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��14�4��4 <br /> sba�.� bear�nterest at �he ra�e here�n provxded, and at the opt��n nf the paye� of the indehtedne�s <br /> herel�y secured �r any tran�feree thereaf, sha�� h� %rnmed�ately due and payable. This fee �s <br /> automatically �va�ved�.f the a�sumer is e�empt under the provisions of 38 U.S.�. 37�9(c�. <br /> �b� Process�ng Charge: Lrpon app��cat�on for approv�.i ta a��aw as�umptian of this �oan, a <br /> pracessing fee may b� �harg�d by �he ��an ho�.der or �ts authorized agent for det�rm� the <br /> creditwurth�€ness of the assumer and subsequent�y revising the holder'�ownership records when an <br /> approved transf�r �s c�mpleted. The amount of th�s charge sha�l no� exceed the mag�mum <br /> established by the 17epartment af'LTe�eran�Affa�rs for a�oan ta which Sect�an 3714 of�hapter 37, <br /> T�tle 38, �nited States Code appl.��s. <br /> (c} In�emnity Liabiiity Assumption: If th�s obligation �s assumed, then the assumer hereby <br /> agree�tfl assume a�l af the obligations of the veteran under the terms vf the instruments creat�ng and <br /> secu�-�ng th�loan. The assumer fur�her agrees to ind�mn�fy the Department of V�terans Affairs to <br /> the ex�ent af any c�aim payment ar�s�ng fram the guaranty or insurance of the u�debtedness created <br /> by this instrument. <br /> If the acc�ptabi�ii�ty of the as�umption af thi��oan ��not es�ablished for any reason, and Lender exer��se� <br /> �t�option to dec�are al�sums secured by�his Securi�ty Instrument�m.mediately due and payab�e, I�ender shall <br /> give I3orrower notice of accelera�ion. Th�not�ce�hall pravide a period of not�ess than 3� days fram the date <br /> the noficQ �s gi�ven �n accordance with S�cti�on 14 w�ithin which �3orrc�wer must pay ai� sums secured by th�s <br /> Secur�.ty Instrument. If Barrower fai�� to pay these sums pr�ar to the expirat�on of this per�od, L�nder may <br /> �nvoke any remedies permitted by this Security Instrument with�ut further not%ce or demand on I3orrQwer. <br /> 1S. �orrower's Rig�t ta Reinsta�e After Accelerat�on. If I3orrov�er meets certain cand�t�ans, B�rrower shal� <br /> have�he righ��a have enfarcement of this Security Instrumen�dzsc�nt�nued a�any time pr�or ta the earl�est of: �a� <br /> f ve days before sa�e of the Pr�pex�y pursuan��a any pawer af sa�e conta�ned�n thi s Secur�ty Instrument; �b} such <br /> other periad as Appl�cab�e Law migh� specxfy for the�ermina��on of Barro�rer's r�ght ta re�ns�ate; or�c} entry of a <br /> �udgment enforc�n�th�s Securzty Instrumen�. Those cand��ians are that I3orrower: �a�pays Lender a�� sums which <br /> fih�n wauid�e due uxader thi.s Security Instrumen�and�he Note as zf na acc���ratian had o�curred;�b}cures any defaul� <br /> of any other cav�nants or agre�men�s;��}pays a��e�penses�ncurred�n enforcing�his Secur�ty In�trurnent, �.ncluding, <br /> but not Iuruted to, reasonabie at�orneys' fees, propert�inspect�on and�aluation fees, and other fees Yncurred for�he <br /> purpose of pro�ecting Lender's�nterest zn the Proper�y and r�ghts under th�s Securit�Instrument; and�d�takes such <br /> act�an as Lender rnay reasonab�y require ta assure that Lender's�n�eres��n the Pr�perty and righ�s under this Security <br /> Ins�rurnen�, and Borrovver's ob��batxon t�pay�he sums secured by this Secur�ty�n.strument, shall cont�nue unchanged. <br /> Lender may require tha��.3orra�ver pay such reinsta�emen�sums and expenses u�ane or more�f�he fol�awanb forms, <br /> as se�ec�ed by Lender: (a}cash;�b�money ard�r;�c}cer�if�ed chec�,bank check,treasurer's check ar cashier's check, <br /> pro�ided any such check is drawn upon an�n�t�tution whose depos��s are insured by a f�deral agency,�nstrumenta��ty <br /> �r ent�ty;or�d}E�ectrani.c Funds Transfer. Upon re�nsta�enzent by Borrower,�his Secur�ty Instrumen�and o�bl�gati�ns <br /> secured hereby shal�remain fu��y eff�ctive as if na acceleration had oc�urred. H�we�er, this right to rein�#.a.te sha�I <br /> na�app�y�n the case of acce�erat�an under Sec��on T 7. <br /> 19. Sal.e of Note; �hange of Loan Servicer;�otice af Gx�ievance. T'he No�e ar a part�al inter�st in the Nn�e <br /> �to�ether w�th this Securi�y Instrumen��can be so�d�ne or�n�re times w�thout pr�or nat�ce to Borrower. A sale migh� <br /> resul�in a chan�e in the �n�ity �knowr�as the "Loan Serv�cer"}tha�c��Iec�s Per�od�c Paymen�s due under the Na�e <br /> and this Security Instrument and perfarms other mar�gage loan servicing obligat�ons under the Nflte, this Security <br /> Instrument, and Applicable Law. There a�so might�be ane or more chan�es�f the Loan 5ervic�r unre�ated ta a sale <br /> af the Note. If there�s a change of�he Loan Serv�cer,Borrower urill be g��en wr�tt�n nat�c�af�he change which w�II <br /> sta.t�the name and address of the new Loan S�rvicer, the address to which payments should be made and any o�her <br /> �nformation RESPA requires in connectxon wi�h a not�ce of�ransfer of servic�ng. If the Note is sold and�hereafter <br /> the Laan is ser�i�ed by a Loan Serv�cer other than th�purchaser of�he Nate, the martga�e Ioan servicing ob��gatians <br /> t��3orrower wxll remain wi�h the Loan Ser��cer or be transferred�o a successor Laan ServiGer and are no�assumed <br /> �y the Note purchaser unless a�herwise prov�ded by the l�ote purchaser. <br /> NEBRASKA-Sing�e Fami�y--UN�F�RM iNSTRUMENT �r�r.Nla�ic o <br /> M4DiFIED FQR DEPARTMENT �F VET�ERANS AFFA�RS www_docmagic.corr� <br /> �REV. 'f 1�1} Page �D of '[4 <br />