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��14�4��� <br /> D�C ID #: ********1901�7014 <br /> In th�e��nt of a�artia��a�ing,destructian,ur loss rn�alu�af the Frapert,�in whi�h the fa�r market Walu�of <br /> the Praperty �mmediate�y before�he partia� taking} des�ruc�i�n, ar l�ss in va�u� is les�than the am�un� of <br /> the sums secured imrnediatel� �aefar�the p�rtial tak�ng, deStruction, �r 1Qss in va�ue, unles� Barrav�er and <br /> Lender oth�rwise agree in vvriting,th�Misc�llarie�us pra��eds sha11 be appli�d to the sums secured by this <br /> S�cur�ty Instrument�vhether or not the�ums ar�then due. <br /> If th�Property is aband�ned by B�rr��er,�r if,after no�ice by Lender to�orr�wer�hat the�ppo�Yng Party <br /> �as defined in the r�ext sentence} offers to rr�ak� an a�vard ta se�tl� a�lairn far d�.mages, BQrrQwer fai�s to <br /> respond t� Lender ►within 34 days after �h� date the notic� is g��en, Lender is authorized ta c�Ilect and <br /> apply the Miscel�an��us Pr�ce�ds either ta restQratian or repair of�h� Pr�p�rty or�a th� sums secured�y <br /> this �eeurit� Instrumen�, whether �r n�t then tiue. "�pposing Party" means �he third pai-t� th�.t ov�r�s <br /> B�rrower IVliscellaneous Proceeds or the p�rty against �h�rn Barrower has a right of actian in regard to <br /> Miscel�aneous Proc�ed�. <br /> �orrQwer sh�l1 be in de�ault if any a�tian�r�roc�eding,wh��ther ciwil or crim inal,zs b��un that,1I7 L�11C�E�''� <br /> judgrnent, could result in for�eiture of the Prapert�or�ther material irnpairmen�of Lender's inter�s�in the <br /> Property or rights under�hi� �ecurit� instrum�nt. Barr4�v�r can cure su�h a default and,if acee��rati�n has <br /> accurr��i, r�instate as pra�ided in Sec�inn ��, by causing the acti�n or pr�c�eding to be disrnissed �ith a <br /> rulin� �hat, xn Lender's judgment, precludes farfeiture of the Property �r other mat�rial impairrnent of <br /> Lender's int�rest in th� Propert� or rights und�r this Security Ins�rum�nt. The proc��ds af an� award �r <br /> claim �or darnag�s that are attr��u�ab�e ta the impairment af L�nder's inter�st in th� propert}� are h�reby <br /> �sszgned and shall��paid to Lend�r. <br /> A�1 Misce�laneaus Prace�ds that ar�n�t ap�flied�o res�oration or repair of th� Fraperty sha11 be a�p��ed�n <br /> th�ord�r pro�id�d for in S�ction�. <br /> 12. Bvrrower Nat Re��aSed; Forbearanc� .�� Lender 1Vot a �aiver. Exten�i�n af the time for paym�nt or <br /> modificati�n �f arnorti�ation of �he sums s�cured by �his 5�curxty �ns�rument granted b� L�nder to <br /> Borrawer or any Suc�essar in Inter�st�f Br�rrower sha11 no� ��erate t�relea�e the liabilit� af Barr�wer or <br /> an}� Succ�ssors in�n�ere�t�f Borrower. Lend�r shall n�t be requir�d t��ommence pr�cee�ings against an� <br /> Suc�ess�r in Interest af Barravver or�o refu�e ta e���nd��me f�r payment ar atherwise m��ify�.mortizat�on <br /> af the sums s�cured by this Se�urity�nstrument�y reason�f any d�mand rnade by the ariginal Borr�wer or <br /> any Su�c�ssars in Interes� Qf�3orrower. Any �orhearance b� L�nder 1n e�er�ising any right or r�rned� <br /> including,without l�rnitation, Lender's a�ce�itance of�a�m�nts from third persons,ent�ti�s ar Success�rs in <br /> In��rest of Sorrow�r�r in amounts less thar� the arnount the�due, shal�not�e a wai��r�f ar preciude the <br /> �xercis��f any right ar remedy. <br /> 13. Joint ant�S�veral Liabilit�; �o-signer�; S3�c�essor�and A�s�gns�ount�.Borro��r c��enan�s and agre�s <br /> that Barra�ver's obliga�ian� and l�abilit� sh��.l� b�jQint and sev�ral. Hawe�er, a.ny B�rrawer�vh� ca-sigfls <br /> this Secur�ty �nstrument �ut does nat exec�ute th� Note �a "co-sign�r"�: �a} is G�-S��I71I�� t�11S S�curity <br /> Instrument only t� m�r�gage, grant arid �arivey th� c�-signer's int�rest in �h� Property under the terms af <br /> this Security Insi.irument; �b� rs no� persc�nally ��liga�ed t� pa.� the sums s��ured by this S�curit� <br /> �nstrument; and (c� agrees that Lend�r an�. an� other �arro�er can agree ta e�tend, modify, forb�ar or <br /> make any a�c�amm��ations �ith r�gard to ��he �erms of this Security Instrurnent or th� Not� without the <br /> c�-signer's consent. <br /> �ubje�t t� th� provi�i�n� �f 5�ction �$, an� Success�r in In�erest �f Barrav��r who assume� B�rr�rnrer's <br /> �bl�gati�ns under this Security Instrument in wr�ting, and is apprav�d by Lender, sha11 obtain all of <br /> Borrawer's rights artd ben�fits under this �ecurity Znstrurnent. Barrow�r sha1� nat b� released fr�m <br /> Barravver's �blxgatl�ns and i�ability u�der t��is Securit� Instrum�n�un�ess Lender agrees ta such release in <br /> writing.Th�covenants and agreements af this Security Instrurnen�shall�and�ex��pt as pr�vided in Se��i�n <br /> �,�}and henefit th�su�cessors and a�signs of Lender. <br /> ��. Laan �harges. L�nder rnay charge Borrav��er fees for serWices �erfarmed in cor�ectior� with B�rrawer's <br /> d�fault, for �he purpo�e �f pratecting Lender'� int�rest �n �he Prop�rty and rights un�er this Security <br /> In�trum�n�,ine�uding,but not limited ta,attryrne�s'fees,property inspec�i�n and�alua�ian fees.In regard to <br /> any �ther fe��, t�e abs�nce �f�xpress auth�ri� in this Se�urity Instrum�nt ta �harge a s�aecif c fee to <br /> �arrower sha11 n�t be �ans�ru�d a� a pr�hi�i��on an th� �har�ing of such fee. Lender ma� nat Ghar�e f�es <br /> tha�ar�expressl�pr�hibited�y�his Securit�Instrument�r by Applicable Law. <br /> I f the Laan i s subj ect to a �av�r�vhteh �ets rn�.ximum �oan�harg�s,arid tha� lav�is fina�ly �nterpreted so that <br /> the inter�s� or other �oan charges col�ect��� �r t� be co�l�cted in �annecti�n vvith the Loan exceed the <br /> permitted lirnYts, then: �a} any such. loan c���.r�� shall be reduc�d by the amvunt nec�ssary t� r�duce the <br /> charge to the permitted lirni�; and�b�an� su�ns a�ready col�ected from B�rrow�r which�xceeded permitted <br /> lirnits wi 11 �e refund�d to Borrovver. Lend�r ma}� choase ta ma�e thi� refu�.d by reducing the principa�. <br /> av�r�d under the l��te ar b�r making a. dir�ct payrnent ta B�rrawer. �f a refund r�duces prin�ipal, �he <br /> NEBRASKA--S�ng�e Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNlFaRM INSTRUIIAENT�NlERS� Farm 3��8 �Il��i <br /> MERS Deed of Trust-NE <br /> �0�6A-NE�a8113} Page 8 af 1� <br />