<br /> Lender shai�es��mate the amoun�af Funds due on the bas�s of current data and reasanab�e est�mates of expenditures
<br /> of future�scrow I�ems or otherwise�n accordance wi�h�pplicable Law.
<br /> The Funds shall be he�d in an�nstitu��ari whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumen�a.lity, or
<br /> en�zty �inc�ud�nb Lender, if Lender�s an�nst�tu�ion vvhase deposi�s are so�nsurec�� or in any Federal IIome Loan
<br /> Bank. Lender sha��app�y the Funds�a pay the�scraW I�ems no�a�er than the tixne spe��f ed under RESPA. Lender
<br /> shall no�char�e Borrower far ho�dinb and app�ying�ie Funds, annua��y analyz�ng the escraW accnunt, �r verify�ng
<br /> �he Escraw Items, un�ess Lender pays Barrov�er in�erest on the Funds and Appl�cable Law permi�s Lender to make
<br /> su�h a charge. Unless an a�eement�s mad�in wr�t�ng or Applicab�e Law requ�res znteres�to be pa�d on the�unds,
<br /> Lender sha�I not be requ�red to pay Barrower any int�res�or earn�ngs on the Funds. Barraurer and Lender can agree
<br /> in writ�n�, hov�ever, that�nterest sha��be pa�d on the Funds. Lender shall give ta F3orrower, vvi.thout charge, an
<br /> �.nnua� accaun��ng of�he Funds as required by RE SPA.
<br /> If ther�is a surplus of Fund�held�n escrow, as defined under RESPA, L�nder sha�� ac�oun��o Borrower fo�r
<br /> the ex�ess funds�n accflrdance wi�i RESPA. If�here is a shortage of Funds he�d%n escr�w, as def ned under RESP�,
<br /> Lend�r shall not�fy Borrower as requir�d by R�SPA, and Borrower shall pay�o Lender the amnunt necessary to make
<br /> up the shar�age in accordance wi.th RESPA, �ut�n n�more than ��mon�hly payments. If�here is a def ciency of
<br /> Funds held in escro,w, as defined under RESP�,., Lender shal�notify Barrawer as required by�.ESPA, and�3orr�wer
<br /> sha1l pay�o Lender the amount necessary to m.a��up�he def ciency in acc�rdance�v�th RE SPA, but�n no mor�than
<br /> 12 manth�y payments.
<br /> Upon payment xn ful�of a�l sums secured by this�ecurity Ins�rument,Lender sha��pr�mpt�y refund�013arrovver
<br /> any Funds held by Lender.
<br /> 4. C'harges; L�ens. Borrawer shall pay alI ta�es, assessmen�s, charg�s, f n�s, and imposz�ians attr�buta�le to
<br /> �he Property whi�h can attain �r��rity aver th�.s Secur�ty Instrumen�, �easeho�d payments ar ground ren�s on the
<br /> Propert�, �f any, and�ommun�ty Associa�ion Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any. To the extent�hat�h�se��ems
<br /> are Escrow Items, Barrawer�hali pay them in the manner provided in Section 3.
<br /> Borrawer sha�l pr�mptly discharge any�ien vvhich has pr�ar��y over�h�s Securi�y Instrumen�un�ess Borrower:
<br /> �a3 agrees rn�vritin��o the payment af�he obligat�on s�cured by�he�xen�n a mann�r ac�epta.ble to Lender, but an.ly
<br /> so long as Borrawer is perfarming such agreement; �b� �on�es�s the �xen �n good fazth by, or defends a;ainst
<br /> enforcemen�of the I�en in, lega��roceed.ings which in Lender's opin.�an operate to prevent��.e enforcement�f the Iien `
<br /> v�hile those proceed�.ngs are pending, but only until such proceedin�s are cancluded; or�c� secures from�he holder
<br /> of the Iien an agx-eement sa��sfa��ary to L�nder subordinat�ng the l�en to �his Security Instrument. If Lender
<br /> de�erxnine�that any par�of the Propertiy is subj�c�ta a lien which can at�in prior��y flver th�s Security Instrumen�,
<br /> Lender may gzve Barrower a no�ice ident�fy�ng �he 1ien. W�th�n ID days of the date an which tha�nnt�ce�s g�ven,
<br /> �3orrower shall satisfy th�lien or ta.ke ane or rnore of the actions set for�h above�n th�s Sec�znn 4.
<br /> Lender may require Borrawer�a pay a one-t�rr�e char�e for a real es�ate�ax verxficat�on andlor reporting service
<br /> used by Lender in connect�on With this Loan.
<br /> 5. Property Insurance. Borr�wer shali keep �he �rn.pr�vements n.ow exxst�.xxg �r hereafter erec��d on the
<br /> Property insured aga�nst Ioss by fire, hazards�nc�uded w�thin�he�erm"extended coverage," and-any other hazards
<br /> i.nc�ud�.ng, but not��mited to, �ar�hquakes and floads, for wh�ch Lender requ�res znsurance. `I�is insurance shal�be � �
<br /> main�a.ined i.n the amoun�s �including deduc�zble �eve�s} and for the per�ads �ha� Lender require�. What Lender
<br /> requires pursuant to the preced�.ng sentences.can change during�he term of the Loan. The i.nsurance carrier provid�ng
<br /> the�nsurance shal�be chasen by Borr�wer subject to Lender's r��ht to disapprave�3orrower's cho�ce,Which r�ght sha��
<br /> no�be exerci.sed unreasanably. Ler�der may re�uire Borrovver to pay, �n connection with this L�an, exther: �a}a ane-
<br /> ti.m�charge for flood zone determination, certYf�ca�ion and tracking serv%c�s;ar�b}a ane-t�me charge fc�r flood zone
<br /> determinat�on and cert�fica�ion services and subsequent charges each time remapp�ngs�r s�m�lax changes accur wh�ch
<br /> reasonab�y m�gh�affect su�h determinatian or certif�cation. Borrower sha�� a�so be respansible for�he paymen�af
<br /> any fees imposed by�he Federal Emergency N.�anagement Agency in cannec�ion with the rev��W af any flood zone
<br /> determination resulting from an ob�ection by Borrower.
<br /> If Borrower fa��s to m.a�nta.�n any of�he co�erages descr�bed abave, Lender may ab�a�n�nsurance coverage, at
<br /> Lender's ap�ion and Barrower`s e�pense. Lender�is under no obligat�on �a purchase any par��cular�ype or am.ount
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family--UNIF�RM INSTRtJMENT - I��c�a,qfc o
<br /> M���FI ED FDR DEPARTMENT QF V ETERANS AFFAf RS www.oiaemagi�.eorrr
<br /> [REV. 11D�} Page 5 vf 14
<br />