave unat�ended the Property. Trustor shall do alJ ofiher <br /> acts, �n addi�ion�o thos�ac�s se�farth abo�e �.n th�s section, which from the�haracter and use o r th,e Property are <br /> ; <br /> �easonably nec�ssary to pr�tect and pr�serve�he�rop�rty. <br /> �UE DN S.ALE-C��NSENT BY LENDEF�. Lender may, at Lender's option, dec[are im:media��ly due and payable all sums <br /> secured by this Deed ��Trus�upon�he sale or�ransfer, withaut Lender's prior v+rritten consen�, of all or any parfi of the <br /> Real Prope�ty, o�any�nteres�in the Rea� Prop�r�y. A "sal�ar�rans�er" means the conWeyance of Rear Property o�any <br /> right, rt�t[e o�- interesfi �n fih� Real Property; whethe;a� legal, bene�iciaC o.� equifiab�e� whether �o�untary or invaluntary; <br /> vvhether by autright sa�e, deed, �ns�ta[Imen� sa[e �on-�ract, [and c�ntrac�, contract;�vr deed, 1eas�hold in�erest with a <br /> term g�eater�han three 43} years, f�ase-option c�n�Crac�, vr by sa�e, assignment, ar transfer of any beneficfa[ in�erest in <br /> or to any land trus� hoCding title�o the Rea[ Proper�y, or by any otf�er me�hod o� can�eyance o�an in the Real <br /> Property, Hawe�er, �his option shall nofi �e exercised by Lender i� exercise; is prahibited by �ederal Iaw ar hy <br /> Nebraska law. � <br /> TAklES AND L1ENS. The �al�owing pro�isions re�ating �v the �axes and [iens on the Proper�y ar� par� a� this �eed of <br /> Trust. , <br /> Payment. Trus�or shal� pay when due {and in all �vents prior�v delinquer�cy} a![�axes, speciai taxes, assessments, <br /> cnarges {in�Cuding wa�er and se�nrer}, fiines and imposi�ions [evied agains�or�n accoun�o�the Property, and shall <br /> pay�vhen due al! claims for�nrark done on �� fo� services rendered vr material furn�shed to the Property. Trus�or <br /> . <br /> snall mainta�n the Praperty free o�a1! liens ha�ing prEority over or equal�a the interest o�Lender under th�s Deed o� <br /> Trus�, excep� for the Iien �� ta�ce:s and assessments not due, except f�r the Exis�ing Indebtedness referred to <br /> be[aw, and except a.s othervvise pro�ided in this Deed a�Trus�. : <br /> �ixgh�t�v Cantest. Trustor may wi-�hhold paymenrt of any tax, assessmen�, ar claim in cannection uvi�h a gaod faith <br /> dispu�e ove�the obiigat�on to pay, so �ong a:s L�nder's in�eres�En the Property is no�jeopardized. �f a [ien a�ises or <br /> is �zl�d as a resu�fi a�F �onpaymen�, Tr-ustor sha11 with�n fif�een ��5} day� afiter the l�en a��ses or, if a lien �s filed, <br /> wi�hin �ifteen {15� days after Trus�ar has notice o�F�he �i[�ng, secure �he discharge of the Iien, �r if requested b� <br /> Lender, depasit�nrith Lender cash or a su#ficient co�p�ra��sur-ety bond or o�her security satis�ac�orv�o Lender�n an <br /> amoun�sufficie��ta discharge�he lien p�us �n� c�sts a.nd a��Qrneys° #ees, ar o:th�r charg�s�th�t cou�d a��rue as a <br /> resu��o�a�or��fos�t�e or sa�� under the lien. fn any con�es�q Tr�s�ar sha�l de��rici i�se1�ar�d Ler�de�and shal�satisfy <br /> any ad�erse judgrnen�be�ore enforcemen�a�aEnst the Proper�y. Trustor shall name Lender as an addi�iona� ob�€gee <br /> under any surety bond�urn�shed in the cor��es�proc�ec� : <br /> E�:de�c� o#Paym�nt. Trustor shail upon demand �urn�sh �o Lender sa�isfactory e�idence o#payment of th�taxes . <br /> ar assessmen�s and shall authvrize the appropriate �aWernmentaC offiicia� to del[ver tv Lender at any ti�n� a written <br /> s�a�ement flfi�he�axes and assessments against the Prap�rty. <br /> NotiGe of Cons�ruc�inn. Trustor shall noti�y L�nder at leas�fifteen [�5} days �aet�re any �ork is commenGed, any <br /> ser�ices are�u�nished, o�any materials are supplied�to the Property, tf any meehanic`s lien, mater�aimen's lien, or <br /> ��her ��en cou�d be asserted on account of�he work, services, or ma�erials. Trusfior will upon request �f Lender <br /> �urraish �o Lender ad�an�� assurances sa�isf�c�ory �o Lender that Trustor can and will pay the cost ❑�f such <br /> �mpro�eme�ts. <br /> PRDPE�T� ���Il[AG'� �N��1F�ANCE. The �o���wing pro�asior�s relating �o �ns�ring �he Proper��are a par���this D�ed o�F <br /> � <br /> � <br />