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��14�4��4 <br /> egpen�es i.ncurred�n pursuing the r�medie�prav�ded in this Sect�on�1;zncluding, hu�nat Ifmited ta, reasanabie <br /> attarneys' fees and casts of t�tle �vidence. <br /> If the pawer of sale is invoked, Trustee shal� record a not�ce of d�fau�t�n each county�n vvhxch any pa�r-t <br /> of the Property�5�.oca�ed and shall maii c�pies of such not�ce in the manner prescribed by Applicable Law ta <br /> I3orrower and to the other persons�rescri�ed�y App�ica�a�e Law. After the t�me requ�red by App�ica��e Law, <br /> Trustee shall give gub���not�ce of sa�e to the persons and in the manner prescr�bed by Appi�cab�e Law. Tru�tee, <br /> w�thout demand an B�rrower, shall se�� the Prap�r�y at pub�ic auct�on to the highe�t bidder at the t�me and <br /> place and under�he terms deszgna�ed �n the nat�ce af sale in one or more parcel5 and in any order Trustee <br /> determines. Trustee may postpone sa�e of a��or any par�ei of the Property by pub��c annauncement at the time <br /> and place of any prev�ous�y seh�duled sa1e. �ender nr its designee may purchase the Property at any sa�e. <br /> Up�n recei.p�of payment of th�price b�d, T�-ustee sha�i deliver to the purchaser Tru�tee'�d�ed conveying <br /> the Proper�.y. The rec�ta�s an the Trustee�s deed shall he prima fac�e evxd�nce of the tru�h of the statements <br /> made tbere�n. Trustee�sha��apply the prac�eds nf the sa�e�n tbe fo��ow�ng arder: �a}to a��costs and expenses <br /> af e�ercising the gawer of 5ale, and the sa�e, includ�.ng the payment of the Trus#ee's fees actua�iy�ncurred and <br /> r�asonable a�torneys� fees as germitted�by Applica�ile Law; �b}to all sums secured by this Secu�-i�t�Instrurnent; <br /> and �c} any exce�s to th�pers�n or per�ans legaZ�y ent�t�ed tQ it. <br /> Z�. Recanveyance. Upon paymen�of alI sums secured by�his 5ecurif,y Ir�strument,L�nder sha�1 reques�Trus�ee <br /> to reconve�the Praperty and sha�� surrender�h�s Secur�ty Ins�ruxnent and a��notes evidenc�ng deb�secured by this <br /> Securi�y Instrument�o Trustee. Truste�sha�1 reconvey the Property wi�hout warranty to�he person or persons�ega�ly <br /> en�i�led to��. Such person ar persons shall pay any recordation c�s�s.� Lender may charbe such persan or person.s a <br /> fee for re�onveying�h�Praper�y, but only�f the fee is paid�o a th�rd par�y�such as�he Trus�ee}far services rendered <br /> and the charg�n��f the fee�s perm�t��d under A�p��cable Law. <br /> Z3. Suhst�tu�e Trustee. Lender, at��s ap�ion, may fr�m t�me��tzme remave Trustee and appa�nt a successor <br /> trus�ee ta any Trustee appoin�ed hereunder by an instrument recorded�n the coun�y in which this Secur��y Ins�:rumen� <br /> is recorded. ��thout conveyan�e of�he Praper�.y, �he successor truste�sha��succeed to a��the trtle, power and du�ies <br /> canferr�d upon Trustee herein and by App�icable Law. <br /> �4. Request for Notices. Barrower reques�s�ha�copies of th�nat�ce of d�fau�t and sa�e he sent ta Borrotiver's <br /> addr�ss which is�he Property Address. . <br /> _ [REN[AINDER DF THIS F�ACE �NTL�NT��NALLY LEFT BLA�� <br /> NESRASKA-Single Family--UNIF�RM INSTR�MENT -[�€�r�fa��c a <br /> MC�DI F�ED F�R DEPARTM ENT �F V ETERAN S AFFA[RS v�rww.dacrr�agic,catrj <br /> �REV. �ID�} Page 12 ❑f 14 <br />