<br /> D�� ID #: ********1901�7�1�
<br /> v��re due v�hen th� inSuranc� c�verage c��.s�d t� be Yn eff�ct. Lender v�ill accept, use and r�tain these
<br /> paym�nt� as a n�n-refundab�e loss res�r�e �n lieu of Mortgage Insuranc�. Such loss reser�e shai� be nan-
<br /> refundable, natwithstanding the fact that th� L�an �� u�timat�ly paid i� ful�, and Lender sha�I not �e
<br /> r�quir�d�o pa}� Barrov�er any 2nteres� �r�arnings Qn su�h loss reser�e. Lender can n4 l�n�er re�uire l�ss
<br /> reser��payments if Mortgage lnsuranc� Go��rage �in �he am�unt and far�h� period�hat Lender requ�res�
<br /> pr��ided by an in�urer sel�cted �}� L�nd�r a�a�n becom�s availab�e, is abtained, an�i Lend�r requir�s
<br /> separately design�.ted payrn�nts t�v�ard the�iremiurns far Mart�a�e Insurance. If Lend�r required Martgage
<br /> Insura�ce as � �anditi�n of making the Laan and Barr�wer was r�quir�d t� mak� separa�el� designated
<br /> p�yment� tflr�v�.rd the premiums for 1Vlartg�ge In�urance, Barrow�r �hal� pay the pr�mrurns required t�
<br /> ma�ntain Martgage Insuranc� in effec�, �r t� pr�v�de a nan-refundal��e 1�ss reserve, until Lend�r's
<br /> requir�men�f�r Mortgag��nsurance ends in ac�ordance with any writ�en agr��ment b�tween Borrow�r and
<br /> Lender pro�rid�ng for su�h ��rmination or until terminatian is reauired by Appl��ab�e Law. I�T�thing in thrs
<br /> Secti�n �Q affe�ts B�rrQwer's abligation to��ay interest at the r�.te provided in the Not�.
<br /> Mortgag� Insurance reimburses L�nder �Qr an}r en�i�y that pur�hase� the Note� fQr ce-�a�n losses it ma�
<br /> in�ur if Bvrrower does not r�pay�he Loan a�agreed.Borr��ver is nat�.par�y t�the Nlartgage Insurance.
<br /> Mortgage insurers eva�uate their total risk�n all such insuran�e in force fr�rn time ta time, and may �nter
<br /> into agreements w��h o�her parties that share or madif}��heir risl�,ar reduc�lo�s�s.These agre�ments ar��n
<br /> terms and c�r�d�tians �hat ar� satY�f�.ctory �c� th� mortgag� insurer and�h� ather par� �ar p�rties} �� th�se
<br /> agreements. These agreements may requir� the mortga.ge insurer to make payments u�tn� ariy source of
<br /> funds �hat �he martgage it�sur�r rna� have a�ailable �vWhi�h rnay includ� funds �b�ained fr�m Martgage
<br /> Ir�surance premiums�.
<br /> As a result af�hese agreernents, Lend�r,any pur�has�r�f the�To�e,anather insurer,any reinsur�r,any�ther
<br /> entit�,�r an� aff liat��fany of the for�gv�ng,may recer�e�dir�ctly ar indir�ctl��atn�unts that d�ri��frarn
<br /> �Qr migh� �e charact�r�z�d as� a port7an af Borr��ver's payments for M�rtgag� Insuran�e, in exchange for
<br /> �haring �r modifying the rnor�ga�� insurer's ri�k, or reducYn� 1a�ses. If su�h agreem�nt pravides that an
<br /> affi�iate of L�nd�r takes a share of the �nsurer's risk in ex�hang� far a �hare of the premYum� paid �� the
<br /> insurer,the arrangement is�ften�erm�d"�aptive r�insuran�e."Fur�her:
<br /> �a} Any such agreements�vil�not aff�c�the amounts that Bnrrower�as agreed to pay for Mortga�e
<br /> Insurance, �r any other �erms of t�►� L�an. Such agr��ments w�ll not increas� th� arnount
<br /> B�rr�wer will owe for M�rt�age In�urance,and th�y w�ll nat entitle B�rraw�r to any refund.
<br /> �b} Any such agreem�nts will not affect �the righ�� Borraw�r ha� - �f any - v�i#h respect to th�
<br /> Mortgage Insurance und�r the Harr�e�v�n�rs Prote�ti�n Ac� of �93S �r an� ��her �aw. Th�se
<br /> rights may �nclud� �he rYght to rec�i�.�e certain disc�osures, tu r�que�t and obtain can�ellation af
<br /> the Mar�gage Insurance, ta have t�a� Murtga�e Insurance ferminat�d automatically, andlar tu
<br /> r�ceive a refund of any Martgag� In�urance �rerniurns that wer� unearned at the tim� �f such
<br /> can�ellation or termtnati�n.
<br /> 11. A�sYgnm�nt of ll�iiscel�aneous Proce�d�; F"�rfeiture. A1� Misce�laneous Prac�eds are hereby assigned t�
<br /> and sha11 be pa�d�a Lender.
<br /> If the Praperty is dam�.ged, such Misee�la�e�us Pr�ce�ds shall be appli�d t� re�t�ratian ar repair af the
<br /> Property, if th� r�storatian or r�pair is econ�m�cally feasibl�ar�c�L�nd�r'� security i�no�lessened. During
<br /> su�h repair ar�d res�orat�on period, Lend�r �ha�� ha�re th� right to hald such Misc�llan�ous Proceeds until
<br /> L�nder has had�.n �pportunity to inspe�t su�h�rop�rty�to ensure the war�has b��n c�mpleted ta Lender'�
<br /> sa�isfac�ion, pr��ided that su�h inspe�t�on �ha�� be undertaken prornp�ly. L�nd�r may pay for the r�pairs
<br /> and restvrati�� in a single disbur��ment ar in a s�rfes �f progres� payments �.s the v��rk is campie�ed.
<br /> L�n�ess an agreement is mad� in �ritin� or Applica�ale Law requires in��res1� �� be paid �n su�h
<br /> M iscel�ane�u� Proc�eds, Lend�r shatl na� be required to pay Barrower any interest �r earnings on such
<br /> Misc�l�ane�us Prac��ds. If the restara��on a�repair�s not econ�mically feasible or Lender's s�curity would
<br /> be �essened, th� Misc�l�ane�us Proceeds shalZ be applied to�he sums �ecured b}�this S�curity �nstrument,
<br /> v�he�h�r or nat�h�n due, v�ri�h the excess, if any, paid�� Borrov�er. Such Misce�laneaus�roceec�s shal� b�
<br /> app�i�d in the order provid�d far in S�ction�,.
<br /> In the even�of a tatal tal�ing,destruc�i�na or lass in�alue af the Pr�per�y,t.he Miscel�aneous Pro�eeds�hali
<br /> b�applied t�th�sums secured by this S�curity Instrurnent�v�hether or nat then due,�vith the e�cess,if any,
<br /> paid to Borr��ver.
<br /> �n the e�r�nt of a partia�ta�ir��,d�struction,c�r Iass in Walue of the Property in v�hich the fair rnarl�et�alue of
<br /> the Property imm�diatel� before the par�ia� tal�ing, �iestructian, ar Ia�s in �ralue is equal �o or�r�ater than
<br /> th� amount of the sums seGured lay this �ecurity In�trum�nt imrnediately hefar� the partial takinga
<br /> d�structi�n, or lass in vaiue, unless Borravver and Lend�r�ther�ise agree in v�rit�ng,the sums secured hy
<br /> �his 5ecurity Instrument sha�l be reduced b� the amaunt af the Misceliane�us Proceeds mul�iplied by �he
<br /> fv�lov�ing fractY�n: �a� �he tatal amaunt c�f the �urns secured immediately bef�re th� partzal tal�ing,
<br /> destructi�n, Qr loss in value �ivYd�d by �b} the fair marke� �a�u� of the Pr�per�y immedi�.t��� bef�r� the
<br /> par�ial tal�ing,destruc�ion,�r loss in valu�.�ny�alanc�shal!�e paid ta Borrov�rer.
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Fami[y--Fannie MaelFr�ddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT�MERS� Form 3�2� 'l10'i
<br /> MERS D�ed o�Trust-NE
<br /> �Oq�A-NE���1��} Page 7'�f��
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