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��14�4��4 <br /> Paymen�,s are deemed received by Lezader vvhen received a�the�ocation des�gnat�d i.n the No��or at such ather <br /> �aca�ion as may be desx�na�ed by Lender�n accordance with the notice provisions in Sect�on 14. Lender m.ay return <br /> any payrnent or par�ia�paymen�if�he payment ar partxa�pa�ments are�nsuff�Gien�ta bring the Loan current. Lender <br /> . may accept any paym�n� ar partial paymen� insuff c�ent t� brin� the Laan current, withau� waiver af�any rights <br /> hereunder or prejud�ce ta i�s rights �o refuse such payment or par��al payment� in the future, but Lender �s not <br /> abligated to apply such payments a�the t�xne such payments are accepted. If each Periadi�Paymen��s app��ed as of <br /> i�s scheduled du�date,th.en Lender need not pay interes��n unapplied funds. Lender may hold such unapp�xed fUnds <br /> until Barrower makes payxnent to br�ng�he Laan�urren�. If Borr�wer daes no�do so w�thin a reas�nab�e period of <br /> t�me, Lend�r sha�l ei�her app�y such funds or return th�m to Borrower. If na�applied earlier, such funds w��� be <br /> app�ied t� the outs�a.nd�ng pru�c%paI baiance under the I�o�e �mmedia��ly pr�or�o farec�osure. No offset ar clazm <br /> vv�h�ch Borrower might hav�nflvv or in the future aga�nst Lender shall relieve Barrower firom making payments due <br /> under the Nate and this Securzty Instrumen� ar performing th�covenants and agreements secured by�his 5ecur�ty <br /> Instrument. <br /> Z. Appli�ati�n of Payments or Prace�ds. Excep� as athervv�se described in th�is Section 2, a1� paymen�s <br /> accepted and appli.ed by Lender shall be app�ied in�he foliowing order af priority: �a��n�eres�due under�he N�te; <br /> �b�pr�nc�pal du�un�er the Note; �c�amau.nts due under Sectian 3. 5uch payments shall be app�ied�o each Per�adic <br /> Payment in the order�n,which�t became due. Any rema�ing amounts shall be app��ed first�0 1a�e charbes, second <br /> to any oth�r amaunt� due under th�s S�curzty Instrurnent, and then to reduce the pr�nc�pa�ba�ance of the Nnte. <br /> If Lender receive�a payrnen�fram B�rroWer for a delinquen� Periodic Payment which �nc�udes a suffcien� <br /> amount�o pay any Iate�har�e due, the payment xnay be app�ied t�the de��.nquent paym.ent and the late charge. If <br /> more than one Period�c Payment is outsta.nding, Lender may apply any paymen� rece�ved fram.Borrower �o �he <br /> repayrnent of the Per�.od�c Payments �f, and to the extent tha�, each paym�n�can be pa�d in full. To�he ex�ent that <br /> any ex�ess exzsts after the paymen��s app�ied to the ful.�.paymen�of one or more Period�c Payments, such excess m.ay <br /> be app�ied ta any�at��harges due. Valunta.ry prepayments sha��be applied firs�to any prepaymen�charges and then . <br /> as described�.the Note. <br /> Any appli�atian of paymen�s, insurance pr�ceeds, or Miscel�ane�us Proceed.s to pr�ncipa� due under the Na�e <br /> shall nat extend ar pos�pone the due date, or change the amount, �f the Period�c Paymen�s. <br /> 3. Funds for Escro�v Items. Barrower shal�pay ta Lender on the day Per�od�c Paymen�s are due under the <br /> No�e, un�i�the No�e is paid in ful�, a sum�the "Funds"}t�prov�de for payment�f amau.nts due far: �a}taxes and <br /> assessn�en�s and ather�tems vvhich can a�.tain prior��y over�his Secur�ty Instrument as a I�en Qr encumbran�e on the <br /> Praperty; �b}leasehold paymen�s or grou.nd rents on the Property, if any;and���premiums far any and al�insurance <br /> r�quzred by Lender under Section S. These iterr�s are cal�.ed "Escrov��tems." At or�gina�ian ar at any tim.e during <br /> the term of�he Loan, Lender may require that �ommu.�ity Assac�atxon Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any, be <br /> escrov�ed by B�rrower, and such dues, fees and assessments shall be an Escrow Item. B.orr�wer shali prompt�y <br /> furnish ta Lender a�l not�ces of am�un�s to be paXd under�his Sec�ion. Borrawer sha�� pay Lex�der�he Funds far <br /> Escrav�Items un�ess Lender wa�ves Borrawer's tibliga�ion to pay the Funds for any or a�l Escraw I�ems. Lender may <br /> vvaive Borrawer's obl�gation��pay�tc�Lender Funds fo�any or aI�Escr�w I�ems a�any tzme. Any such v�azver may <br /> or�.�y be zn vvriting: In�he even�of such v�aiver, Barrawer sha�l pay directly, when and where payable, �he amaunts <br /> due for any Escraw�Items for which paymen�of Funds has been wa�ved by Lender and, if Lender requir�s, sha�I <br /> furnish to Lender receipts evidencing such payment vvithin such time per�od as L�nder may requ�re. Borrawer's <br /> �bligat�on to make such paymen�s and�o pravide rece�pts sha�I for a��purposes be deemed t� be a covenant and <br /> agree�ment conta.ined in this Secur�ty Ir�s�rumen�, as the phrase"covenant and agr�emen�" i s used in Section 9. If <br /> B�rrawer�s abliga�ed�o pay Escrow Itezns d�rectly, pursuant�o a waiver, and Borrovver fa�Is ta pay the amoun�due <br /> for an Escraw Item, Lender may e�ercise its r�ghts under Sect�on 9 and pay such amoun�and Borrower sha�1 then be <br /> ob��gated under S�ction g to repay to Lender any such amaunt. Lender may rev�ke the u�a�ver as ta a.ny or al��scraw <br /> Ztems at an�tixne by a not�ce g�ven in accordance vv�th Sect�on 14 and, upan such revocat��n, Borrawer sha1�pay t� <br /> Lender a��Funds, and in su�h amoun�s, tha�are then required under this Sec�ion 3. <br /> Lender may, at any ti�ne, collec�and hold Funds�n an amount�a}su�cient to perm.�.t Lender to app�y the Funds <br /> at the time spe��f ed under RESPA, and�b�not to exceed the ma�mum amount a�ender can require under R�SPA. ' <br /> NEBRASKA--S�ngle Fami�y--UN�FDRM INSTRUfVIENT Dc�e�Vlagfc o <br /> M�D�FIED F�R DEPARTMENT �F VETERANS AFFAlRS www.r�ocmagic.carr� <br /> �REV. '[1�'�} Pag e 4 of �4 <br />
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