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20/404665 <br />separate and apart from an owner's unit. Such right and easement of enjoyment in and to the common <br />elements, except for limit elements, shall be deemed to be conveyed, transferred, alienated or encumbered upon <br />the sale of any Unit owner's unit, notwithstanding that the description in the instrument of conveyance, transfer, <br />alienation or encumbrance may not refer to such right and easement or to the common elements, except for the <br />limited elements. <br />ARTICLE IV. <br />USE AND OCCUPANCY RESTRICTIONS <br />4.0 Commercial Business and Office Use. All units and limited elements shall be used, improved and <br />devoted exclusively to commercial business and office use. No residential occupation or residential use shall be <br />conducted on or in any unit or limited element. Nothing herein shall be deemed to prevent the lease of a unit to <br />a single individual from time to time by the Unit owner thereof, subject to all of the provisions of this <br />Declaration, nor shall any provision hereof be deemed to prohibit an Owner from maintaining his own personal <br />professional library in his unit, keeping his personal business or professional records or accounts therein, or <br />handling his personal business calls or correspondence therefrom. <br />4.1 Antennas. No antenna or other devise for the transmission or reception of television or radio signals <br />or any other form of electro magnetic radiation shall be erected, used or maintained outdoors on any portion of <br />the condominium whether attached to a building or structure or otherwise, unless approved by the Association. <br />4.2 Utility Service. Except for lines, wires and devices exiting on the condominium as of the date of <br />this Declaration and maintenance of the same, no lines, wires or other devices for the communication or <br />transmission of electric current or power, including telephone, television and radio signals, shall be erected, <br />placed or maintained anywhere in or upon the condominium unless the same shall be contained in conduits or <br />cables installed and maintained underground or concealed in, under or on buildings or other structures approved <br />by the Association. No provision hereof shall be deemed to forbid the erection of temporary power or <br />telephone structures incident to the construction of buildings or structures approved by the Association. <br />4.3 Improvements and Alterations. Subject to other provisions of law, an owner: <br />4.3.1 May make any improvements or alterations to his unit that do not impair the structural integrity or <br />mechanical systems or lessen the support of any portion of the condominium. <br />4.3.2 Shall not change the appearance of the common elements, or the exterior appearance of a unit or <br />any other portion of the condominium, without written permission of the Association. <br />4.3.3 After acquiring an adjoining unit, may remove or alter any interviewing partition or create <br />apertures in intervening partitions, even if the partition is whole or in part is a common element, if those acts do <br />not impair the structural integrity or mechanical systems or lessen the support of any portion of the <br />condominium. Removal of partitions or creation or apertures under this paragraph is not an alteration of <br />boundaries. <br />4.4 Trash Containers and Collection. No garbage or trash shall be placed or kept on the condominium <br />except in the covered containers of a type, size and style which are approved by the Association. The <br />Association shall have the right to require all owners to place trash and garbage in containers located in areas <br />designated by the Association, and no incinerators shall be kept or maintained on any of the condominium <br />property. <br />6 <br />
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