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��14�4��4 <br /> �P} "Successor in�nterest af Borrawer"means an�party that has taken ti�le ta�he Praper�y, v�he�her or nat that <br /> party ha�assumed�3orrawer's obl�.gatxons under the Na�e andlor th�is Secur�ty Instrument. <br /> TRANSFER �F R�GHTS ��V THE PR�PERTY <br /> This 5ecur��y Instru�nent secures to Lend�r: �i} the repayment �f the Loan, and a�I rer�eu�a�s, extensians and <br /> mod�f cat�ons af the Note; and �zz} the performance of Borrower's �ovenants and a�eements under this Security <br /> Instrument and the�Io�e. Far this purpase, Borrawer�rrevocably gran�s and canveys to Truste�, �n�rus�,vv�th povver <br /> of sale, �he fo��ow�ng descr�bed property Iocated ixa.�he <br /> ��UN'�Y flf . Ha 11 : <br /> [Type af Recarding�ur�] [Name of Recording 3urisdiction� <br /> LC3T �NE ��} , I���T' S S I�T H �UBI�I VI S I�N. CI TY �F �RAND I SLAND, HAI�Z G�U�1`TY. <br /> NEB�.s�.. �.a�.N. : 4000sg��� <br /> which curren�Iy has th�address of 16�3 E 7 t h S t <br /> �Street� <br /> G r a n d I s 1 a nd , Nebraska 5 8 8 D 1 �"PrQper�y Address�'�: <br /> �City] [Zip�ode� <br /> T�G�THER WIT�~I all the �mprovement� now or hereafter erec�ed on �he proper�y, and a�� easernents, <br /> appurtenances, and f xtux-es n��v or hereafter a par� of�he proper�y. AIl replacements and add�t�ans shal� a�so be <br /> cavered by this Secur�ty Instrumen�. A1� af�he forego�ng�s ref�rred ta i.n this Security Instrument as the{'Pr�perty." <br /> B�RROWER C�VENANTS tha�Borrawer is�awfully seised af the estate hereby conveyed and has the r�ght <br /> �o �ant and convey the Property and that the Property �s unencumbered, except far encumbrances of record. <br /> Borr�vver warran�s and vvi�� defend benera��y the t�tle to�he Proper#y agains�al�c�aims and demand.s, subj ect to an� <br /> encum�brances of record. <br /> THIS SE�URTTY INSTRUlV�I�T�cornbir�es uniform cavenan�s for nat�flnal use and non un�form co�venants vv��h <br /> ��mx�ed variat�ons by�ur�sd�ct�on�o canst�tute a uni�'�rrn secur�ty instrument cover�ng rea�prop�rty. � - <br /> U NI F�RII� C�VE NANTS. Borrawer and L�nder covena.nt and agr�e as faliows: <br /> l. Payment af Principal,Interest,Escr�w Items,Prepayment Charges,and Late�harge5. Barrower shal� <br /> pay when due�he prxn��pa�.of, and�nterest on, the debt evidenced by�he N��e and any prepaymen�charges and�ate <br /> charges due under the Note. Borrower shall alsa pay funds for Escraw Items pursuant to Secti�on 3. Paymen�s due <br /> under th� Note and thi.s Secur�ty Instru�nen� shal� be made �n U.S. currency. Hovvever, if any check or ather � <br /> �nstrumen�rece�ved by Lender as payment under the No�e ar this Secur�ty Ix�.strumen�zs returned ta Lender unpaid, <br /> Lender may require that any or all subsequent payments due under the Note and this Securit�Instrument be made�n <br /> one or more af the fo��owing forms,as selec�ed by Lender: �a}cash;�b}money order;�c�cer�ified check,bank check, <br /> treasurer's check or�ashier's check,prflv�ded any such check is drawn upon an instztut�on Whase depos�ts are insured <br /> �y a federal agency, instrumenta��t�, or ent��.y; or�d}E�ec�troxz��Funds Transfer. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famify--UfViF�RIVI �NSTRUMEhIT ������� � <br /> M�D I Fl E�Fn R QEPARTM ENT D F V ETERAN S AFFI��RS w ww.dc�crn agic,ca�rr <br /> �REV. 11�1} Page 3 of 14 <br />