<br /> Do� z� #: ********l�ola�ol�
<br /> are in�ured �y a fed�ral agency, �nstrum�ntality or entity; or �d� E��ctronic Funds Transf�r. Upan
<br /> r�instaternent by B�rrower, this 5e�urity Instrumetz� a.nd a]��igations secured hereby �ha�l r�ma�n fu�ly
<br /> effecti�e as if no ae�eleration had occurr�d. Ho�vever��his right t� reinstate shall n�t apply in the ca�� of
<br /> accelera�ian under Sec��an 1 S.
<br /> 24. Sal� of N�te; Chang� of Laan �er�ic�r; l��atice af�rievance. The N�te �r a partYal interest in the N���
<br /> �to�ether vtr�th this S��urit� Instrumerit� can be so�d one or mare times wx�hout priQr no�ice to Borr��ver. A
<br /> sale might result rn a chan�e Yn th� entity ��novvn as the "L�an SexviGer{'} that eo�leets PeriQdic l�ayrnents
<br /> due under the l�o�� and�h�s �ecurity �nstr�:ment and p�rform� a�her m�rtg�.ge loan servi�ing obligations
<br /> under�he Nate,this �ecur�t�Instrurnent, anr�Applicable Lav�. There alsa might be one�r more changes of
<br /> the L�an Servicer unre�ated�o a sale of the N4�e. If�h�re is a chang� of the Loan Servicer, Borrawer wzll
<br /> be glr�en written notice of the change�vhich wil� s�ate th�name and address af the nev�L�an Se1-�ricer,the
<br /> address to wh�ch pa�ments should be mad�and any�ther information RE�PA r�quires�n c�nnecti�n with
<br /> a notice�f transfer af serr�ic�ng. If�he No�e i� sold and�hereafter�he Loan is s�r�iced by a Loan 5ervicer
<br /> ��her than�he�ur�hase�-of the l�o�e,the m�r��a�� �nan serv��ing�bligations to Barrower wil� rernain wi�h
<br /> the Loan Servi�er ar be transferred ta a su�cassor Loan�ervzGer and are n�t as�umed�y the Note purchaser
<br /> unless��herwise provided by th�Note purcr�as�r.
<br /> Nei�her Borro�ver nor Lender may commen��, ��in, or be �ained �o any judicial ac�ion �as either an
<br /> indrvidua� �iti�ant ar the member of a class} that arises firom the o�h�r part�'s actians pursuant to this
<br /> Securit}r Instrument�r tha�alleges that�h���ther party has breached any provision of,or any dut�r ovved by
<br /> reasan of, this Secu.rity Instrumen�, untii su�h Borrow�r or Lend�r has n�tif ed�he other party �with such
<br /> notic� given in camplianc� with �h� requir��nents af 5ectian 15} �f such alle��d brea�h and afforde�i th�
<br /> �ther par�y here�o a reasonabl��eriod aft�r�;h�gx�ing�f such notice to tal�e correctiWe ac�ior�. �f Appli�ab��
<br /> Lav� provides a�ime p�riad which must elapse�ef�re ��rtain acti�n can be taken,that��me period wili b�
<br /> �eemed to b�rea�ona�le far purpvses of thi�paragraph. The n�tice af a��el�ra�iQn and apportuflity to cur�
<br /> given to B�rr�v�rer �ursu�.n� t� Sec�i�n 22 and the natice of acc�l�ration gi��n ta Borraw�r pursuan� t�
<br /> Sect��n 1 S �hall be d�em.�d ta sa�isfy th�nQti�e and opp�rtuni�ty ta tai��c�rrecti�e actian pro�ision�of�his
<br /> �ection�4.
<br /> ��� Ha�ardnus Substan��s. As used 111 this �ection 21: �a� "Hazard�us Suhstanc�s" are those substanc�s
<br /> defined a� �oxic or ha�ard�us substances, ��llutants, �r vvastes by Environmental La� and the follo►uving
<br /> suhstances: �asol7ne, keras�n�, o�her flarnmabl� �r toxic pef.r�leum produ�ts, toxi� p�sticides and
<br /> herbicYdes, v�la�Y�e sol�ents, materials cQntaining asbes��s or formaid�hyde, and radiaac�i�e materials; (b}
<br /> "En�ir�nrnental Lavv" means federa� law� �nd la�vs af the jurisdi�tion where the Pr�per�y zs Iocat�d tha�
<br /> relate to h�alth, saf�ty ar en�ir�nm�ntal pt�a�ection; �c} "En�iranm�n�.� �Ieanup" includ�s �.ny respons�
<br /> actian, remedia] actian, �r r�ma�rai actYon, a� de�ned in Environmental L.av�; arid �d� an "Er��ironmenta�
<br /> �ondi�ian"rneans�.condi�i�n that can cause,contri�au�e to,�r otherv�ise trigg�r an Enviranrnenta�Cleanup.
<br /> Barrovsr�r sha�l nat �ause or permit the p�-esence, use, d7sposal, s��rage, �r rel�ase af any Ha2ardous
<br /> Sub�tance�, or�hreat�n t�re�ease an� Ha�a��d�us �ubstances, on�r in the Propez-ty. B�rrow�r shall no�do,
<br /> nor a11o�v any�ne e�se t� do, anything affe�ting the Prap�rty �a� that i� �n vi�lation of an� Eri�rYr�nmental
<br /> Law, �b�vWhich �reates an En�rir�nm�rital��nd��i�n, or�c}which, due ta the presen�e,use, ar relea�� �f a
<br /> Hazard4us Subs�ance, creates a �onditian ��at ad�ersely af�ects the ��.1u� of the Pr�perty. The �receding
<br /> t�vo sent�n��s �hall not appi� t� th� pr���nc�, use, ar �t�rage on �he propert� �f smal� quantities of
<br /> Hazardous Substan�e� that are generally r�cogni�ed t� be appr�priate to normal residential uses and t�
<br /> rnaintenance gf the Prapet-�y�inc�uding,but�ot I�m��ed t�,ha�ardous subs�ances in consumer prvducts}.
<br /> Borrov�er shall pr�rnptly give L�nder �r�tt�n noti�e Qf�a� any i�vestiga��on, clazm, d�mand, la.wsuit or
<br /> �ther �.ctian �y any gov�rnmenta� �r regul�tory agenc� or pri�ate �a.z�y inv�l�ing the Prap�rty and an�
<br /> Ha�ardaus Substance or En�iranrnental Law �f �vhi�h B�rr�wer has actual knav�l��ige, �b} any
<br /> En�iranm�nt�.l Condition, including but n��limi�ed�o, any spil�ing, leaking, d�scharge,release�r threat af
<br /> re�ease �f an� Ha�ardous Substan�e, and �c� an� candition caused by the pre�er�ce, us� or re�eas� �f a
<br /> Ha�ardous Substanc�which adver�ely affe��;s th��a.lue of the Prapert-�r.:�f Borrov��r learns,ar�s n�tified by
<br /> any ga�errlmental �r re�ula�or� authority, �r any priva�e party, �hat any rerno�al ar other remed�ati�n �f
<br /> any Hazardous Subs�a.n�e affec�ing the Fro��r� is necessary, B�rr��ver shall �romptl� ta�� alI neces�ary
<br /> remedial ac�ians in a�c�rdanc� with Envirr�nmen�al Law. Nothin� h�rei�� shall Greate any obligatian on
<br /> Lend�r f�r an EnWir�nmen�al Cl�anup.
<br /> N�N-LJI�IF�RM CO�ENA�ITS. Borrovv�r and L�nd�r fi�rther covenari�and agree a�f�l��ws:
<br /> 22. A��e�eration� Remedi�5. Lender �hall �ive n�tic� ta Borrower p�ior to acceXerati�n f���vwing
<br /> Barr�wer's br�a�h �f a�y ca�enant or agreem�nt ir� this Security In�trumen� �bu� not pr�or to
<br /> acc��eratian u nder Sectivn 1 S unless Appli�able Law pra��des atherwYse}. The notice sha�� specify:
<br /> �a� the default� �b) the actxon r�quired to Gure t�e [�efau�t; ��) a dat�, n�# �e�s than �U da�s from th�
<br /> dat�the n�ti�e i� giv�n to B�rrower,by�hich ��e defaU�t mus�be cured� and �d}tha�fa�lure to cure
<br /> the defau�#on ar hef4re�����.��sp�cifi�d.��tla.�.������may r��uit�n a�cel�ra�ivn uf th�surns�ecur�d
<br /> NEBRASf�A--Single Family--Fannte IVIaelFred�lie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT�MERS� Form 3�28 '1109
<br /> IVlE RS De�d of Tru$t-N E
<br /> �O��A-IVE��8113} Pag���at 1�
<br />