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��14�4��� <br /> �a� z� #: **�*****l�oia�o�� <br /> redu�ti�n �rrii] be treated �.� a par�ial prepa�men� with�ut any prepa�ment charge �v�h�th�r or nn� a <br /> prepayment �harge is provided f�r under the Nate�. Barr�vver's acc�ptance of any such refund made by <br /> direc�pa�ment t�B�rr��ver�ill c�nstitute�.v�aiver af an�righ�af act�on �orrower might have arising out <br /> af such o��rcharge. <br /> ��� Notices. A1� natic�s �iven �}� B�rrower ar�.ender in connec�ion v�rith thxs S�curity Tnstrumen� must b� in <br /> writing. Any noti��t� Barrow�r in cannection with this �ecurity Instrum�nt�hail be deem�d��have been <br /> gi�en to B�rro�u�r when mai l�d by firs�class rnail �r when ac�ual�y deliW�red to Barrower's natice address <br /> if sent �y o�h�r means. Noti�e �a any o�e Barrow�r shall c�nstitute notice to all Borrowers un�ess <br /> A�pli�a�le Law e�press�y requ�res otherv�rse. Th� n�tice addr�ss sha11 be �h� prap�rty Address unle�s <br /> Borrower has designated a sul�stitut� n�tic�. address b� na�ice ta Lend�r. B�rr��er shall pr�mpt�y n��rf� <br /> L�nd�r of Borrower's change�f address.If Lender speci�es a�aroc�dur�f�r rep�rting Borr�wer's chang�of <br /> addr�ss, then B�rrawer shall �nly rep4rt a c:hange �f address thr�ugh that specified proc�dux�. There ma� <br /> be only one des�gna�ed no�ice addres�under this Securit�In��-ument at any tine�ime.Any notYc��o L�nd�r <br /> shal� b� g�Wen b� deli�ering it Qr b}r rnailin� it b� first class rn�.il ta Lender's address stated h�rein unles� <br /> Lender has d�signat�d anather address b�no�ice to Borrawer. An�r notic� in cannection with this Se�urity <br /> Instrument shall not be deerned i�o ha�e been g�ven ta Lender until a�tually rece�v�d b� Lender. If any <br /> nottce required b}� this S��urity Instrumen�: is also required und�r Applical��e Lav�, �he AppliGab�e Lav�r <br /> requ�rem�nt vvill satisf}�the carr�spanding r��uirement under�his Security Instrum�nt. <br /> I b. �o�erning Law; Se�erabili�y; Rules of��ons�ruct�on. Thi� �ecurity Instrument sha�l be ���erned by <br /> federa� la�v and �he law of the jur�sdiction. in v�hich the Praperty is �a�ated. All righ�s and obligati�r�s <br /> cantained in this Security Instrument are ��zbject to an� requirements and �imitatians af. App�icable La�v. <br /> App�icab�e Lav�migh��xpli�i�ly or irnplicit��allow the parties t�agree by G�ntrac�or it m�ght b�silent,bu� <br /> such sil�n�e �hall not be construed as a prr�hibit��n a�ainst agreemen# by c�ntract. In the e�ent that any <br /> pravision �r c�ause of this Seeurit� In�trutxxent �r the Nate canflicts vvit�a Appl��able Law, such +��nfl�.�t <br /> shall nfl�aff�ct o�her proWisions �f th�s Sec��rity In��rument�r the N�t� r�hich can be given effect withou� <br /> th�canflicting pra�ision. <br /> As used in this 5e�urity Instrument: �a j� wards af the masculine g�nder �hall mean and include <br /> correspond�n� neu�er �vards �r words af t�� feminine gend�r; �b} w�rds in �he singular shal� mean and <br /> include �h� plural and vice �ersa; and �c} t��e word "may" gi�es sole discretion withvut any ohXiga�ion tn <br /> tal��any actx�n. <br /> 17. B�rrawer's�opy.Borrower sha11 b��;iven�ne capy of the N�t�and af this Security Instrument. <br /> 1�. Transfer of the Prop�rty or a �en�fi��al Inter�st an �arr�w�r. As used in this �ec�ion �8, "Interes� in <br /> the Pro�erty" means an� �egal ar b�neficxal ini�rest in the Fr�p�rty, inc�uding, but not Iimit�d �a, �hose <br /> l�enefici�l interests transferr�d ir� a band fo� d�ed, con�-act for deed, in�tallrn�nt �a�e� contract or escraw <br /> a�r�em�nt,the irite�t of�vhich�s�he transfer of title by�orrawer at a future date�a�.�aurchaser. <br /> If all�r any par�of the Pr�perfy ar any Int�r�,�t in�he pr�perty is s�ld ar transferred�or if Borr�wer is not a <br /> na�ural person and a benef cial interes� in F�orr�w�r i� s�ld or transf�rred� with�ut Lend�r's �rior�ritten <br /> �ons�nt, Lender ma� r�quire immed�ate pa;�rnent in fuli of all sums �ec�.red by thi� Secur�ty �n�trurnent. <br /> Howe�er,th�s option sha11 not be�x�r�ised by L�nder if such exercis�is prohibited�y Appl�cable La�. <br /> If L�nder e�erci�es thi�aption, Lender sha�l gi�e ��rror�ver notice of accelera�ian, Th�nvtice shall pravid� <br /> a peri�d of nat less than 3� days from the date the n�tYce �s giv�n in ac�Qrdanc� with Sectz�n 15 within <br /> �vh�ch Barr��rer must pay all sum�secure���y�his Securit}�Instrument. If Borrawer fai�s to pay these�urn� <br /> pri�r to �he exp�ratiQn of fihis p�riad, L�nder may xnvake any r�medie� permitted �ay this Secur�ty <br /> Instrurnent wYthnut further not�ce ar d�mand�n�arrow�r. <br /> 1�a Borrow�r'�R�ght t�Reinstat� After Ac��leration. �f Borrower meet� certain conditi�ns, Borr�vW�r�hall <br /> ha�re the right�o ha�e enforc�men��f this S��cu�ity Instrument discon�inued at any tim�prt�r to the earliest <br /> of; ��.� fi�e days bef�re sale of the l�rope-r-�y pur�uant ta an}� power of sa�e �antained in this ��curity <br /> Instrument; (b� �uch ather peri�d as Applicable Lav�might specif� for th�terminati�n�f Borravv�r's right <br /> ta re�nstate; �r �c� entry of a jud�m�nt e:nf�rcing this Security Instrument. Thos� conditi�ns �.re tha� <br /> Borro�ver: �a�pays Lender alt sums v�hich then v�o�ld�e due under�th�s 5ecurity Instrumen�an��he N�te <br /> as if na acceleration had ac�urred; �b} cures any defau�t af any��her cavenants ar agreements; ��}p�ys a�� <br /> exp�nses incurred in enforcing this Security In�trum�n�, in�ludin�,but nat limited t�,reasonabl�att�rney�' <br /> fe�s,property in�pectran and valuation fees, and oth�r fees in�urred for the purpos� of pratectin�L�nder�s <br /> interest in the Praper��and righ�s und�r thi�� Security Instrument; and�d}takes such a�tion �Lender may <br /> r�a��r�ably requir�to as�ure tha�Lender's in��res�in the Froperty and rights under�his�ecuri�y Instrument, <br /> anc� Borrov�er'� abiigatian t� pay the sum� se�ur�d by this Se�urit� �ns�rument, sha�� con�inue unchang�d. <br /> Lender may require �hat Borrov��r pay �u�h �-einsta�ement sum� and e�pen�es in Qne ar m�re of the <br /> foll��ring f�rms, as selected by Lender: +;a� �ash; �b} mon�y order; �c� certifi�d �h�ck, bank checl�, <br /> treasur�r's check ar cashier's cheGk, pr�vided any su�h checl� i� dra�vn up�n an ins�itution vvhose deposit� <br /> NEBRASKA--Singl�Fami�y--Fannie MaelFreddie Ilrlac UIVIF�RM iNSTRUIWENT�IrAERS) Farm 302� 'll�'I <br /> MER�Qeed af Trust-hIE <br /> �O��A-NE�D81�3} Pag�9 af 1� <br />