<br /> Dac z� #: ********l��lo�ai4
<br /> �. �ccupancy. Barraw�r sha�l occup�, e��a�i�ish, an� use the Pr�p�rty a5 Borrower's principal r�s�dence
<br /> within �Q days after�he �xeeuti�n of this Securit� �nstrum�n�and shall �ontinue ta �ccupy th� Propert�as
<br /> Borra�ver's principal resYdence for a� least �ne year after the date �f oc�upancy, un�ess Lender ��hei-�vise
<br /> agrees in wri�xng, v�hich cans�nt shali n�t �e unreas�nab�� withheld, or�nl�ss ex�enuatirig circurnstances
<br /> �xist�hi�h ar�}�e�and Borrawer's contro�.
<br /> ?. Freservatian, Maintenan�e an� Prat�cti�n �f th� Pr�perty; �nsp�cf�on�. B�rrow�r sha�l r�Qt d�stro�,
<br /> damage or�m�air the Prap�r�,allav�r�he Pr�aperty to d�t�r�arat�or comm xt waste on the Property. �h�ther
<br /> ar not garraw�r is resid�ng in the �roper�y, �orrawer shall main�ain �he FrQp�rty in ord�r to pr�Wen� �he
<br /> Proper� fram deteriorating or decr�asing �n vaiue due t� its ��nditi�n.Unless it is determined pursuant t�
<br /> S�c�ian 5 that rep�.ir ar restoration is n�� economically feasible, Borrav�er shail pramptly repair th�
<br /> Proper� if damag�d ta a�oid further deteriora.tian ar damage. Xf insuran�� �r condemnation praceeds are
<br /> paid in conn�ction v�i�h damage to, or �he taking �f, the Pr��erty, Borr��r�r shall be res��nsi�l� f�r
<br /> repairing or restQring �he Propert� only if Lender has r�leased proce�ds for such purposes. Lender rna�
<br /> dis�urse prace�d� far�he r�pairs and restoration in a sin�ie payment or in a series Qf pragress�ayments as
<br /> the vvork i�comp�et�d. If the insuran�e or condemnati�n pro�eeds are no�suffi��ent ta repair or rest�r�th�
<br /> Prop�rty,Barr�v�er is n�t relie�red�f Borr���r�r's�b�igati�n for the campletion of such repa�r ar restaration.
<br /> Lender�r its agent may mak�reasanable entrie�up�n and in�pections of th�Property. I�i�has reasanable
<br /> �ause, L�nc�er may inspect the interiar of t�te xrnprovement� �n th� Prap�r�.y. Lender sha1l gi�e Borro�er
<br /> n�ti�e�.��he time of or pr�or to such an interior inspe�tion s�ecif�ing such reas�nable cause.
<br /> S. Borrower's Loan App�ic�tian. Barrovv�r shall be in defaulti if, durin� th� Laan applicat�an process,
<br /> Borror�ver or any pers�ns ar entit�es ac��ng at the dir�Gtian of Barra�ver ar �vith Borro�ver's know�edge ar
<br /> cansent �a�� rna�er2a11y fa�se, rnis�eading, ��r inac�urate infQrmation ar statem�nts to Lender �or failed to
<br /> prar�i�e Lender with material inf�rmati�n} xn c�nn��tian wi�h th� L�an. Maf�ria� re-�resentati�ris in�Iude,
<br /> but are n�t lirnit�d t�, repres�n�ations concerning B�rrov�rer's occupanc� of the Fraperty a� B�rrav�er's
<br /> �rin�ipal r�s�d�nce.
<br /> �. Prote�tion af Lender's lnt�rest in the P�ap�rty and Ri�hts Under this Se�urity In�trument. If�a�
<br /> Borr��v�r fails to perf�rm the covenants and agreernent�cantained in this�ecurity Instrument,(b}there is a
<br /> �ega� proceeding that might significantly a�fe�t Lender's interest xn the Frop�rty andl�r rx�hts under this
<br /> Securit}� I�strument �such a� a pra�eed�ng Yn bankrupt�y, probate, for cand�mnati�n or f�rfeiture, far
<br /> enf�rcement �� a lien vtirhi�h may attain �riority �ver this SeGurity �nstrurnent or to enforce �av�s �r
<br /> r�gula�ions�, �r ��� Barrov�er has aband�n�d the Pr��ert}r, �hen L�nder may do and pay f�r whate�rer is
<br /> reasonable �r ap�rapriate to �rotect L�nc��r's �nter�st �n the Pro��rty and rights under this �ecurity
<br /> Instrum�nt, �nc�uding protecting andlar ass�ssing �he value �f the Pr�perty, and securing ancUor reparring
<br /> �he .Frapert}�. Lender's a�tion� cari includ�, but ar� nat lim�t�d to: �a} paying any surns secured b� a Iien
<br /> v�hich has �rzarity aW�r this S�curity �nstrumen�; �b} appearing in court; and �c� pa�ing reas�nable
<br /> a�torneys' fe�s ta pr�tec�tts interest in�he Praper�y aridlor rights uncier this Secur��t}� Instr�ment, in�luding
<br /> its secured pasiti�n in �. �anl�ruptcy proc�eding. Securing the Frapert}� includes, but is n�t limited t�,
<br /> en�ering the Pr�perty to mak� repairs, chan�e l�ck�, re��ace or board up d��rs and �vindows, drain wat�r
<br /> fr�rn pipe�,e��mina��building ar other cade viol�.ti�ns�r dan�erou�candi�ion�,and ha�e u�ili��e�turn�d on
<br /> or �ff. Alth�ugh Lend�r may take action u�der �h�s Section �, Lender does not have t� da sa and �s nat
<br /> und�r an� dut}� �r obliga�i�n to do sa. I� is agr�ed that Lender in�urs no liabi�ity �or not taking a�y �r all
<br /> ac��ons auth�ri2��under this �ect�on�.
<br /> Any arnoun�s dis�ursed by L�nd�r under th�s Sectian 9 �hal� �aeGarn� additianal deb�of Borru�v�r s�cured
<br /> b}� th�s Security Ins�rument. The�e ama�nts sha�� bear int�res� at the Nate ra�te from fh� date of
<br /> disbursemen� and shall be pa�ab�e, with s��ch ir�ferest, upon n�tice fr�m Lender to B4rrov�er re�uesting
<br /> paym�n�.
<br /> If this Securi�y �nstru.ment is on�. leasehald, Borr�wer sha�l cornp�y w��h al�the pr��rsY�n�af the Ieas�. I�
<br /> Borrawer acqu�res f�e ti��e t� th� Fr�perty, the leasehald and �he fee titl� sha�� not rnerge unle�s L�nd�r
<br /> agrees to�he merger in�vriting.
<br /> 1�. Mortgage Insurance. IfLend�r required M�r�gage Insurance as a conditian�f ma.�ing the Lo�.n,Borro�rer
<br /> shall pay th� premiums re�uir�d ta maintain the M�rtgage In�urance in effect. If, far any reason, the
<br /> M�rtgage Insu�ance c�ver�.ge required �y Lend�r �eases to be a�aila�Ie frQrn �h� m�r�gage in�urer that
<br /> previaus�y praWided such insurance and B��rro�v�r was r��uir��l t� make separat�ly d�s�gnate� pa�m�nfis
<br /> �oward the pr�miums for Mortgage Insur.�nc�, Borraw�r shall pay th� premiums requir�d to o�tain
<br /> caverag� substan�ialiy equivalent ta �he M�r�ga�e Insurance pre�riausly in �ffect, at a c�st substantial�y
<br /> eyuivalen� to �he cost ta Borraw�r af the Martgage Ynsurance previousl� in ef��ct, frarn an alternate
<br /> mortgage insurer selected by Lender. �f �ubs�an�Yall}� equivalent Mortgage Insurance co�rera�� �s n�t
<br /> a�ailable, B�rr�wer shall c�nt�nue�o pay t4 Lerider�h�am�unt o�th�separately designat�d paym�nts that
<br /> N�BR►4S1{A--Single Family--F�nni�MaelFreddie M�c l�N[F�RM INSTRUNfENT�MERS� F�rm 3Q�8 '�I��I
<br /> MERS❑�ed Q�Trust-NE
<br /> ���SA-NE��8113} Page�of��
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