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��14�4��4 <br /> of coverage. Therefore, such c�verage sha�� caver Lender, bu�m�ght ar might not pratect Borrower, Barrower's � <br /> equ�ty�n the Property, or the contents af the Praperty, aga�nst any r�sk, hazard or l�abilzty and nught prov�de grea�er <br /> or��sser coverage than was previ�usly in effect. Borrovver ackn�w�edg�s tha�the c�s�of the insurance c�verage sa <br /> ob�azned m�ght�ig�a.�fx�ant�y e�ceed�he c�st of�nsurance that Borrawer cou�d hav�obta.�ned. Any amounts d�sbursed <br /> by Lender under�s Section 5 shal�become add����nai debt af Borrower secured�y th�s S�curity Ins�rumen�. These <br /> amoun�s sha�� bear�nteres�at the No�e rate fram the date af d�sbursement ax�d shal�be payab�e, vv�.�h such�n�erest, <br /> upan nat�c�from Lender to Borrower request�.ng payment. <br /> A�i insurance polic�es required�y Lender and renewa�s of such pol�czes sha�l be sub�ect to Lender's ra�ht t� <br /> d�sapprove such poli�ies, shall inc�ude a standard mar�gage clause, and sha��na�me L�nder as mor�gagee andlor as an <br /> addzt�ona� Ioss payee. Lender sha��have the r�ght�o ho�d the policies and renewal cer�ifi�ates. If Lender requires, <br /> Borrower sha��promptly gzve�a.Lender aII receipts of pa�d premiums and renewal not�ces. If�3orrawer obtains any <br /> farm of insurance coverage, na�otherwise required by Lender, far damage to, or destruction af, the Property, such <br /> po��cy sha�l include a standard mor�gage c�ause and sha�l narne Lender as mor�gagee andlor as an add�tional lass <br /> �aY�• . � , <br /> In the even�of io�s, Borrawer sha1�g'�ve prompt notice to�he�nsurance carrier and Lender. Lender ma�m�e <br /> proof of�flss zf no� made prompt�y by Borr�v�er. TJnless Lender and �orrower otherw�s�e a�ree�n writxng, any <br /> �nsurance proceeds, whe�her or�no��he underlyinb insurance was required by Lender, sha��be app�ied ta re�tora�ion <br /> ar repair of the Property, if the restora�ian or repa�r�s econom�cally feas�ble and Lender's secur�ty�s nat�essened. <br /> Durzng su�h repair and restaratian p�rind, Lender shall�.ave the right to ho�d such insurance proceeds un�il Lender <br /> has had an oppar�un��.y ta �nspect such Property to ensure the work has been camp�eted�o Lender's sat�sfacti�n, <br /> provided that such inspecti�n sha�l be under�a,ken promptly. L�nder may d�sburse proceeds for �he repairs and <br /> restorat�an�n a single payrnen�or �n a s�r�es of progress paymen�s as the wark is comple�ed. IJn�ess an agreement <br /> is made in wri��ng or App��cab�e Lavv requi.r�s �nterest to be pa�d on sUch�nsurance praceeds, Lender shal.X n�t�e <br /> required to pay Barrower any interes�or an su�h proc�eds. Fees for pu��ic adjus�ers, �r o�her�h�rd par��es, <br /> reta.iu�aed by BorroWer sha�l n��be pa�d au� of th��nsurar�ce proceeds and shall be the sole ob��ga��on of�3orrower. <br /> If the restarat�on or repa�r�s not ecanomica��y f�asible or Ilender's secur�ty wau�d be�essened,the�nsuran�e proceeds <br /> � sha��be appli.�d�o the sums secured�y this Security Instrument, whether or nat then due,v��th the excess,zf any,pa�d <br /> �o BQrrawer. 5uch insurance praceeds sha��be applied�n the order provided far�n Sec�ron�. <br /> If�3arrower abandons�he Praperty, Lender may fi�e, nega��ate and settle any avai�able �nsurance claim and <br /> re�a�ed ma�ters. If Borrawer daes no�re�pond��th�n 30 days to a no��ce from L�nder that the insuran�e carr�er has <br /> affered ta se�t�e a ciaim, then Lex�.der may negotiate and set��e the c�a�m. The 3�--day per�ad wi,ll b�gin when the <br /> � notice is biven. In eit�ier event, ar xf Lender acqui.res�he Proper�y under Sec�ian�I or oth�rwise, Borrawer here�y <br /> ass�gns to Lender �a} �.3orrovver's rights to any�nsurance proceeds�n an amount not ta exceed the amoun�s unpaid � <br /> under�he Note or this Secur�ty�, and�b�any o�her of Borrower's rights�other than the righ��o any refund <br /> af unearned premiums pa�d by I3orrower}under a��insurance pfl�ic�es cover�ng the Prop�rty, insofar as such righ�s <br /> are appiicabie�a the coverage of the Property. Lender xnay use the insurance proceeds e�th�r to repair or restore the <br /> Praperty or ta pay amoun�s unpaid under the N�te flr thzs Security Instrument, whether or not then due. <br /> 6. C7ccupancy. Barrower sha�l occupy, esta.blish, and use�he Prop�rty as B�rrower's pr�nc�pa� res�dence <br /> vv�th�n 6�days after the e�ecu�ion of this 5ecur�ty Instrument and sha�l cantinue to occupy the Praperty as Borrawer's <br /> prxnc�pal res�dence for at leas�one year after the date af occupancy, unless Lender a�herwzse agrees 7n vvr�tua�, <br /> consent sha��not be unreas�nah�y withheld, or un�ess extenua��g circums�ar�ces exist wh�ch ar�beyond Barrovv�r's <br /> contro�. <br /> 7. Preservat�on, �Vlai.ntenance and Prate�tion of the Property; Inspect�ons. Borrower shall nat des�roy, <br /> darnage or impair the Property, a���w the Prop�r�y to deteriarate ar comm�t waste on�he Praperty. �Vhether or no� <br /> Barrower�s residing in the Property, Borrower shal�main� the Praperty i.n order ta prevent�he Praperty fram <br /> or decreasing in value due to��s condi��on. Un�ess i.��s determined pursuant to Section S that repair or <br /> rest�ration �s nat economicall� feasi.b��, Barrower shall promp��y repaxr the Praperty if damaged ta avaid further <br /> deteriaratian or damage. If i.nsurance ar condemnation proceeds are pa�d in connec�ion w��h damage to, or the taking <br /> of, the Property, Barravver shal� �e respons�b�e far repa�ring or restori.�.g the Proper� only if Lender has re�eased <br /> NEBRASKA--Sing{e Fami�y---UN[F�RM INSTRtJMENT 1��cIV�'aglc o <br /> M�DIFIED FDR DEPARTMENT QF VETERANS I�FFA�RS www_r�acrrragie,com <br /> [REV. 110�} Pag e s of �4 <br />