<br /> � Neither Borrower nor Lender may commence,�a�n, ar�e jo�n�d tfl any judzc�al actian�as e��her an indiv�dual
<br /> 1it�gan�or the member of a class}�hat ar�ses from�he other party's actions pursuant to this Security Instrumen�or tha�
<br /> alleges that the other party has breached any prav�s�on af, or any duty owed hy reason af, �h�s Secur�ty Znstrum.en�,
<br /> unt�I such Barrower or Lender has not�fied�he o�her party(with such nat�ce g�ven�n comp��anc�wi�h the requirem�nts
<br /> af S�ct�an�.4}of such alleg�d breach and af.fQrded the other par�hereto a reasonab�e per�od after�he g�vzng�f such
<br /> notice to�e correG��ve aGtion. If Applicab�e Law pravides a tune period Wh�ch mus�e�apse�efore certa.�n act�on
<br /> can b� �aken, that time �per�od �r�ii be deem�d to be reasonable far purposes of this paragraph. The nat�ce of
<br /> acce�erat�on and apportun�ty to cure b��en t��orrawer pursuant to Section�I and the natice of acce�erat�on given
<br /> to Borro�ver pursuant to Sectian 3 7 shall be de�med to satisfy th�no��ce and opporturuty to take c�rrective act�on
<br /> prov�si.�ns of�his Sect�on 19.
<br /> 2D. Hazardou� 5ub�tance�. As used �n this Section�0: �a} "I�azardous Substances" are�hase �ubsta.nces
<br /> def ned as�ox�c or hazardous substances, poilutants, or was�es by�nv�ranmenta�Law and the foilow�ng subs�ances:
<br /> gasoline, kerasene, o�her flamrn.able ar tox�c petroleum products, taxic pest�cides and herbicides, volatile �olvents,
<br /> ma�eria�s conta.ir�ing as�estas or formaldehyde, and radi�act�ve materials; �b} "Environmen�a�Law" means federal
<br /> �aws and�aws of the�urisdre��on tivhere�he Property is located that re�a�e ta hea�th, safefiy or env�ronmenta.�protection;
<br /> �c} "Env�ranmenta� ��eanup" inc�udes any respanse act�on, remedial ac�ion, ar removal a���on, as defined in
<br /> Env�ronmenta.I Law; and �d} an. "Environmen�ai �ondi�ion" means a cand�t�on �hat can cause, contribu�e to, or
<br /> otherwise tribger an Env�rflnmen�a.I Cl�anup.
<br /> Barrower sha�I n�t cause or permi.t the presence,use, disposa�, s�ora�e, or re��ase�f an�Hazardaus Substa.nces,
<br /> or threaten�a release any Hazardflus Substances, on or�n�he Pr�p�rty. Borrower sha�l not do,nor a�Iau�anyone e�se
<br /> ta da, anyth�ng affec�in� the Praperty (a} tha� �s �n violat�on of an� Enviran.men�a.� Law, [b} which crea�es an
<br /> Envi.ronm�nta.� �nnd�t��n, or �c� wh�ch, due�a �he pres�nce, u_se, ar release of a Hazard�us Sub�tance, �reates a
<br /> candzt�on �hat adversely affec-�s the value flf the Praperty. The preceding two sentences sha�� not app�y to the
<br /> presence, use, or starage fln�he Property of sma��quant�t�es of Ha.zardous Substances tha�are genera�ly recognized
<br /> to be approprza�e to narmal res�dent�a� uses and ta znaintenance �f the Proper�y �inc�uding, bu� not Iimited �o,
<br /> ha�ardous substances in consumer products}.
<br /> Borrawer sha��promptly�i.ve Lender written notic� af�a�any rnvestigation, claim, d�mand, �awsuit ar other
<br /> . action by any gavernmenta�or re�u�atory a�ency or private par�y inva�ving�he Property and any I�azardous Substance
<br /> or Enviranmenta.l Law of wh�ch Borrower has actual knowledbe, �b}any Env�ronmen�a.�Conditian, inc�uding but not
<br /> �i.m��ed to, any sp�ll�ng, �eak�ng, d�scharge, relea�se or threat of re�ease of any Hazardous Subs�ar�.ce, and �c� any
<br /> cflndition caused by the presence, us�ar release af a Hazardous Subs�a.nce wh�ch adversely affec�s the va�ue of the
<br /> Proper�. If Borrower learns, ar�s no�xfied by any�overnmentax or regu�atory au�h�rzty, or any priva�e par�y, that
<br /> an�remova��r other remed�a��an �f an�I-�azardous 5ubstance afFect�ng�he Property is necessary, Borra,wer sha��
<br /> pramptly�a.ke aII necessary remedia�act�ons�n accordance w�th Enviranmenta�Law. No�hing here�n sha�i create any
<br /> obi�bation on Lender far an Env�ranmen�a.I C�eanup.
<br /> �V�N-U N�FDRM C�VENANTS. Barravver and Lender fur�her cavenant and agree as fo�lows:
<br /> 21. Acceleration; Remed�es. Lender sh��� give not�ce ta I3orrower prior to accelerati.on fo�iavving
<br /> Eorrower's breach of any�avenant or agreement in this Secur�ty Instrument(but nat pr�iar to acceleratian under
<br /> Se�tion 17 un�ess App�.�cab�e Law prov�ides otbex�vv�se}. The not�ce shall spec�fy: �a�the default; �b}the actian
<br /> requ�red to cure the defau�t; (c}a date, not iess than 3U days fram the date the notice is given to Borrawer, by
<br /> which the defau�t must be cur�d; and (d}that fa��ure to cure the defau�t on or before the date spec�f ed in the
<br /> natice may result in ac�eierati�n�f the�ums�ecured by th�s Security Instrument and sale af the Property. The
<br /> notice shall fuar-�her i.nform Borrower af the x-�ght to rei�nstate after acce�era.t�on and the right ta bring a court
<br /> action to assert the non�-e�istence af a default or any atber defense of Eorrower to acce�eratinn and sa�e. If the
<br /> d�fault ��not cured on or befor�the date specif ed �n the not��e, Lender at its option may require�mmed�ate
<br /> payment in fu�l �f a�i sums s�cured by this Security Iustrument without further demand and may invake the
<br /> pow�r of sal� and any other remedies perm�tted by Applicable Law. Lender shaii be ent�t�ed to collect a��
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fam i�y--uh11F�RM INST�UMENT I�c�c�la��c o
<br /> MaDfF1ED FQR DEPARTMENT �F VETERANS AFFAIRS �n►ww_daemaqie.com
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